- Additional subsidies;perquisite;extra subsidy;fringe benefits

The Securities and Exchange Commission considers security at an executive 's residence or during personal travel a perquisite that should be disclosed if the value reaches a certain threshold .
Renesola expects to gain additional subsidies from the provincial government ; approval from central authorities is pending .
Also high on the list of considerations are benefits and perks .
What perks does this job give you ?
It eliminated guaranteed perks and bonuses .
But we don 't have many perks so we can 't cut them out .
A number of companies use nontraditional benefits and perks to help employees cope with stress .
Addressed an issue where the incorrect perks would appear when spectating another player under certain circumstances .
Most local governments provide additional subsidies , especially for serious illness , but patients usually end up with substantial bills .
What complicates matters is the increasing use of bonuses , perks and incentives by employers to recruit and retain employees .
And it is important to ask , not all perks will be offered to all employees nor will they be mentioned during an interview .
Some companies even offer a few options that I wasn 't aware of on the list including bringing your pet to work , concierge services and take home meals .
That is partly because the really lavish perks of the dotcom boom concierges , masseuses and elaborate break rooms vanished in the early 2000s and have never really returned .
On transactions that go through Alipay , a very popular payment service in China that is built into the Kuaidi app , the company will add an additional $ 1 .
The associated press calculates total pay based on salary , bonuses , incentives , perquisites , above-market returns on deferred compensation and the value of stock options and other awards granted during the year .
Liu Ming ( pseudonym ) , a salesman working for a Baidu Promotions agency , told The Beijing News that in order to meet sales goals , some agencies give salespeople 80 percent of promotion fees as perks .
there will be extra perks in 21 new designated enterprise zones ( see article ) . The chancellor also set aside ? ? 275m to help improve the skills of young workers , by funding 80000 work-experience placements , 50000 new apprenticeships and extra investment in technical colleges .
So she could get an extra month 's allowance .
Staff are paid extra for working antisocial hours .
These are the perquisites designed to lure the brightest university graduates away from their ivory towers .
The company is willing to pay a premium in order to get the right person for the job .
Even in non-monopoly areas , SOEs can gain high profit , high growth and high salary though beneficial industrial policies enacted by government .
As an indication of the importance that the Chinese government attaches to the issue , in 2012 it began offering subsidies for foreign filings in addition to those it offers for domestic filings .
Although the idea that receiving cash while driving your own car seems crazy , it is an excellent way to earn extra money for your gas tank or an extra income if you need it .
Regulation of the nuclear power industry is seen as a principal-agent problem here under the incomplete information . Through the establishment of the game model , this paper designs a contract to improve the safe operations level and the environment protection effort of the nuclear power enterprises .