
  • 网络political mechanism
  1. 1949年以后,在政治机制的强大作用下,北京迅速发展成为集多功能于一体的社会主义现代化城市。

    After 1949 , the political mechanism made Beijing developed quickly tor .

  2. 公共经济法的具体调整对象包括:(1)公共经济部门基于政治机制而发生的财产流转关系;

    The concrete regulating objects of public economic law includes : ( 1 ) property-moving relationship based on political mechanism of public sector ;

  3. 城市发展的动力机制是决定20世纪北京、上海城市发展道路与发展方向的核心力量。政治机制是古代中国城市发展的核心机制。

    Dynamical mechanism was the essential force that decided Beijing and Shanghai 's development .

  4. 实现和谐社会的政治机制

    The Politics Mechanism to Realize Harmonious Society

  5. 任何国家要实现社会的和谐,都必须具备一套完善的政治机制,而这个政治机制的构成则取决于各国的具体国情。

    Every country must have a system of perfect politics mechanism for the sake of social harmony .

  6. 公司治理、公司政治机制及股东、董事、经理之间的权力配置

    Corporate Governance , Corporate Political System and the Assignment of Power among Shareholders , Directors and Managers

  7. 更重要的是,这项法令将创制、复决和罢免诸权作为城市政治机制的组成部分。

    It incorporated the initiative , referendum , and recall as part of the machinery of city politics .

  8. 在此种背景下,急需相关的政治机制来发挥有效的调节和规范作用。

    In such a context , it needs the relevant political mechanisms to play an effective role in the regulation and norms urgently .

  9. 1840年以后,外力楔入使经济机制成为政治机制以外决定中国城市发展的另一重要动力机制。但是,在不同历史时期的北京、上海,这两种动力机制的作用不同。

    Since 1840 , foreign invasion made both political mechanism and economical mechanism the essential force that decided the Chinese cities ' development .

  10. 客观而言,美国的政治机制也需要更多的利益集团和跨国公司参与其中,围绕着大家的共同利益表达自身的诉求。

    Objectively , the American political system also needs more interest groups and multinational companies being involved , expressing their aspirations around the common interests .

  11. 文本的熟悉主要是由新闻写作格式、沿袭教育和刻意模仿、意识形态和价值标准、政治机制、宣传机制等因素影响。

    Text " familiarity " stems from news writing form , imitating type education and imitation , ideology and value standard , political mechanism , propaganda mechanism , etc.

  12. 选举发展是包括选举制度的改进、选举权利的扩展和逐步得到保障、选举中政治机制与政治功能不断完善等内容的历史过程。

    Electoral development is the historical process which includes innovation of electoral regulation , enlargement and gradual assurance of electoral rights , unceasing improvement of correlative political mechanisms and functions .

  13. 最后,作者主要从发展生态经济、推行循环经济,完善生态文明建设的政治机制,建设生态文化,搞好生态环境治理等方面深入分析了政府的职能。

    In the fifth part the author analyzed the government mainly from such fields as the development of ecological and recycling economy , the construction of ecological culture and political system , and environmental tackling so as to accelerate the development of building ecological civilization .

  14. 二是构建系统的利益表达和政治参与机制,合理地协调和整合社会利益;

    Two is constructing the system of benefits and political participation ;

  15. 政治运行机制与中国政治运行机制

    The Political Operational Mechanism and the Chinese Political Operational Mechanism

  16. 构建和谐社会进程中的政治稳定机制研究

    Study on Political Stability Mechanism in the Process of Harmonious Society Construction

  17. 其主要原因主要是政治协调机制即相邻行政区交界地带的政府合作治理机制不够完善。

    The main reason is that political coordination mechanism is not perfect .

  18. 政治动员机制是社会发展的前提。

    Political mobilization mechanism is a prerequisite of social development .

  19. 为此,研究高校思想政治教育机制的创新问题就迫在眉睫。

    Therefore , ideological and political education research innovation mechanism is urgent .

  20. 当代中国的政治稳定机制分析

    The Analysis of the Political Stability Mechanism of Present China

  21. 论确立思想政治教育机制的客观依据

    On the Objective Basis to Establish the Mechanism of Ideology and Political Education

  22. 双模手机及其发展前景分析论我国政治运行机制的双轨制

    Discussion on Double - mode Handset The Double - track Operration System of Politics

  23. 浅论构建高校贫困生思想政治教育机制

    On the construction of the mechanism of Ideological and Political Education on poorer universities shallowly

  24. 建立公民政治参与机制,唤起公民的政治参与热情;

    Establish the citizen political participating system ;

  25. 政治文化机制研究引论

    Introduction to the Mechanism of Political Culture

  26. 论我国社会转型期政治整合机制的变迁与调适

    On the Change and the Adaptation of Political Integration Mechanism in Chinese Social Transition Period

  27. 对社会主义政治制约机制的研究;

    Research on socialist political restricting mechanism ;

  28. 健全农民政治参与机制;

    Perfect farmer politics participation mechanism ;

  29. 论思想政治教育机制、原则和方法的辩证统一关系

    On the Dialectical and Unified Relationship among Ideological and Political Education Mechanism , Principles and Methods

  30. 加强辅导员队伍建设构建和谐的高校思想政治教育机制

    Constructing Harmonious Ideological and Political Education Mechanism in Universities of China by Enhancing the Team-Building of Counselors