
zhù tuī qì
  • booster;auxiliary booster;auxiliary boost;assistor
助推器[zhù tuī qì]
  1. 我们看到火箭助推器脱落后坠入大海。

    We saw the booster rockets disengage and fall into the sea .

  2. 同样,身体也要动起来,因为锻炼是著名的大脑助推器。

    And also get physically active , because exercise is a known brain booster .

  3. 之前的研究发现叶酸和-葫萝卜素都是大脑助推器,但是这项研究是第一次评估出维他命K对大脑的益处。

    Previous studies have found that both folate and beta-carotene are brain boosters , but this study is the first to evaluate the benefits vitamin K has on the brain .

  4. 采用MDO方法,可提高固体火箭助推器的设计质量,大大减少设计迭代次数,从而缩短设计周期。

    MDO method can improve design quality for solid rocket booster , and greatly reduce iterative times and shorten design period .

  5. 主引擎启动……二……一……零……助推器点火……奋进号航天飞机启动,NASA最后一个太空站太空舱将把了望窗拍摄到的太空镜像传送回来。

    two ... one ... zero ... booster ignition .... and of Shuttle Endeavour with NASA 's final space station crew compartment to bring the bay window view to our backyard .

  6. 基德是(球队)很好的助推器,他的助攻总数在NBA总榜上排名第二,他还是个更好的防守者——特别是他在新泽西的时候。

    As good as Kidd was a facilitator , he sits second in the NBA in all-time assists , he might have been an even better defender - especially during his time in New Jersey .

  7. 沃尔沃XC60的是三个唯一的模式,以提供可选的后方综合儿童助推器席位。

    The Volvo XC60 is the only model of the three to offer optional rear integrated child booster seats .

  8. 美国国家航空航天局(NASA),在周四即将使用美国私营公司最大的助推器(德而它斯重型火箭发动机),将把“猎户号深空探测器”太空舱发送距离地球3600英里处。

    NASA , for example , is using the biggest booster in the U.S. fleet , a Delta 4 Heavy , to shoot its Orion deep-space capsule as far as 3600 miles from Earth during a test flight scheduled for Thursday .

  9. C801导弹的助推器和续航发动机均采用固体火箭发动机,大大提高了其战斗性能。

    The performance of C801 missile is greatly improved by using sol-id rocket motor both in its booster and sustainer .

  10. 虽然新的Starhopper技术可以将工艺品发射到亚轨道空间,但SpaceX正在依靠其巨大的助推器SuperHeavy,以便将太空船推向月球和火星,至少在理论上是如此。

    While the new Starhopper technology can launch crafts into suborbital space , to get all the way to the stars , SpaceX is counting on its massive booster , the Super Heavy , to propel its spaceship to the moon and Mars , at least in theory .

  11. 该文利用二维可压缩雷诺平均Navierstokes方程,采用kε湍流模式,运用半离散有限体积法,对捆绑火箭助推器和芯级之间的激波边界层干扰进行了二维数值模拟。

    A two-dimensional compressible Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes solver with a k - ε turbulence model is applied to analyze the flow character of the shock / boundary-layer interaction between the rocket and the booster . A semi-discrete finite volume method on a structured mesh grid is used .

  12. SpaceX公司想回收一级火箭助推器的原因很简单:推进器的研发和制造过程都耗费了巨资,燃料用尽后,它们就会被当做垃圾丢弃。

    SpaceX wanted to bring its first stage booster back to Earth for a simple reason : the rocket boosters that are typically jettisoned after their fuel runs out cost millions of dollars to develop and manufacture .

  13. 请留意SpaceX公司创始人埃隆o穆斯克说的这句话。1月初,该公司一枚一级火箭助推器拖着熊熊烈焰,坠落在大西洋的一个钻井平台上,他随后发表了一番“行动总结”。

    Behold the words of SpaceX founder Elon Musk , offering a post-op summary of the fiery crash-landing of one of his company 's first stage rocket boosters aboard a floating barge in the Atlantic earlier this month .

  14. 本文介绍CK-1M无人机是缩比为1/5的模拟无人机,安装在发射装置的短轨上,采用双发助推器进行发射起飞。

    This paper is to introduce a 1 / 5 scale model plane of a pilotless aircraft for simulation with a CK-1M mounted on the launching apparatus in combination with twin boosters for projecting take-off .

  15. 讽刺的是,很多人认为杏种可以并曾用于治疗癌症,因为杏种中含有高浓度的维他命B17——免疫系统的助推器。

    Ironically , many believe that apricot seeds can and have been used to cure cancer . This is because the seeds have high levels of vitamin B17 , which is an immune system booster .

  16. 第三方支付是电子商务的助推器

    The Third Party Payment is the Auxiliary Booster of Electronic Commerce

  17. 火箭助推器从芯级飞行器动态分离过程的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation the Process of the Rocket Booster Separating form Spaceship

  18. 知识产权制度是科技创新的助推器

    The intellectual property system is the booster of science technology innovation

  19. 是发展学生良好个性的助推器;

    It is the facilitator to develop student 's good personality ;

  20. 新型助推器能使有效负载增加120%。

    New booster can increase the pay load by 120 % .

  21. 论个人道德是社会主义市场经济发展的助推器

    On Personal Morality Being the Booster of Socialist Market Economy Development

  22. 远程开放教育:农村人力资源开发的助推器

    Distance and Open Education : Booster for Rural Manpower Resources Development

  23. 固体火箭助推器内弹道同步性仿真计算

    Simulated calculation of the interior ballistics synchronism of solid boosting rockets

  24. 体育已经成为在所有领域的进步的助推器。

    Sport has become a booster of progress in all fields .

  25. 外国对华直接投资&中国经济发展的助推器

    Foreign Direct Investment in China ── A Vital Role in Economy

  26. 舆论监督:构建和谐社会的助推器

    Supervision of Public Opinions : a Booster in Creating a Harmonious Society

  27. 名牌:区域经济发展助推器

    Famous - brand , the Booster for Regional Economy Development

  28. 民营经济:西部经济发展的助推器

    Private Enterprises : the Propeller of the Development of the West Economy

  29. 测量火药脉冲助推器冲量的实验方法研究

    A Study on the Experiment Method for Impulse of Powder-Pulse-Booster

  30. 公益营销:企业品牌助推器

    Commonweal Marketing : Roll Booster of the Enterprise 's Brand