
zhènɡ dǎnɡ zhì dù
  • political party system
  1. 加入WTO,不仅从经济上把我国带入一个崭新的发展阶段,也给我国政党制度建设带来了新的机遇和挑战。

    China 's accession to WTO has not only led us to a new stage of economic growth , but also brought about new opportunities and challenge for the construction of Chinese political party system .

  2. 面向世界的当代中国政党制度

    Towards the World : The Contemporary Chinese Political Party System

  3. 当代中国政党制度的创立和发展&从适应中国社会生态平衡的角度分析

    Establishment and development of contemporary China 's system of political party

  4. 伊朗政党制度与政治现代化

    The system of political parties of Iran and its political modernization

  5. 新的世纪我国的政党制度将如何发展?

    How will our political party develop in the new century ?

  6. 论美国总统选举人团制度与其政党制度的互塑

    On Mutual Influence of American Presidential Electoral College and Political Party System

  7. 我国政党制度安全:挑战及对策

    Security of Party System of China : Challenges and Countermeasures

  8. 政治文明建设与我国政党制度之间存在着紧密联系。

    Political civilization construction has tight relationship between China 's Party system .

  9. 中国政党制度的优化和完善

    The Optimization and Perfection of Political Party System in China

  10. 试析当代中国政党制度建设面临的考验

    An Analysis on Problems of China 's Political Party Construction

  11. 马来西亚现代化进程中的政治稳定:政党制度的视角

    Political Stability in Modernization in Malaysia : From Perspective of Party System

  12. 正确把握衡量我国政党制度的标准

    Properly Understand the Standard to Judge the Political Party System in China

  13. 当代中国政党制度建设的历程、成就及经验

    History , Achievements and Experience of Political Party System Construction in China

  14. 中国现代政党制度的发生学考察

    The Analysis of Chinese Modern Political Party 's System 's Generation Doctrine

  15. 因此,我们必须坚持这一政党制度。

    Therefore , we must adhere to the party system .

  16. 中国特色政党制度及其社会基础

    Chinese and Characteristic Party System and Its Social Foundation

  17. 当代中国政党制度的特点与优势

    The Features and Advantages of China 's Party System

  18. 论中国政党制度的历史选择

    The Historic Selection Of The Chinese Political Party System

  19. 论当代中国政党制度的特色与功能

    Some reflections on the characteristics and functions of the contemporary Chinese party system

  20. 中国政党制度具有自己的鲜明特征。

    Chinese political party system has its distinct character .

  21. 经济全球化与坚持和完善我国的政党制度

    Economic Globalization and Persistence & Perfection of the Political Party System in China

  22. 我国多党合作制度中的领导与被领导关系&对我国政党制度中几个基本关系探讨之一

    Leading-Subordinating Relationships in The Multi-Party Cooperation System in China

  23. 论政治文明建设中的政党制度建设

    On the Development of Party System in the Process of Constructing Political Civilization

  24. 试论社会主义现代化进程中的中国政党制度

    On the Political Party System of China In the Course of Socialism modernization

  25. 当代中国政党制度的建立

    Establishment of political party system in current China

  26. 对我国政党制度建设中党外人士安排工作的几点思考

    Thoughts on Arrangement of Non-Party Individuals in Establishment of Political Party System in China

  27. 六十年代以来美国政党制度的连续性与变化&《美国的政党和政治》译后

    Continuity and change of the U.S. party system

  28. 当代中国政党制度的结构功能分析

    The Structure - Function Analysis on the Political Party System in the Contemporary China

  29. 中国特色社会主义政党制度的创建、坚持和完善

    The Establishment , Maintaining and Perfection of the Party System with Chinese Socialist Characters

  30. 欧洲怀疑论在政党制度中的出现和发展。

    And the emergence and development of Europe doubts about the political party system .