- 名political organization

Study on Training and Choosing Political Cadres in Hospital
Straightening things out also includes restoring the functions , position and prestige of the political organs of the army .
Limits on the power of politicians and political institutions combined with independent monitoring and enforcement can be potent anti-corruption strategies .
County government is an important political organs at county level , and is the important key to the development of county-level economy .
Before this conference opened , I repeated that it should at least restore the functions , position and prestige of the political organs .
When the addressee is a serviceman , the service shall be effected via the political organ of the unit at the regimental rank or above where he works .
We have to take vigorous action to consolidate both the leading bodies and the political organs and rectify their style of work . society as an integrated whole .
The political organ system stipulates that a political department ( section ) shall be set up in a unit at or above the regiment level , and a general political department for the PLA ;
We have a long-standing tradition of placing officers ' affairs in the charge of the political departments . The leading comrades should assess and examine officers through the political departments ; that is the only procedure consistent with our organizational principles .
In reorganizing the leading bodies at these two levels , we should take particular care with the cadre sections of the political departments , selecting good comrades who are honest and upright , who resist undesirable practices and who dare to think and to speak their minds .
Organizationally , it is imperative gradually to fulfil all the requirements of a regular formation in the following respects & military and political organs , staff and working methods , a regular supply system , a medical service , etc.
After the reform and opening-up policy , the development of economy restricted by the drawback of state organs in the traditional political system , and the gradual establishment of market economic system called for the further requirement of our state organs .
He respected not only the political commissars but also the personnel of the political departments .
Calling a meeting is a political act in itself - Daniel Goleman ; political pressure ; a political machine ; political office ; political policy .