
shōu jí
  • collect;gather;assemble;compilation;trap;save;glean;marshal;collect gather
收集 [shōu jí]
  • [collect gather] 使聚集在一起

  • 收集稻种钱可实在不容易。--《梁生宝买稻种》

收集[shōu jí]
  1. 人们竟然日积月累地收集了这么多东西,真令人惊叹。

    It 's amazing how people collect so much stuff over the years

  2. 我收集贝壳和海边有趣的小玩意儿。

    I collect shells and interesting seaside items .

  3. 这些数据是通过多次研究收集得来的。

    These figures have been gleaned from a number of studies .

  4. 我好像已经收集了很多书。

    I seem to have accumulated a lot of books .

  5. 收集艺术品是他一生的工作。

    The art collection was his life 's work .

  6. 研究工作的第一步是收集资料。

    The first stage in research is data collection .

  7. 我们一直从各种渠道收集资料。

    We 've been collecting data from various sources .

  8. 大部分信息都是通过直接观察动物的行为收集到的。

    Most information was collected by direct observation of the animals ' behaviour .

  9. 收集材料的过程慢得让人难受。

    Collecting data is a painfully slow process .

  10. 我们在为请愿书收集签名。

    We 're collecting signatures for a petition .

  11. 这资料是从69个国家收集来的。

    This data was collected from 69 countries .

  12. 她收集维多利亚时代的初版小说。

    She collects first editions of Victorian novels .

  13. 这张唱片中收集了爵士乐与流行音乐两种风格相结合的精彩作品。

    The album was an exciting jazz-pop crossover .

  14. 大件物品将分开收集。

    Bulky items will be collected separately .

  15. 我把材料全都收集齐了,但还需要整理。

    I 've got all the information together but it still needs knocking into shape .

  16. 我收集了全套。

    I 've collected the complete set .

  17. 收集小昆虫时可以把它们装进广口瓶里。

    Small insects can be collected by shaking them into a jar

  18. 我收集了一些介绍各种放松技巧的卡带。

    I keep a stock of cassette tapes describing various relaxation techniques

  19. 科学家对即将收集到的信息仍满怀希望。

    Scientists remain upbeat about the information that will be gathered .

  20. 我们多收集一些这类的文章吧。

    Let 's have some more articles of this sort .

  21. 她期望我能开车去四处收集旧物用于教堂义卖。

    She expects me to drive round collecting jumble for the church .

  22. 我们将探索收集信息的不同方法。

    We will be exploring different approaches to gathering information .

  23. 警方收集到了大量关于该组织的有用信息。

    The police gained a great deal of useful information about the organization .

  24. 曼迪天生喜欢收集小玩意,只要是她看上的都会收藏起来。

    A born magpie , Mandy collects any object that catches her eye .

  25. 这项研究基于从2,100名女性那里收集来的资料。

    The study was based on data from 2,100 women

  26. 杰西卡翻阅了自己收集的大量演艺界的趣闻轶事资料。

    Jessica dipped into her store of theatrical anecdotes .

  27. 伊丽莎白一直在为完成学校的一份课题作业收集蜗牛。

    Elizabeth had been collecting snails for a school project

  28. 目前,我们正从各种渠道收集信息。

    At present we 're gleaning information from all sources

  29. 克里斯喜欢音乐,收集了大量的唱片和磁带。

    Chris likes music and has a large collection of albums and cassettes .

  30. 从无数次的采访中收集到了长达一万页的证据。

    10,000 pages of evidence were gleaned from hundreds and hundreds of interviews .