- 网络convergence properties

Generalization of Nonlinear ABS Algorithm and Its Convergence Properties
On some Convergence Properties of Alternate Quasi-Newton Method
This article has introduced topological space X 's property of sequencable convergence and proved that this property is quotient property .
A new Bundle proximal point algorithm
The Convergence Nature of PR Method
Block SOR Two-stage Iterative Methods For Solution of Linear Systems
Convergence Properties of Optimal Controls in LQ-Problem
The result of research shows : compared with the BP , IBP method has faster iteration speed and better convergence property ;
In this paper , we study the conditional weak convergence of random weighted U-processes of 2 order indexed by a class of functions and deduce the random weighting approximation of U-processes .
In this paper we discuss the convergence of the modified Broyden algorithms without exact line search .
On the basis of discussing maximum-entropy function , interval extension . and convergence , the interval maximum-entropy method for l_1 norm minimization problem is set up .
The convergence properties of the operators LNR
Define the limit of the sequece of complex fuzzy numbers , discuss the sign theorem boundedness thorem convergence and Cauchy ′ s criterion for convergence of the sequece of complex fuzzy numbers .
We discuss some strong convergence of the linear sums of independent random variables in a special abstract space-Hilbert space using the significant properties of subsection function and p-space . To some extent , it enriches the classical strong laws of larger numbers .
Discussed the convergence properties of pairwise NQD random sequences , extended the strong laws of large number in the independent case .
If the kernel function is positive definite , this paper has further proved that the DG method has the uniform superconvergence property under the Shishkin mesh .
Considering the algorithms for the nonlinearly constrained optimization problems , it focuses on researching the sequential quadratic programming ( SQP ) and trust region algorithm , which have a lot of successful results .
By the use of convergence property of sums of NA sequences , the o ( n ~ - 1 / 4 ) convergence rate of parametric part and the strong consistency of nonparametric part are proved . We also obtain the asymptotic normality of parametric part .
Studying the convergence property of finite stored BFGS algorithm , under condition of step size in search with lower bound , the global convergence of algorithm for general convex function is proved .
It is also proved that this element is superconvergent of order O ( h2 ) for the biharmonic equation by using a series of novel ideas and techniques . Moreover , the consistency error estimate is obtained on the anisotropic meshes .
Using the method analogous to quasi-Wilson element , we study the nonconforming finite element of five parameters narrow quadrilateral , and prove that this element has a special property , that is , consistency error is one order higher than that of interpolation error .
A new nonlinear conjugate type formula for solving unconstrained optimization problems is proposed , the corresponding method satisfies the sufficient descent condition in the condition of strong wolfe steplength rule and Powell 's restart criterion , furthermore , the method converges globally under some conditions .
An orthogonal algorithm of two & objective programming and its convergence
On Superconvergence Properties for Finite Element Approximations in One Dimensional Space
Convergence for Negatively Associated Sequences Negatively Associated Property of Multinomial Distribution
On convergent properties for states of non - homogeneous linear systems
Convergence Properties of the Weighted Sums of - mixing Random Sequences
A family of gradient projection algorithms and their convergence properties
A Convergence of the Section Sum in Stochastic Sequence Under Finite State
Parameter Estimation and its Convergence Properties of Generalize Gaussian Distribution