
  1. 通过上海股价周收盘指数的时变Hurst指数的实证分析,时变指数的引入比原来常数指数对于投资决策来说具有更好的指导作用。

    Week-index analysis of Shanghai Stock Market is taken as a real example . Varying-time Hurst index is of better guidance than constant Hurst index for investment strategies .

  2. 应用重标度极差分析法(R/S),对我国股票市场不同时间间隔的收盘指数进行实证分析,研究我国股票市场的标度特性。

    By using R / S analysis method , we empirically analyze Chinese stock market closing index with different time-windows and study the scale properties .

  3. 本论文对上证收盘指数进行了实例预测研究,证明本文所建立的模型和研究方法是实用而有效的。

    The thesis did a experiment on the ShangHai stock Index ( close index ) , proved that the model and research method is effective .

  4. 本文运用灰色神经网络对上证综指进行了预测研究,分别建立了股票指数的日收盘指数、周收盘指数和月收盘指数的预测模型。

    This paper use gray neural network to predict the Shanghai Composite Index , establish the grey neural network model of the daily close index , weekly close index and monthly close index .

  5. 中国股市没有反映中国经济的增长强势。我们运用经济计量学的方法建立中国股市季度收盘指数冲击模型,反映宏观经济、股市扩容、业绩成长、利率变动与股票指数间的数量关系。

    We apply economic metrology to establish quarter closing quotation index impact model of Chinese stock market , reflecting quantity relationship among micro economy , stock market diffusion , operation growth , interest change , and stock index .

  6. 计算MACD首先要选定移动平均线的初值,一般以起始日的收盘价作为指数平滑移动平均线(EMA)的初值。

    Firstly select initial value of moving average to calculate MACD ; we generally consider the close of beginning date as the initial value of EMA .

  7. 周五,收盘时的指数上升了60.93点(0.54%)。

    It closed Friday up60.93 points ( 0.54 % ) .

  8. 最后让我们关注下华尔街,收盘前道琼斯指数上涨25点。

    Wall Street , the Dow was up 25 points just before the close .

  9. 最后是华尔街消息,道琼斯工业平均指数上涨98点以13332点收盘,纳斯达克指数上涨37点。

    At last check on Wall Street , the Dow Jones Industrial Average was up 98 points at 13332 ; the NASDAQ was up 37 .

  10. 在分析家所称的“自动反应效应”周五收盘时SensexIndex指数轻微上涨。

    After what analysts called a ' knee-jerk reaction , " the market settled back with Mumbai 's Sensex Index ending Friday slightly up .

  11. 收盘前,道琼斯指数上涨了35点。

    Before the close , the Dow was up 35 points .

  12. 在收盘时,道琼斯指数上涨了3点。

    Before the closing bell , Dow was up three points .

  13. 华尔街截至收盘,道琼斯平均指数下跌18点。

    Wall Street approaching the close , the Dow down 18 .

  14. 在收盘前,道琼斯指数下跌93点,以15519点收盘。

    Before the closing bell , Dow was off 93 at 15519 .

  15. 在收盘前,道琼斯指数略有下降。

    Before the close , the Dow was down slightly .

  16. 在收盘前,道琼斯指数上涨43点截至14801点。

    Before the closing bell , Dow was up 43 at 14801 .

  17. 收盘前,道琼斯指数下降243个点,到达13103点;

    Before the close , Dow was down 243 points at 13103 ;

  18. 收盘前,道琼斯指数上涨66点以14964点收盘。

    Before the closing bell , Dow was up 66 at 14964 .

  19. 收盘前,道·琼斯指数跌到55%。

    Before closed daw Jones down 55 percent .

  20. 纳斯达克下跌3点以3603点收盘,标普指数下跌5点截至1656点。

    NASDAQ off 3 points at 3603 and S & P500 down 5 points at 1656 .

  21. 周三收盘时,上证指数创下2010年11月以来的新高,今夏以来的涨幅高达50%。

    It closed today at its highest level since November 2010 after gaining 50 % since the summer .

  22. 截至昨日收盘,上证综合指数今年迄今仍上涨逾4%。

    At yesterday 's close , Shanghai 's composite was still up more than 4 per cent for the year .

  23. 在纽约,尽管一些晚些买进的股票减少了他们的损失,但今天下午主要市场收盘时的交易指数仍旧很低。

    In new york , the leading market indexes ended trading lower this afternoon , although some late buying cut their losses .

  24. 在收盘时,道琼斯指数下降21点以15500点收盘;纳斯达克上涨10点;标普500指数上涨势微。

    Before the closing bell , Dow was off 21 at 15500 , NASDAQ up 10 , S & P 500 up slightly .

  25. 道琼斯平均工业指数首次冲到1500点收盘。道琼斯工业指数今天以下跌超过300点收盘。

    The Dow Jones industrial average closed above the five-thousand mark for the first time . The Dow Jones Industrials finished down more than 300 points today .

  26. 9月3日收盘后,道琼斯指数宣布,从9月18日起,百度等三只股票将进入其金砖四国50股指(BRIC50Index)。

    After the market close on 3 September , Dow Jones Indexes announced that , as of September 18 , Baidu would be one of three stocks promoted to its BRIC 50 Index .

  27. 本文选取2007年到2010年沪深两市上市公司股票日收盘数据和相应指数日收盘数据,基于行为资产定价模型进行实证研究。

    This study selects listed companies stock data and the corresponding index data from Shanghai stock exchange and Shenzhen stock exchange in 2007 to 2010 and does research , based on Behavior Asset Pricing Model .

  28. 受日元持续走低以及日本政府出台的整治经济的计划的刺激,继前一日华尔街股市以上涨收盘后,日经指数在周五收盘时,创了近2个月以来最大周升幅纪录。

    Japan 's Nikkei shares index on Friday posted its biggest weekly gain in almost two months following overnight gains on wall street , a falling yen and the release of a government blueprint to revamp the economy .