
shōu tiáo
  • receipt;receipt slip;recede
收条 [shōu tiáo]
  • [recede;receipt slip] 收据

收条[shōu tiáo]
  1. 我给她写了一张收钱的收条。

    I wrote her a receipt for the money .

  2. 收条请交来人带回。

    Please give the receipt to the bearer .

  3. 施拉德在收条上用首字母签了字,交给了酒吧招待。

    Schrader initialled the chit for the barman .

  4. 请把收条交给我,取鞋子。

    Then bring me your receipt and take your shoes here .

  5. 你可以想像,居然还有收条。

    There was even a receipt , if you can imagine .

  6. 我们拿到寄出包裹的收条了吗?

    Did we receive an acknowledgment for that package we sent ?

  7. 能给我行李的标记或收条吗?

    May I have tags or receipts for my luggage ?

  8. 你能填一下账单和信用卡收条吗?

    Would you please sign the bill and the credit card receipt ?

  9. 在试图校验安全收条时出现安全初始化错误。

    A security initialization error occurred while trying to verify secure receipt .

  10. 要知道,我们知道你那些收条。

    Why , we all know how much your receipts are worth .

  11. 你必须写个正式的收条回复这次邀请。

    You must write a formal acceptance to this invitation .

  12. 店员:好的,给我看一下您的收条好吗?

    Shop Assistant : Ok , could I see your receipt , please ?

  13. 检查仓库收条,并与仓库管理员合作,处理一切例行文件工作;

    Checks godown receipt and co-ordinates with all routine documentation with godown keepers .

  14. 尝试确认该安全收条时出现未知错误。

    An unknown error has occurred while attempting to verify this secure receipt .

  15. 他开出一张支票(收条)。

    He wrote out a check ( receipt ) .

  16. 为所有数字签名的邮件请求安全收条

    Request a secure receipt for all digitally signed messages

  17. 收条的散列值与原始邮件的散列值不吻合。

    Hash value in receipt does not match hash value in original message .

  18. 以挂号信方式寄出,收条交回。

    Send certified mail , return receipt requested .

  19. 无法在已发送邮件文件夹中找到原始邮件,也就无法校验安全收条。

    Can not find original message in sent items folder for verification of secure receipt .

  20. 支持收条处理和转换。

    Receipt can be handled and converted .

  21. 无法对安全收条进行解码。

    Can not decode secure receipt .

  22. 收条、货仓、法国人,这是徵兆。

    The receipt , the warehouse , that French guy ... those are clues . This is a sign .

  23. 关于对我方代表的电话盘问,我们愉快的告知货色的收条已经发明。

    With reference to our representative 's call , we are pleased to say that we have obtained the receipt for the goods .

  24. 一签完收条后,我们就会冲回家去拆包裹,而快递员则会奔向他的下一个目的地。

    And the minute the receipt is signed , we dash back to unpack , while the courier rushes to his next destination .

  25. 有没有留下写上她姓名的东西…收条、帐单、行李之类。

    Yeah , but did she leave anything behind , maybe with her last name on it , like a receipt , a bill ?

  26. 这使业务能够更加准确地报告和分析各种信息,比如发票、总帐和订单收条。

    This makes it easier for a business to accurately report and analyze information such as sales invoices , general ledger charges , and order receipts .

  27. 卖主毋须被要求出示该类开支之收条正本,买主应当自行查核已缴款之各项细节。

    The Vendor shall not be required to produce the original receipts in respect of such outgoings and the Purchaser is advised to check the details of payment of the outgoings by his own means .

  28. 您将我给您的收条寄到保险公司时必须将收据复制一份留着,万一关于您的账单有什么问题,您手里还有记录。

    Be sure to keep a copy of the receipt I give you when you send the original to the insurance company . Then , if there is any question about your bills , you will have a record .