
  • 网络Hong Kong Index;HKI
  1. 自从8月20日以来,香港恒生指数(HangSengIndex)已累计上涨38.5%。

    Since August 20 , the Hang Seng index has risen 38.5 per cent .

  2. 香港恒生指数(HangSeng)收于25701.13点,上涨0.6%,盘中一度触及25773.60点的历史高点。

    The Hang Seng in Hong Kong rose 0.6 per cent to 25,701.13 , after hitting an all-time high of 25, 773.60 points .

  3. 自该消息于8月中旬宣布以来,香港恒生指数(HangSengIndex)已累计上涨26.1%,抹去了信贷紧缩期间的跌幅。

    Since the announcement in the middle of August , Hong Kong 's Hang Seng index has climbed 26.1 per cent and erased losses suffered during the credit crunch .

  4. 最后本文还对香港恒生指数进行了实证分析,讨论了稳健VaR方法的可行性。

    Finally , the measurement of Robust VaR is applied to the Hong Kong Hang Seng index and the empirical analysis is carried out , discussing the feasibility of it .

  5. 香港恒生指数(HangSengindex)——包括香港蓝筹股和中国内地领先企业的红筹股——本月已上涨逾10%,今年1月以来累计上涨25%。

    Hong Kong 's Hang Seng index - comprisingHong Kong blue-chips as well as leading China " red " chips - has rallied by more than one-tenth this month , and returned one-quarter since January .

  6. 日经(Nikkei)指数上周四收盘时上涨2.1%,香港恒生指数也上扬了0.5%。

    The Nikkei index of Japanese stocks ended up 2.1 % on the day , while Hong Kong 's Hang Seng index gained 0.5 % .

  7. 同时,作为GARCH实证模型分析的辅助性研究,本文运用图表分析的方法,使用成熟资本市场&香港恒生指数直观的比较了股指期货上市后与现货市场长期波动关系。

    Meanwhile , as an associated research of the GARCH empirical model study , this paper , also compares the relations between stock-index futures and the long-term fluctuations in the spot market through schematic analysis .

  8. 在被问到如何看待今天的市场时,韦伯说,他相信,随着利率抬升、内地楼市泡沫破灭、银行坏账增加,到今年结束时香港恒生指数(HangSengIndex)将大幅走低。

    Asked about his take on the market today , Mr. Webb says he believes the Hang Seng Index will end the year ' significantly lower ' as interest rates rise , China 's property bubble deflates , and banks ' balance sheets see more bad loans .

  9. 据瑞士私人银行宝盛银行(juliusbaer)计算,香港恒生指数昨日收盘点位约为2009年上市公司收益的19倍,高于其长期均值一个标准差。

    The Hang Seng was yesterday trading at a multiple of about 19 times 2009 earnings , one standard deviation above its long-term average , according to Swiss private bank Julius Baer .

  10. 香港恒生指数(HSI)当天盘中一度创下18465.54的历史高位,反映出香港市场的旺盛人气。不过,该指数随后有所回落,收盘下跌0.31%。

    Reflecting the buoyant mood in Hong Kong , the territory 's benchmark Hang Seng Index reached an all-time high of 18, 465.54 during intra-day trade , although it later retreated and closed down 0.31 per cent .

  11. 有些公司既在A股上市,也在香港恒生指数(HangSeng)即H股上市。埃尔曼表示,购买H股更明智,因为香港市场流动性更强,因此H股价格往往更为低廉。

    Some companies are listed on both the A-share market and Hong Kong 's Hang Seng , the H-share market , and Ehrmann says it makes more sense to buy the H-share versions , which tend to be cheaper because the market is more liquid .

  12. 采用SV和A-SV模型对上证综合指数、深圳成份指数和香港恒生指数的日收益率进行拟合,并进行诊断检验,以找出能准确地描述中国股市波动性的模型。

    In this paper SV and A-SV models are used to fit daily returns of Shanghai Composite Index , Shenzhen Sub-component Index and Hang Seng Index , and diagnostic tests are carried out to identify which model is better .

  13. 香港恒生指数上升约0.3%。

    the Hang Seng in Hongkong is up about 0.30 % .

  14. 香港恒生指数收盘时上涨了超过4个百分点。

    Hong Kong 's Hang Seng closed more than 4 percent higher .

  15. 香港恒生指数下跌了接近5个点。

    Hong Kong 's Hang Seng fell almost five percent .

  16. 香港恒生指数期权市场的过度反应现象研究

    Overreaction in Hong Kong Hang Seng Index Option Market

  17. 香港恒生指数涨2.8%,收于22346.88点。

    The Hang Seng index closed 2.8 per cent higher at 22, 346.88 .

  18. 香港恒生指数同期下跌了9%。

    Over the same period , the Hang Seng fell 9 per cent .

  19. 香港恒生指数下跌2%。

    Hong Kong 's Hang Seng slid 2 percent .

  20. 香港恒生指数收市跌0.1%,报22714.96点。

    Meanwhile , the Hang Seng index closed down 0.1 per cent at 22, 714.96 .

  21. 香港恒生指数收盘下跌0.5%,收于20435.24点。

    In Hong Kong the Hang Seng index closed 0.5 per cent weaker at 20, 435.24 .

  22. 自外管局宣布此项计划以来,香港恒生指数已累计上涨26%。

    The benchmark Hang Seng Index has increased by 26 per cent since the safe announcement .

  23. 东京日经指数和香港恒生指数分别上涨大约百分之3。

    Both Tokyo 's Nikkei 225 Index and Hong Kong 's Hang Seng were up about three percent .

  24. 指数期货套期保值实证研究&以香港恒生指数期货为例

    The Experimental Research of Hedging through Stock Index Futures & The Example of Hong Kong Hang Seng Index Future

  25. 香港恒生指数下跌了3个百分点,日本日经指数下跌了超过2.5个百分点。

    Hong Kong 's Hang Seng index fell three percent , while Japan 's Nikkei lost more than two-and-a-half percent .

  26. 但是,东京日经指数下跌了百分之二,香港恒生指数也下挫百分之三。

    Tokyo 's Nikkei index lost two percent , and in Hong Kong the Hang Seng fell nearly three percent .

  27. 星期一,香港恒生指数暴跌了4%,日本日经指数也下跌了近4%。

    Hong Kong 's Hang Seng index tumbled four percent and Japan 's Nikei Index also fell nearly four percent .

  28. 香港恒生指数随内地股市走高,上涨0.9%,至21237.43点。

    The Hang Seng index in Hong Kong followed the mainland higher , advancing 0.9 per cent to 21, 237.43 .

  29. 香港恒生指数收盘升4%,至18888.59点,为去年9月以来的最高点。

    In Hong Kong , the Hang Seng index closed up 4 per cent to 18,888.59 , its highest close since September .

  30. 香港恒生指数下跌到四年来的最低点,中国股票下跌到两年来的最低点。

    Hong Kong 's Hang Seng index fell to a four-year low while China 's benchmark stocks dropped to a two-year low .