
chè lí
  • evacuate;withdrawal;leave;withdraw from;pull back
撤离 [chè lí]
  • [withdrawal;leave;evacuate] 撤出并离开(如军队同敌人脱离接触的行动)

  • 撤离危险地带

撤离[chè lí]
  1. 船员撤离难船时存在的问题及对策

    The Existent Problem and Methods When the Crew Withdraw from the Accident Ship

  2. 已经通过决议要求那个共和国撤离东部各省。

    Resolutions were passed calling for the Republic to withdraw from the eastern provinces .

  3. 事态发展到过于严峻时,大多数记者便撤离了这个地区。

    When things got too hot most journalists left the area .

  4. 他们强烈要求所有部队撤离。

    They are demanding that all troops should be withdrawn .

  5. 为躲避轰炸,孩子们都撤离了伦敦。

    Children were evacuated from London to escape the bombing .

  6. 他们正撤离时,叛军开始炮击。

    Just as they were leaving the rebels started shelling .

  7. 两个大国都把部队撤离了这个地区。

    Both powers withdrew their forces from the region .

  8. 由于炸弹的威胁,警方奉命将人撤离这栋大楼。

    Police had instructions to empty the building because of a bomb threat .

  9. 所有伤病人员都给撤离了。

    All the sick and wounded were evacuated .

  10. 自1951年以来,已有18,000人撤离了该地区。

    Since 1951 , 18,000 people have been evacuated from the area .

  11. 发现可疑包裹后,代表们撤离了这座楼。

    Delegates evacuated the building when a suspect package was found

  12. 他们迅速撤离机场。

    They moved out from the airport at a brisk clip

  13. 部队擅自撤离了,以表示他们对军营的不满。

    The troops went AWOL to express their complaints about the camp .

  14. 成千上万的人趁着局势稳定赶紧撤离。

    People are leaving in their thousands while the going is good .

  15. 他从蒙古撤军,并且撤离阿富汗。

    He pulled back forces from Mongolia , and he withdrew from Afghanistan .

  16. 撤离人员一抵达迪拜就径直被送往迪拜国际机场。

    On reaching Dubai the evacuees are taken straight to Dubai international airport .

  17. 英国和美国的战舰已准备好在必要时将本国公民撤离出去。

    British and American warships are standing by to evacuate their citizens if necessary

  18. 部队应该何时撤离的问题将由大家共同决定。

    The question of when the troops should leave would be decided by consensus .

  19. 大火正威胁着大约60户人家,居民已经从该地区撤离。

    The fire is threatening about sixty homes , and residents have evacuated the area

  20. 自从安全部队撤离后,他们实际上控制了该地区。

    They have had effective control of the area since the security forces left .

  21. 他声明危机一结束,所有外国军队都将撤离。

    He stated that all foreign forces would withdraw as soon as the crisis ended

  22. 官员命令居民撤离。

    Officials ordered the residents to evacuate .

  23. 他们希望这将驱使所有外国部队撤离该国。

    They hoped this would lead to the departure of all foreign forces from the country

  24. 黎明前3个小时富恩特斯下达了撤离营地的命令。

    Three hours before first light Fuentes gave orders for the evacuation of the camp .

  25. 在一次军事进攻失败之后,所有政府军和警察均从岛上撤离了。

    After a failed military offensive , all government troops and police were withdrawn from the island .

  26. 他想确保其他势力不会在他的军队撤离后进入这个地区。

    He would like an assurance that other forces will not move into the territory that his forces vacate

  27. 在预定交易就要结束的前一周,15家日本银行采取行动撤离。

    The week before the deal was supposed to close , fifteen Japanese banks made a move to pull out

  28. 一家公司正在给自己的员工发机票,万一需要就紧急撤离。

    One company is giving its employees airplane tickets in the event they need to make a hasty escape .

  29. 因为洪水泛滥,村民们被全部撤离。

    The villagers were evacuated because of flood .

  30. 居民们撤离了遭到水淹的村庄。

    The inhabitants were evacuated from the flooded village .