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chè tuì
  • retreat;withdraw;pull back;pull out
撤退 [chè tuì]
  • [withdraw;pull out;retreat] 从战场或冲突地方撤回,从阵地或占领区退出

  • 我们要么在那里保持大批兵力,要么就全部撤退

撤退[chè tuì]
  1. Letitgo.任它去,放下等到它需要撤退的时候,我们再把它从池子里放出去让它走。

    eg. When it is about to withdraw , then we let it go from the pool .

  2. 现在,有迹象表明卡扎菲军队即将对班加西发动进攻,ICRC决定他们别无选择,只能撤退。

    Now amid signs an attack on Benghazi is imminent , the ICRC has decided it has no choice but to withdraw .

  3. 部队因伤亡惨重被迫撤退。

    The army was forced to retreat after suffering heavy losses .

  4. 他命令手下撤退。

    He commanded his men to retreat .

  5. 部队全线撤退。

    The army was in full retreat .

  6. 科伯恩认为到了该紧急撤退的时候了。

    Cockburn decided it was time to beat a hasty retreat .

  7. 步兵团受到火力攻击时比利时人向后撤退。

    The Belgians fell back as the infantry came under fire .

  8. 人数突然处于劣势的法军被迫撤退。

    The French , suddenly outnumbered , were forced to retreat

  9. 普鲁士驻沙勒罗瓦的部队正在撤退。

    The Prussian garrison at Charleroi was falling back .

  10. 仅一天中就有1.2万人越过边境,这使得撤退计划全被打乱了。

    12,000 crossed the border in one day alone , throwing evacuation plans into disarray

  11. 根据联合国秘书长的要求,正在组织撤退。

    The evacuation is being organised at the request of the United Nations Secretary General .

  12. 士兵们正试图找回军队从该岛撤退时留下的武器。

    The men were trying to retrieve weapons left when the army abandoned the island .

  13. 撤退的士兵把汽油浇到住宅和商店上,并放火焚烧。

    Retreating soldiers were dousing homes and shops with petrol and setting them on fire .

  14. 部队遭到重创,从岛上撤退前损失了四分之一的兵力。

    The troops were severely mauled and lost a quarter of their strength before evacuating the island

  15. 警方快速撤退。

    The police retreated at a sprint

  16. 陆军最高司令部说如果对方撤退,他们的部队也要撤退。

    The army 's supreme command has said the army will withdraw , provided the other side does so also .

  17. 他们错失了进攻时机,只得撤退。

    They missed the opportunity to attack and had to retreat .

  18. 拿破仑的部队只得从莫斯科撤退。

    Napoleon 's troops had to retreat from Moscow .

  19. 士兵们全部从前线撤退。

    The soldiers were evacuated from the front .

  20. 我命令他们立即撤退。

    I bade them retreat at once .

  21. 军队井然有序地撤退。

    The troops retired in good order .

  22. 部队正在慢慢地撤退。

    The troops are being gradually withdrawn .

  23. 敌军全线撤退。

    The enemy is in full-scale retreat .

  24. 匪军撤退时,裹走了一些村民。

    The bandit army carried off some villagers when they pulled out .

  25. 敌人逼近这个城市时他们都已撤退了。

    They all evacuated when the enemy approached the city .

  26. 指挥员命令部队立即撤退。

    The commander ordered an immediate withdrawal of the troops .

  27. 当敌人发动新的攻势时,部队被迫撤退。

    The army was forced to give ground when the enemy started its new offensive .

  28. 如果封锁发生作用,他们可以体面地撤退。

    If the blockage worked , they could retreat with dignity .

  29. 他们知道什么时候进攻和什么时候撤退。

    They knew when to attack and when to retreat .

  30. 警方被迫进行战术撤退。

    The police were forced to make a tactical withdrawal .