
  1. 但这两部法律对劳动合同变更规定得都比较原则。

    But two laws are principled on the items of alterations in labor contract .

  2. 劳动合同变更内容,可由劳动合同双方商定。

    The content of the changes in the contract may be decided by both parties of the contract .

  3. 其中对该制度完善主要包括订立条件的完善,无固定期限劳动合同变更与解除制度的完善。

    Improve the system which included the improvement of conditions , no fixed term labor contract changes to improve the discharge system .

  4. 用户可自定义异动的明细类型。可包括异动申请、审批、工作交接及劳动合同变更或解除等。

    Users can customize the types of the changes in detail , ranging from changes application , examination and approval , work handover to labor contract alteration and termination .

  5. 理论界对劳动合同变更颇有争议,争议的焦点集中在用人单位是否具有单方变更权、单方变更权限方面。

    There are disputes on the alterations in theory and practice , the dispute focused on whether the employers have the right to unilaterally change , unilaterally change fields .

  6. 第三部分对无固定期限劳动合同的变更规则考察分析,看出我国目前的劳动合同变更相关规定还比较简单,不够灵活。

    The third part focuses on the modification of labor contract without a fixed term . The relevant provisions of the modification of labor contract are relatively simple and not flexible enough .

  7. 劳动合同的单方变更和非书面形式的变更没有得到法律的认可。

    Unilateral modification or modification of non-written form can not be guaranteed by the law .

  8. 在劳动合同的实际履行中,劳动合同变更是一种常见的现象。

    In the actual performance of the labor contract , changes in the contract is a common phenomenon .

  9. 职工作为国有企业改制的利益相关人,其与国有企业的劳动关系也必然通过劳动合同的继承、变更与解除等形式受到相应的影响。

    In this course , the labour relationship between the employees and the enterprises will be inevitably readjusted in the forms of labour contract inheritance , alter of the labour contract , termination of the labour contract and so on .

  10. 变更劳动合同需经双方协商同意,并办理劳动合同变更手续。

    Modification of a labour contract shall be implemented through consultation and agreement of the parts involved , procedures for the modification shall be undertaken .

  11. 劳动合同有效订立后尚未履行完毕前,有时需要通过劳动合同变更使劳动合同适应客观情况的变化。

    Sometimes the modification of labor contract is needed to adapt to the modification of objective conditions after we sign it but has not performed it .