
yáo gǔ
  • sistrum
摇鼓 [yáo gǔ]
  • [sistrum] 由带有很多金属棒或环的细金属骨架构成的、当摇动时发出丁当声的古埃及打击乐器

摇鼓[yáo gǔ]
  1. 于是,促进组织健康发展成为众多企业摇鼓呐喊的口号或宗旨。

    Therefore ," to promote the healthy development organization ," become one of the most important rattle cry slogans or missions of many enterprises .

  2. 摇,摇鼓,和滚动。

    Shake , rattle , and roll .

  3. 摇,摇鼓及世界各地推出自己的方式为你在这架运气和战略心爱的游戏高分!

    Shake , rattle and roll your way around the world as you rack up high scores in this beloved game of luck and strategy !