
  • 网络Rock show
  1. 既然我已经在北京了,为什么不给这场盛会一个大大的充满激情的拥抱呢?我知道充满激情的感受,一场摇滚演出绝对会让我头脑发热起来。

    Well I know how passion feels like ; I definitely get crazy headed the minute I step into a rock show .

  2. 伙计们今晚想看一场奇妙的摇滚演出吗?

    You guys wanna see an amazing rock and roll show tonight ?

  3. 像大多数伟大的音乐运动(比如,猫王在埃德•苏利文秀场,帕蒂•史密斯在CBGB摇滚俱乐部的演出)的诞生历程一样,Napster反抗惯例,大声扬言要颠覆既定规范。

    Like the birth of most great music movements Elvis on Ed Sullivan , Patti Smith at CBGB Napster was rebellious of convention , threatening to established norms , and , well , really loud .

  4. 这可以与摇滚乐队巡回演出所得收入媲美。

    This is rock-and-roll tour money .

  5. 他在“早起鸟儿”这个摇滚乐团已经演出好几个星期了。

    He had been playing in a rock and roll band called the Early Birds for a few weeks .

  6. 传单上说昨晚有个独立摇滚乐队要演出,但事实上他们只演奏了流行音乐。

    The leaflet said that an indie-rock band was going to play last night , but it turned out to be merely pop music .

  7. 埃尔顿和埃里克·克拉普顿在温布利举行的一场摇滚音乐会上联袂演出,征服了数千位听众。

    Elton teamed up with Eric Clapton to wow thousands at a Wembley rock concert

  8. 那个老牌摇滚乐队说巡回演出已经过时了。

    The aging rock group says that touring has become old hat .

  9. 这次,只有我、管弦乐队、合唱队还有摇滚乐队在舞台演出而已。

    It was just me with an orchestra , a choir and a band .

  10. 我在演出中弹奏电子琴,这让我结识了其他音乐家,大学毕业后,我在一家摇滚风格的乐队演出。

    Playing the keyboards in shows introduced me to other musicians , and when I got out of college , I played in a rock fusion band .

  11. 著名摇滚乐队林肯公园7月在中国开展了史无前例的体育场级别的国际摇滚巡回演出,并于周日在北京以一场激动人心的演唱会宣告结束

    Rock band Linkin Park undertook the first-ever stadium level international rock tour in China in July , ending in Beijing with an exciting concert on Sunday .

  12. 我的确是不大喜欢摇滚乐,但我并不反对这种音乐,实际上我居住在伦敦的时候,经常与朋友们一起去听摇滚乐演出,但是我现在不去了。

    I don 't really like Rock music , I have nothing against it , I used to go to Rock concerts with my friends in London , but I don 't go now , really .