
  • 网络Stories of Immortals;In Search of the Supernatural;deities
  1. 《搜神记》产生的思想文化背景

    The Ideological and Cultural Background of Searching Deities

  2. 《搜神记》完成体研究

    The Study on the Perfective Aspect in Sou Shen Ji

  3. 第二章探讨《搜神记》中死而复生故事产生的原因。

    Chapter two explores the reasons causing the reviving stories .

  4. 《搜神记》人称代词研究

    The Study of the Personal Pronouns in Sou Shen Ji

  5. 《搜神记》介词系统及其历史定位

    Preposition System and Historical Orientation of Sou Shen Ji

  6. 论中古志怪作品在民间故事类型学中的价值&以《搜神记》为中心

    The Value of Works about Sprites in the Medieval Times for the Typology of Folktale

  7. 《搜神记》提供重要的民间传说及了解当代文化发展的资料。

    Soushenji presents the important folklore and the key to understand the development of the culture of Chin Dynasty .

  8. 在《搜神记》中干宝不但用生动形象的鬼神故事表现当时的文化,并且也体现了其独特的宗教思想。

    In the book , Gan Bao not only reflected the culture but also reflected the particular religious thought .

  9. 但是对于《搜神记》之怪的研究,尤其是以死而复生为视角,仍然缺乏系统全面的研究。

    But the research on the " monstrosity " of Stories of Immortals still lacks the comprehensive and systemic research .

  10. 近二十年来,学术界关于《搜神记》的研究亦处于方兴未艾的阶段。

    In the recent twenty years , the research on Stories of Immortals in the academic field is in the ascendant .

  11. 第二方面,从文本入手,对《搜神记》的世情化倾向进行分类研究。

    Second , in this dissertation , sort research on the trend concerning worldly affairs in Sou Shen Ji has been performed .

  12. 《搜神记》的题材非常广泛,涉及到了汉末至魏晋社会生活多方面的内容,为研究这一时期的社会状况提供了宝贵的史料,具有重要的史料价值。

    The themes of " Sou Shen Ji " are very broad , it involves all aspects of social life from Late Han to Wei-Jin period .

  13. 本文探讨了东晋(280&350年)干宝所撰的《搜神记》的介词系统。

    This text inquiries into the preposition system in Sou Shen Ji by Gan Bao in the east Jin ( 280 AD & 350 AD ) .

  14. 从中可以看出《搜神记》的创作直接反映了当时的政治、经济、文化和社会生活。

    It can be seen that the creation of Sou Shen Ji directly reflects the political , economical , cultural and social life of that time .

  15. 《搜神记》作为魏晋南北朝时期志怪小说的代表,鲁迅先生曾说:二十卷本《搜神记》是一部半真半假的书籍。

    Stories of Immortals is the representative of the ghost novels in the Wei-Jin-South-North period . Lu Xun said that the twenty-volum Stories of Immortals was half-genuine and half-sham .

  16. 分析干宝的思想,以及他所处的时代的政治和宗教等因素,对干宝创作《搜神记》的直接影响和间接因素。

    The thought of Gan Bao and the direct and indirect influences of political and religion of his period towards the creation of Sou Shen Ji has been analyzed .

  17. 处在史学与文学的边缘,是《搜神记》和《世说新语》共同的文体特征,但二者在结构篇幅、情节安排、语言风格等方面也有不同。

    The integration of history and literature is their common cultural identity , and both of them differ in their structure , plot , style , and so on .

  18. 第三章进一步研究《搜神记》中死而复生的价值。包括民族心理观念价值、文学价值、审美价值、传播价值以及民俗价值五大价值。

    Chapter three further researches on the value of reviving in this novel , including ethno psychological value , literature value , aesthetic value , dissemination value and folk value .

  19. 干宝在创作《搜神记》时,在创作动机、选取题材和对作品的定位上,都有明显的世情化倾向。

    When creating Sou Shen Ji , the motive of novel creation , selection of the subject matter and positioning of the work has apparent trend of concerning worldly affairs .

  20. 最后,对《搜神记》中的主要民间故事做出类型学角度的考察,并着重探讨异类婚恋型故事和地陷型故事的文化内涵。

    Finally , make typology observation of angle to main folktale in " Sou-Shen-Chi ", Probe into the cultural intension of their alien marriage type story and subsiding type story emphatically .

  21. 第五章,从思想倾向、选材、结构框架等方面简析干宝神道思想对《搜神记》文学构思的影响。

    The fifth chapter investigated the effect of Shinto concept of Kan Pao on the literary conception of 《 stories of immortals 》 from the aspect of ideological tendency , selection and framework .

  22. 二是《搜神记》名词同义词组中新增组员的主要生成方式是原有的单音词构成双音词,这种双音词的出现,使词义表达更为精确。

    Second is the main growing style of the new noun synonym team member of is original single syllable composing the double syllable , the double syllable words made the expression of language more precise .

  23. 魏晋时期,志怪小说的创作出现空前的繁荣,《搜神记》是其中的代表作,代表了魏晋志怪小说的最高成就。

    The creation of Ghost novels had an unprecedented prosperity in Wei-Jin period ; " Sou Shen Ji " is one of the representatives , on behalf of the highest achievement of Ghost novels in Wei - Jin period .

  24. 《搜神记》民众信仰的主要仪式有道教符术与占候术、佛教咒术、淫祀等,其中有用于特定场合规定好的特定仪式,也有日常化仪式。

    The main rituals in popular beliefs are symbol of Taoism , Surgery accounted for climate , Buddhist mantras-as background , Yin Si , etc. These rituals include Special ceremony for specific occasions , as well as daily ceremony .

  25. 文章最后论述《搜神记》的重要地位和对后世文学产生的深远影响,给研究者提供了广阔的研究天地。

    In the last part , the paper expounds the book 's important position in the history of literature and its far-reaching influence on the literature of later generations , which provides a wide field for researchers to study on it .

  26. 本部分将《搜神记》的故事类型以题材进行分类,在此种分类的基础上与朝鲜古代志怪小说进行题材、主题和艺术特征上的比较研究。

    This section will be the type of story of the " Immortals " to the theme of classification , such classification on the basis of comparative research on the subject matter , themes and artistic characteristics of mystery novels and ancient Korea .

  27. 《风俗通义》对后世文学,尤其是魏晋南北朝时期的志人志怪小说有着重要的影响,如《世说新语》、《搜神记》等对其结构、内容、语言等方面都有所继承。

    Feng Su Tong Yi has a great influence on the literature of the later generation , especially on the Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties Novels , for example , both Shi Shuo Xin Yu and Sou Shen Ji inherit ist structure , content and language .