
  • sogou;Google;sogou.com
  1. 以搜狗实验室提供的214篇交通类中文常用文本作为数据源,验证了语义Web中文本体构建的粗糙概念格方法的可行性和实用价值。

    The feasibility and practical value of the method of building semantic Web Chinese ontology based on rough concept lattice are verified by using 214 Chinese texts in traffic classes from Sogou Labs as the data source .

  2. 为验证系统设计效果,开发了一个面向汽车配件领域的货源信息检索试验系统,集成了Google、百度和搜狗三大著名通用搜索引擎。

    In order to verify the design effect , a business information retrieval system has been developed with respect to the domain of auto parts and integrated with three famous GSE : Google , Baidu and Sogou .

  3. 最后使用搜狗搜索引擎共享的查询日志和语料库对基于Web语义的查询扩展方法进行实验和分析,结果表明该方法在查询语义扩展、检索结果扩展以及查询结果的准确率上具有良好的性能。

    Finally the experiment and analysis of the query expansion method based on Web Semantic with query logs and semantic corpus shared by Sogou search engine shows the good performance of the method about the query expansion , the expansion and accuracy of the retrieval results .

  4. 此后,出现了大量的搜索引擎如谷歌、百度、MSN、雅虎、搜搜、搜狗、中搜等。

    Since then , the emergence of a large number of search engines such as Google , Baidu , MSN , Yahoo , soso , sogou , and so on .

  5. “百度及搜狐(sohu)/搜狗案件的判决非常令人失望,我们正在考虑接下来的行动,”ifpi表示。

    " The judgements in the Baidu and Sohu / Sogou cases are extremely disappointing , and we are considering our next steps , " the IFPI said .

  6. 国际唱片业协会(IFPI)称,它已经收到百度和搜狗(Sogou)一案的判决书。百度是中国最大的在线搜索引擎,搜狗规模较小。

    The International Federation of the Phonographic Industry said it had received verdicts in a case against Baidu , China 's largest online search company , and Sogou , a smaller one .

  7. 它是由新华社和搜狗引擎共同开发完成。

    It was developed jointly by Xinhua and Chinese search engine Sogou .

  8. 阿里巴巴拒绝就搜狗的这项交易置评。

    Alibaba declined to comment on the Sogou deal .

  9. 地富反坏、美帝搜狗想舀走一瓢偶们滴幸福?

    The bad rich , beautiful emperor to take a scoop scoop for our happiness ?

  10. 接近阿里巴巴的人士表示,这桩搜狗交易与中国雅虎没有关系。

    People close to Alibaba said the Sogou deal had nothing to do with Yahoo China .

  11. 以搜狗、搜搜为代表的第二阵营虽然表现平平,但因各自服务提供商强大的用户资源,其发展也不容忽视。

    The second group cannot be ignored as each of their service providers has abundant resources of users .

  12. 百度拒绝置评,记者未能联系到搜狗所有者门户网站搜狐置评。

    Baidu declined to comment . Sohu , the portal that owns Sogou , could not be reached for comment .

  13. 而搜索引擎搜狗近日也以每股13美元的价格在纽交所上市,使公司市值达到54亿美元。

    Search engine Sogou debuted on the NYSE at $ 13 per share , giving the company a market value of $ 5.4 billion .

  14. 由新华社和中国搜索引擎搜狗联合开发的人工智能主播,可以24小时向全世界的观众播报突发新闻。

    Jointly developed by Xinhua and Chinese search engine Sogou , the AI anchors can work 24 hours a day reporting breaking news to audiences around the world .

  15. 据搜狐报道,搜狗、百度和诺基亚等31家企业本周三获得了国家测绘局批准的互联网地图服务牌照。

    China 's State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping ( SBSM ) granted online mapping licenses Wednesday to31 firms , including Sogou , Baidu and Nokia , Sohu reported .

  16. 搜狗是由中国的互联网巨头搜狐在2006年开发的中文输入法软件,它易于使用,每天的数据库更新使其很快成为互联网用户最喜爱的。

    Sogou , is a Chinese input software developed by the Chinese Internet giant Sohu in2006 , its easy-to use and everyday-based updating of its word database soon became a favorite amount internet users .

  17. 为了更好的理解中文搜索用户的检索行为,本文对搜狗搜索引擎在一个月内的近5千万条查询日志进行了分析。

    In order to better understand search behavior of Chinese Web search users , we presents an analysis of Sogou Search Engine query log consisting of approximately 50 million entries for search requests over a period of one month .

  18. 9月16日,腾讯表示它将花费4.48亿美元购买在线搜索公司搜狗一大笔股份,计划将其萎靡不振的搜索引擎搜搜合并到合资企业中。

    On September 16th it said it will spend $ 448m to acquire a big stake in Sogou , an online-search firm ; it plans to merge its own flagging search engine ( aptly named Soso ) into the venture .

  19. 搜狐网旗下子公司、中国搜索引擎搜狗,于日前在美国公布了其首次公开募股计划,许多人都认为这是取代中国搜索巨头百度的一项战略举措。

    Chinese search engine Sogou , a subsidiary of Sohu.com , unveiled its initial public offering ( IPO ) in the U.S. , a strategic move that many see as an attempt to take on Chinese search engine giant Baidu .

  20. 这一首次公开募股,被普遍认为是要在搜索引擎市场缩小和百度的差距,尤其是在腾讯也向搜狗注资4.48亿美元的情况下。目前搜狗由腾讯和搜狐共同所有,股份分别占据45.27%和39.21%。

    The IPO is widely seen as a move to narrow the gap with Baidu in the search engine market , especially as Tencent also invested $ 448 million in Sogou , which is currently co-owned by Tencent ( 45.27 percent ) and Sohu ( 39.21 percent ) .