
sōu hú
  • Sohu
  1. 不过,搜狐(Sohu.com)董事长张朝阳(CharlesZhang)并不这么想。

    Charles Zhang , chairman of Sohu.com , doesn 't think so .

  2. 在今年一月份接受彭博社采访时,搜狐的CEO王小川称,该公司着眼于一项规模达50亿美元的首次公开募股。

    In an earlier interview with Bloomberg in January , Sogou 's CEO Wang Xiaochuan said that the company was eyeing a $ 5 billion IPO .

  3. 搜狐CEO张朝阳表示,除了老观众外,他还希望《周六夜现场》能吸引备受广告客户垂青的高中生和大学生群体。

    Sohu CEO Charles Zhang said he hoped SNL would attract not just the audience they already had , but also more high school and University viewers that advertisers clamor for .

  4. 他们包括知名企业家李彦宏,百度公司的CEO,毕业于北京大学,还有张朝阳,搜狐公司的CEO,毕业于清华大学。

    They include big-name entrepreneurs like Robin Li , chief executive of Baidu Inc. , a graduate of Peking University , and Charles Zhang , CEO of Sohu.com Inc. of Tsinghua .

  5. 埃伦·德杰尼勒斯(EllenDeGeneres)主持的脱口秀节目今年1月登录搜狐网,成为在中国播出美国脱口秀节目第一人。此外,搜狐还签约了美国喜剧小品类综艺节目《周六夜现场》(SaturdayNightLive)。

    Ellen DeGeneres became the first to air a U.S. talk show in China in January on Sohu , which also signed on comedy sketch program ' Saturday Night Live . '

  6. 搜狐董事长张朝阳(CharlesZhang)在周一的财报沟通会上说,他认为广电总局此举仅仅是个案,并不一定是不喜欢美剧。

    Speaking during an earnings call Monday , Sohu Chairman Charles Zhang said he believed the watchdog 's move was a onetime occurrence and that American-flavored shows weren 't necessarily out of favor .

  7. 该剧第二季13集上周五在美国Netflix在线视频服务和中国搜狐网(Sohu.comInc.)视频服务同时开播。

    The show 's 13-episode second season was simultaneously released Friday on Netflix Inc. 's online-video-streaming service in the U.S. and on Sohu.com Inc. 's service in China .

  8. 由于twitter在中国遭到屏蔽,新浪以及另外两家大型门户网站腾讯(tencent)和搜狐(sohu)运行的微博人气颇高。

    The microblogs operated by Sina as well as those of Tencent and Sohu , two other large online portals , have been thriving because Twitter is blocked in China .

  9. 土豆在今年上半年由于经营成本上升,亏损出现扩大,市场份额相对于优酷和搜狐(sohu)出现下降。

    Tudou saw its loss widen in the first half over rising operating costs and has lost market share relative to Youku and Sohu .

  10. 在刚刚过去的周末,中国国家新闻出版广电总局勒令优酷土豆(YoukuTudou)、搜狐(Sohu.comInc.)等视频网站下线多部热播剧,其中就包括美剧《傲骨贤妻》(TheGoodWife)和《生活大爆炸》(TheBigBangTheory)。

    Over the weekend Chinese authorities pulled from Youku Tudou , Sohu.com Inc. and other streaming websites a number of hits , including U.S. - made shows ' The Good Wife ' and ' The Big Bang Theory . '

  11. 媒体报道不断暗示称,腾讯可能与搜狐(Sohu)合并旗下的在线视频业务。搜狐拥有中国第三大在线视频平台。

    Media reports have persistently suggested that Tencent may merge its online video business with that of Sohu , the third-largest online video platform in China .

  12. “百度及搜狐(sohu)/搜狗案件的判决非常令人失望,我们正在考虑接下来的行动,”ifpi表示。

    " The judgements in the Baidu and Sohu / Sogou cases are extremely disappointing , and we are considering our next steps , " the IFPI said .

  13. Netflix在进行内容交易的同时力图获取内容的国际版权,此前Netflix将自己的一些著名的原创剧授权给了中国的一些公司,例如已经在搜狐流媒体网站上热播的《纸牌屋》(HouseofCards)。

    While Netflix now seeks global rights when it strikes content deals , the company previously licensed some of its more notable original content to other companies in China . " House of Cards , " for instance , already is popular on a streaming site called Sohu.com .

  14. 尽管百度在中国的搜索市场上占据主导地位,分析人士却说,奇虎360等小公司以及中国本土搜索服务提供商搜狐(Sohu.comInc.)有赢得广告收入的空间。搜索服务中的广告比社交网站等互联网其他领域的广告弹性更大。

    While Baidu dominates the market , analysts say there is room for small players like Qihoo and local search provider Sohu.com Inc. to win ad revenue , which is more resilient in search than other parts of the Internet , like social networking .

  15. 自从这家技术公司十年前开始发布这一年度报告以来,这是新闻首次成为最热门的搜索项。搜狐资深编辑兼网络趋势分析师陈女士(VeraChan)说,出于各种原因,英国石油公司漏油事件成为了最热门的搜索话题。

    It is the first time that news came up first since the technology company began publishing its yearly review a decade ago.Vera Chan , the company 's senior editor and web trend analyst , said the BP oil spill was the most searched topic for term for a variety of reasons .

  16. 阿里巴巴则盯上搜索业务,新浪和搜狐同样瞄上了搜索业务。

    Alibaba is eying search ; Sina and Sohu are too .

  17. 其他一些人,例如搜狐总裁潘石屹对此并不认同。

    Others , such as SOHO China Chairman Pan Shiyi , disagree .

  18. 奇艺网和搜狐网则声称其购买的视频内容均获得国外公司授权,用户可以免费观看部分进口节目。

    Users can watch a limited amount of imported programs for free .

  19. 来自搜狐网的马可(音译)对韩剧和日剧进行了一番比较。

    Ma Ke , from Sohu.com , compares K-drama and Japanese drama .

  20. 多哈亚运会网络媒体整合报道分析&以搜狐网络报道为例

    Integrated report of Internet media in Doha Asian Games

  21. 搜狐公益邀您和我们一起给孩子更多关爱!

    Sohu Community invite you to join us for more care for the children !

  22. 从搜狐分类引擎分析网络信息资源的分类组织

    Analysis of classification and organization of network information resources by use of Sohu classification engine

  23. 搜狐的这些问题似乎是短期性的。

    These problems look to be short-term .

  24. 搜狐本身也在纳斯达克上市。

    Sohu itself is listed on NASDAQ .

  25. 搜狐调查列出了最容易单身的十大职业。

    Compiled a list of the top ten professions with the largest populations of singles .

  26. 随后,搜狐宣称拥有所有使用奥运会标志广告客户的独家投放权。

    The company then claimed exclusive rights to host all sponsors'advertisements using the Olympic logo .

  27. 他表示,搜狐的未来发展方向将是社交网络和人工智能。

    He said social networking and artificial intelligence will be the future for his company .

  28. 你上搜狐网上,你看看新闻,点击率老高了,哇哇的,就(是)那个丫蛋。

    You can surf the Sohu for news abut her-the click rate is just fuckin'high .

  29. 《艾伦秀》的买家搜狐公司已经购买了50多部美国电视节目。

    Sohu , the Ellen buyer , has purchased the rights to more than 50 U.S. shows .

  30. 搜狐旺财是由搜狐金融事业部开发的证券投资理财专业手机媒体。

    SOHU Fortune is a mobile fiance & investment news service developed by Sohu Finance Business Divison .