
tuī ná shǒu fǎ
  • Massage manipulation;manipulation of massage
  1. 综合推拿手法配合火罐疗法治疗颈椎后关节紊乱60例

    Combination of comprehensive manipulation of massage and cupping therapy in the treatment of 60 cases of cervical vertebrae posterior articular disturbance

  2. 目的:观察推拿手法对异常应力环境下兔颈椎软骨终板蛋白多糖(PG)含量和成分变化的影响。

    Objective : To observe the influence of massage manipulation on the proteoglycans changes of cervical cartilage endplate under long term abnormal stress .

  3. 本文报导了中医推拿手法测力分析仪FZ-Ⅰ型的研制,实测了摆动类法在测力仪上的作用力,分析了合力作用点的几何轨迹。

    We successfully manufactured the Traditional Chinese Medical Massage Manipulation Monitor , measured the force applied on the monitor with rolling manipulation and analyzed the locus of resultant acting point .

  4. 方法:对132例L3横突综合征患者运用推拿手法(主要为指揉法、点按法、弹拨法、斜搬法、牵抖法)治疗。

    Methods : 132 cases of L3 TPS were treated by massage manipulation ( chiefly by finger - rubbing manipulation , point - pressing manipulation , flicking - moving manipulation , oblique - moving manipulation and pulling - shaking manipulation ) .

  5. 推拿手法治疗慢性非特异性腰痛62例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of manipulation therapy for chronic nonspecific low back pain

  6. 中医正骨推拿手法名称标准化英译的研究

    Study to the standardization of English translation of Chinese manipulation nomenclature

  7. 推拿手法对兔颈椎终板蛋白多糖变化的影响

    Influence of Massage Manipulation on Proteoglycan Change in Rabbit Cervical Cartilage Endplate

  8. 对照组仅采用推拿手法治疗。

    For the control group , only traditional Chinese massage was used .

  9. 推拿手法治疗颈椎病临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Treatment of Cervical Spondylosis with Massage Manipulations

  10. 不同推拿手法组合对延迟性肌肉酸痛的作用研究

    The Study of Curative Effect of Massage on Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

  11. 推拿手法配合中药熏蒸治疗落枕的临床疗效评价

    The Clinical Evaluation of Manipulation with Fumigation on Stiff Neck

  12. 穴位注射加推拿手法治疗颈椎病112例

    Treatment of 112 Cases of Cervical Spondylopathy by Acupoint Injection and Massage

  13. 模拟腰部推拿手法三维有限元模型分析

    A three-dimensional finite element model for simulating lumbar manipulations

  14. 推拿手法合中草药渗透治疗骨质增生

    Massage Manipulation Combined Chinese Herbal Medicine Penetration Curing Osteoproliferation

  15. 《小儿推拿手法与穴位》教学课件的制作

    Courseware production for teaching child massage methods and points

  16. 中医推拿手法运动学与动力学特征分析

    Analyses of the kinematics and dynamics characteristics of the Chinese medical massage techniques

  17. 电针和推拿手法治疗膝骨性关节炎临床疗效比较研究

    Comparative Study on Clinical Efficacy Between Electroacupuncture and Tuina in Treating Knee Osteoarthritis

  18. 推拿手法治疗小儿厌食症300例临床疗效分析

    The clinic curative effects analysis of massage therapy for 300 cases of children anorexia

  19. 常用中国推拿手法名英译探讨

    Studies on the English Translation of Commonly - used Nouns of Chinese Massage Manipulations

  20. 模拟腰部推拿手法的生物力学比较研究

    Comparing study of biomechanics for simulating lumbar manipulations

  21. 推拿手法对体表温度影响的研究

    Experimental Observation of Influence of Manual Manipulations in Chinese Massage to Temperature of Body Surface

  22. 为机器人模拟中医推拿手法提供了理论依据。

    It provided the theoretical foundation for the manipulator to simulate the Chinese massage techniques .

  23. 近年来推拿手法刺激量参数研究概况

    Study Overview to the Standardization of Parameters of TuiNa Manipulation Stimulus Quantity in Recent Year

  24. 不同推拿手法下腰椎小关节应力变化的观察

    An observation on stress for lumbar manipulations

  25. 退行性腰椎滑脱症推拿手法治疗。

    Papers manipulation treatment of degenerative spondylolisthesis .

  26. 推拿手法中腕部动作的技巧运用研究

    Wrist action skill in manipulation maneuver

  27. 目的:为颈部推拿手法治疗提供老年人椎动脉的解剖学资料。

    Objective : To provide anatomical data of senile vertebral artery for treatment of cerivcal manipulations .

  28. 治疗组采用倒置悬吊法训练,并结合推拿手法治疗,共6周。

    The last group was treated by isometric exercise and Chinese massage manipulation for 6 weeks .

  29. 温肾补肝推拿手法为主治疗肩周炎的临床观察

    Clinical Research on the Treatment of Periarthritis of Shoulder by " Wenshen Bugan Tuina Manipulation "

  30. 结论:应用中上段颈椎推拿手法治疗早期胸廓出口综合征,疗程短,疗效确切。

    Conclusion : This manipulation method has obvious advantages such as shorter therapeutic course and satisfactory effects .