- commercial variety

DNA Fingerprinting and Genetic Diversity Evaluation of Main Current Soybean Cultivars in Hebei
Pedigree analysis and simple sequence repeats ( SSR ) were used to analyze the relationship among main released wheat cultivars in Henan Province .
The genetic diversity was evaluated in the main soybean cultivars of Hebei province based on SSR , AFLP and agronomic characters for the utilization and innovation of these germplasm resources .
There was a dominant inheritance between F 1 hybrids and restorers , and 3 high yielding varieties of hybrid rice were bred using the restorer CDR 22 that was resistant to blast .
The increment of F 1 hybrid over popular variety were higher than 15 % , 20 % , 5 % and 5 % for lint yield , fiber strength , span length and fineness .
Analysis of Quality of Wheat Cultivars Grown in Anhui Province
Study on the Feasibility of Winter Wheat Varieties Diffused in Kashi Area
Selecting variety for extension according to the market need ;
Current Situation and Improvement of Quality of Rice Varieties Popularized in Jiangxi Province
The Resistance of Some Italian Durum and Bread Wheat Cultivars to Powdery Mildew
Analysis of Protein and Fat of the Releasing Soybean Cultivars in Heilongjiang Province
Genetic Analysis of Disease Resistance for Wheat Descendant Pyramid 3 Resistance-genes in Improved Varieties
The Genetic Variation Among Commercial Rice Varieties and Exploitation of Germplasm Resources in China
Analysis of the physiological and biochemical properties of the main soybean cultivars in Chongqing Municipality
The new genotypes during four periods came in the nuclear part as a curve line .
The status of maize diseases and the possible effect of variety resistance on disease occurrence in the future
Since 1950s , resistance possessed in popular cultivars to stripe rust has been overcome for at least seven times .
Analyzed on the changes about the contents of protein and oil of the spring soybean cultivars in the north-east of China
All cultivars released in Zone ⅰ( Northern Winter Wheat Zone ) were winter and carried recessive alleles at the four vernalization loci .
The suggestions for quality improvement , quality region classification and popularization of wheat cultivars in the region are also presented in the paper .
The grain yield and grain quality of eleven varieties with different type in four ecological districts were studied under the condition of different sowing stage .
Genetic resistance to leaf rust can be most fully utilized by knowledge of the identity of resistance genes in master resistance resources and release cultivars .
The trials were carried out in 3 sites in Yunnan plateau to study the influence of different environments and cultivation practices on the quality traits of wheat varieties .
Experience from America typifying countries with well-developed maize breeding Retrospective analyses of yield gains may provide an understanding of unexploited genetic potential and reveal the strategies for future yield improvement .
The widely use of a few parent materials with dominant and resistant monogene caused narrow on genetic background of commercial varieties and resulted in change and epidemic of disease and pest .
Through the experimental comparison of varieties , the characters of part of the good diploid lines derived from tetraploid by anther culture have reached the level of the recommended varieties in Beijing area .
( 6 ) A total of 113 wheat varieties containing 87 wheat cultivars and 26 landraces from different wheat region were analyzed to detect the effects of SSR markers closely linked to dormancy gene .
Due to the breeding process is simple , takes less time and breeding targeted , the use of the current main varieties bred little can quickly transform the new so-called independent intellectual property varieties .
206 soybean cultivars developed at various stage in national ten provinces were used for analyzing the formation of their pedigrees . The results showed that pure line breeding method was gradually replaced by hybrid method .
The article presents the necessity and the feasibility of breeding super high-yield maize variety in Guangxi , and then proposed the indexes for breeding the variety , which include 20 % higher yield than present cutivars ;