
tuī lì
  • thrust;propulsive force;soot;vis a tergo;visatergo
推力 [tuī lì]
  • [thrust;vis a tergo] 从后面所施之力

  • 推力由心脏给予并通过动脉传送

推力[tuī lì]
  1. 浅析离心式水泵产生轴向推力的原因及其平衡方法

    Reason and balance method of the axial propulsive force of the centrifugal pump

  2. 根据流体力学问题,推导出强脉冲激光作用在空间碎片上时的烧蚀率,及碎片受到的推力。

    Based on hydrodynamic methods , the ablation rate and the propulsive force on the debris , when the high-power pulsed laser irradiates on the space debris , have been derived .

  3. 它提供了飞机前进所需的推力。

    It provides the thrust that makes the craft move forward .

  4. 截断的喷管具有较大的推力。

    The truncated nozzle is found to have a higher thrust .

  5. 上周日恰逢满月,让救援队获得了24小时的绝佳窗口期,涨潮时水位比平时升高了几英寸,提供了至关重要的助推力。

    A full moon on Sunday gave the salvager 24-hour window to work in , with a few extra inches of tidal flow providing a vital assist .

  6. 运用多元多项式的回归分析方法给出了螺旋桨推力系数KT值的一种精度较高的数学表达式。

    The mathematical expressions with high accuracy of propeller thrust coefficient are given by the regression analysis .

  7. 本文运用BP神经网络,建立了波动力估计模型,实现了波动推力补偿指令的计算。

    In this paper , a model was constructed on the base of BP neural network to estimate the thrust fluctuation .

  8. MEMS在推进系统中的应用,能够满足微小型卫星对星载推进系统小型化、微推力、高精度的要求。

    It can be concluded that MEMS-based propulsion can meet the requirement of miniaturization , micro thrust and high accurate impulse bit for the propulsion system of micro satellite .

  9. 本文采用面元法理论以及计算流体力学软件FLUENT对螺旋桨与舵附推力鳍组合体系统进行了理论计算。

    In this paper , panel method and CFD software FLUENT have been used for the calculation of the interaction of propeller and rudder with additional thrust fin .

  10. 整个推力分配算法用C语言编程实现。最后,本文对该推力分配优化算法进行仿真,仿真证明了序列二次规划算法在推力分配应用上的成功。

    The thrust optimum allocation algorithm is implemented by using the C programming language . Lastly , the simulations about the thrust optimum allocation algorithm are carried out . These simulations indicate that the SQP is applied successfully in thrust allocation .

  11. 不平衡推力法与Sarma法的讨论

    Discussion on imbalance thrust force method and sarma 's method

  12. 高等教育自由化进程是私有化和全球化大趋势造成的结果,贸易协定GATS是其主要推力。

    The liberalization of higher education is the result of privatization and globalization , and the GATS is the primary driving force .

  13. 电弧推力器(arcjet)因其高推力/功率比、高推力密度等特点成为当前国际上电火箭研究和应用的热点。

    Arcjet is the highlight of investigation and application in world because of its high ratio of thrust and power and high thrust density .

  14. 通过数值仿真,对设计推力为1N的微推进器喷管在高空工况的内流场和真空羽流场进行了研究。

    The numerical simulation was used to analyze the flow field of inner nozzle and its vacuum plume for 1N thruster in a vacuum .

  15. 微波等离子推力器(MPT)谐振腔只有在谐振状态下,微波能量才能被高效地用于加热工质产生推力。

    Only when the resonant cavity of microwave plasma thruster ( MPT ) is under the resonant state , can the microwave energy heat the propellant gas to produce thrust efficiently .

  16. 脉冲等离子体推力器(PPT)具有结构简单可靠,比冲高,推力在较大范围可控的特点,适合用于微、小卫星轨道控制和小卫星高精度姿态控制,其研究和应用得到了重视。

    With advantages of simple and reliable in structure , high Isp and easy control over a wide range of thrust , Pulsed Plasma Thruster ( PPT ) is very suitable for micro-satellite 's orbit control and high precision attitude control .

  17. 以成功研制的无缆自治水下机器人(AUV)为基础,对其航行控制和定位控制方法进行了较详细的分析.同时介绍了它的推进器布置、控制系统结构、推力分配等方法。

    Based on the untethered AUV developed by our institute , this paper analyzes the navigation control and the position control methods of AUV . Meanwhile , the thruster arrangement , the control system configuration , and the thrusting force distribution of the AUV are introduced .

  18. 计算结果表明.推力已超过规定的28.5t,机组非经改进已不能长期连续运行。

    Calculation reveals the fact that the actual occurring thrust exceeds the designed limit by 28.5T which makes reconditioning imperative for long time continuous operation .

  19. 通过对不同油管长度、不同工作频率的压力、推力曲线对比研究,分析了供油自适应控制的机理,及供油相对进气滞后时间的长短对PDE工作的影响。

    Based on analysis of variational curves of pressure and thrust with different fuel pipe length and PDE working frequency , the mechanism of fuel self-fit control was studied , and the vital influence of the fuel supply delayed time relative to air entrance to PDE working is discussed .

  20. 利用弹性力学的Mindlin解,推导得到顶管正面附加推力、掘进机和后续管道与土体之间的摩擦力在相邻水平平行管道上引起的附加荷载计算公式。

    The computing formulas of superimposed load on adjacent level parallel pipe induced both by bulkhead additive thrust , force of friction between shield and soil , and force of friction between follow-up pipes and soil are derived from the Mindlin solution in elastic mechanics .

  21. 南阳石蜡精细化工厂动力站的B3-3.43/0.981型背压式汽轮机,先后出现了轴承振动,推力盘、轴径刮伤等故障。

    B3-3.43/0.981 type back-pressure steam turbine in the power station of Nanyang Factory of Paraffin Fine Chemical has troubles of bearing vibration , thrust disc and journal scratch .

  22. 结果表明:该压电石英推力与推力矢量传感器具有良好的静态和动态特性指标、线性度、重复性以及固有频率等参数都达到CIRP-STCC规定的测力仪使用标准。

    The experiment results testified that the thrust and thrust vector sensor possesses favorable characteristics , the linearity , reiteration and natural frequency all can fully reached the standard dynamometer stipulated by CIRP-STCC .

  23. 采用液压压边与周缘加径向推力的拉深模具对08A(?)

    During the experiment using 08A (?) steel sheet as workpieces hydraulic pressure is applied on the blank as blank-holder force and the periphery of the cup flange as radial pushing force .

  24. 推力桩桩&土关系的模型律

    Model Law of the Relationship of Laterally Loaded Pile and Soil

  25. 压电陶瓷在发动机推力测量中的应用研究

    Research on Application of piezoelectric ceramic to the engine thrust measurement

  26. 大型水轮机推力轴承支架结构优化设计

    Optimal Construction Design of Thrust Bearing Support in Large Hydraulic Turbines

  27. 轴系校中对主机推力轴法兰负荷的几点考虑

    Considerations to main engine thrust flange loads in shaft alignment calculation

  28. 单室多推力轮孔装药设计方法

    New Wagon Wheel Grain Design for Step-thrust Rocket in Single Chamber

  29. 小推力液体火箭发动机动态推力测试台架设计

    Design of thrust test-bench for low-thrust liquid rocket engine dynamic testing

  30. 二是明星与传媒的推力。

    The second is the thrust of super stars and media .