
  • 网络control section;Control Cross Section
  1. 对河流水质监测控制断面设置的基本理论和方法进行了探讨。

    The theory and methods to locate control section of monitoring of river water quality were discussed .

  2. 由于满足气垫式调压室水位波动稳定所需的控制断面很大,往往为常规调压室的数倍甚至数十倍,不仅不经济,而且不利于结构稳定。

    To meat the water level fluctuation of air cushion surge chamber , quite large control section is necessary , which is several times even dozens of times to conventional surge chamber . That is not only diseconomy , but also goes against structural stability .

  3. 按照7种温度梯度模式,利用有限元软件ANSYS计算了某匝道桥控制断面的位移值。

    With seven temperature gradient models , the control sections displacement of certain ramp bridge were calculated by finite element program ANSYS .

  4. 局部水域的河床冲淤变化情况分两个层次分析:一个层次是在码头上下游2km水域范围内分析了河床的平面及控制断面的变化情况;

    The analysis of river-bed deformation at Xinda dock waters is composed of two parts . One is the analysis of cross section and river-bed in the range of 2 km upstream to 2 km downstream of Xinda dock waters .

  5. 根据广东境内主要河流控制断面20个站点1956~2000年逐月径流资料,采用PPCC检验法对其月枯水径流的五种理论分布模式进行对比分析。

    Based on the description of the concept of the low flow and low-flow discharges , the Probability Plot Correlation Coefficient ( PPCC ) method is used to test the probability distribution of monthly low flow at twenty stations in Guangdong Province .

  6. 本研究建立水质模型,并对规划年的控制断面水质状况进行预测,计算该区域内的水环境容量。

    The water environmental capacity in this area was simulated .

  7. 水工渗流有限元网格剖分的控制断面节点对连法

    Method for node joining in control section for mesh auto-generation in seepage FEM analysis

  8. 控制断面水深的确定方法

    Method for Water Level Determination of Controlled Section

  9. 我区地表水国家控制断面的技术认证

    The technical identification to the national controlling Sections of the Surface water in Inner Mongolia

  10. 广东省跨市河流边界水质控制断面方案讨论

    Discussion about optimization arrangement for water quality monitoring points of multi-city rivers in Guangdong province

  11. 该技术在控制断面超欠挖,提高光面爆破水平效果明显。

    The technology can be used to keep cross-section excavation in control and improve explosion level .

  12. 3个控制断面在最小流量下的水面宽率分别为35.8%,20.6%,40%;

    The ratio of river width is respectively 35.8 % , ( 20.6 ) % , 40 % ;

  13. 东江中上游主要控制断面水质变化特征

    The characteristics of water quality change for the main control sections in the middle and upper reaches of East River

  14. 根据水质模拟结果,运用模糊风险评价模型对控制断面水质状况进行风险分析。

    Then , by denoting the model parameters of water quality as triangular fuzzy numbers , a one-dimensional stable-state fuzzy model for river water quality was proposed .

  15. 此外,本文还对不同风速风向下太湖主要控制断面的水质与主要排污口排污量的响应关系进行了研究。

    Finally , this article studied about the response relation between the water quality of control area in Taihu Lake and the contamination quantity of the discharging river .

  16. 应用基于河流形态的河道最小生态流量计算方法,选取潘家口、滦县、石匣里、官厅、观台、楚旺及称钩湾7个控制断面对海河流域河道最小生态流量进行计算。

    The minimum ecological flux of rivers for seven hydrological control sections in the Haihe River Basin was calculated by use of the minimum flux method based on river geomorphology .

  17. 并据此结果提出了按德国DIN1075模式计算时各控制断面的等效简支跨长的合理取值方法,通过补充有关条文使新规范的制定更为科学合理。

    Available method of equivalent simple supported span length of different sections is advised according to DIN 1075 . The basal research will make the new bridge specification being more scientific and reasonable .

  18. 分析了墩体阻力系数与相对墩高、收缩比及控制断面佛氏数的分布规律。

    This paper also analyses the relationships among the resistant coefficients of pier body with the relative height of pier , contraction ratio , and the distribution laws of Frond numbers of the controlling sections .

  19. 建立了现场施工监控系统,开展了结构应力(应变)、挠度和温度监测,分析了施工监控的影响因素,提出相应的预控措施,得到控制断面应力监测结果。

    The construction monitoring system including structural stress ( strain ), deflection and temperature of segment concrete is carried out , the monitoring and effect factors results are analyzed , and some control methods are suggested .

  20. 依托现有水文站、雨量站、水库和大型灌区取水口,遵循干流与支流相结合的原则,确定流域控制断面和用水区。

    The basin controlling section and water usage area are decided according to information from relevant hydrologic stations , precipitation stations , water intake of reservoirs and large-scale irrigation areas along the main streams and tributaries in the basin .

  21. 在嫩江干流和主要支流,依据防洪对象的重要性和水文测站情况,选取了9个防洪预报控制断面,并拟定了洪水预报配置方案。

    The 9 flood forecasting sections on the mainstream and main tributaries of Nen River were selected according to the importance of flood control objects and condition of hydrological observation stations . The flood forecasting schemes were carried out .

  22. 采用二维控制断面水质达标分析模型,建立了涨、落潮设计水文条件下水源地水质与污染源的响应关系;

    By use of the 2-D model for analysis of water quality achievable for the control section , the relationship between the water quality of water source places and pollution sources was set up with the rising and ebb tides taken into account .

  23. 对河流断面的监控是评估控制断面以上流域内污染物排放总量的重要手段;污染源监控则是评估污染源排放情况、核定排污许可证实施效果的基础。

    The river section monitoring is an important means to assess pollutant discharge load in the upper watershed ; and pollution source monitoring is the basis to assess the enterprise discharge load and to evaluate the implementation results of the Pollutant Discharge Permission System .

  24. 运用水质数学模型,对东平湖及上游河段各控制断面的水质进行了预测和验证,说明了该预测方案的科学性和可行性。

    Utilizes the water quality mathematical model , the forecast and the confirmation of water quality was carried on to each control cross section of Dongping Lake and upstream section of river , thus explained the scientific nature and the feasibility of the forecast plan .

  25. 由河流水质模拟预测结果,得到下游控制断面污染物浓度分布区间及其相应可信度值,再由未确知测度计算模型确定水质超标风险。

    Using the unascertained water quality model , the distribution of contaminant concentration of the reach down the outlet of pollutants and its corresponding faith degree can be determined . According to the calculation results , the risk for contaminant concentration exceeding the standard value can be calculated .

  26. 即使以1995年污水排放量衡量,污水达标排放时,枯水期图们江干流等5条河流控制断面水质也达不到指定功能水质标准,已无环境容量可利用。

    Even judged by wastewater discharge quantity in 1995 , during the less water period , the water quality of the five rivers controlling sections of the mainstream of the Tumen River did not reach the appointed functional water quality standards and there was no environmental capacity to use .

  27. 用旋转气流控制切割断面的钢板高速高精度等离子切割

    High Speed & Accuracy Steel Plate Plasma Cutting with Cutting Face Controlled by Swirling Flow

  28. 如何控制全断面碾压混凝土坝体温度是关系大坝运行安全的关键。

    Temperature control for entire placement section of the RCC dam body is essential for safe operation of the dam .

  29. 因此,准确而快速地确定区域间联络线的暂态稳定约束极限传输功率,控制输电断面运行在暂态稳定极限值以内,成为当前电力系统亟需解决的一个重要问题。

    So , accurate and rapid determination of transient stability power limit and to control the transmission power within the transient stability limits is an important problem to be solved urgently for power systems .

  30. 测量控制隧道开挖断面技术应用研究

    Study of the Application of Cross-section Survey Control on Tunnel Excavation Technology