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  • 网络control area;control region;control field
  1. 总量控制区域排污权的初始分配方法

    Initial allocation of emission rights for total quantity control areas

  2. 其中,第三级在将整个电力系统分成若干控制区域的基础上,进行电压无功的全局优化;

    The tertiary level partitioning power system into some control areas , and do the global optimization of voltage and reactive power .

  3. 在表面过程控制区域,测定了TiN化学气相沉积的表现活化能值为28.8±5.8千卡/摩尔。

    In the regime of surface process control the apparent activation energy of TiN chemical vapour deposition was found to be 28.8 ± 5.8kcal/mol .

  4. 然后MQ基于对控制区域Adjunct(controlregionadjunct,CRA)已知的分类规则为消息分配负载分类。

    MQ then assigns work load classifications to the messages based on classification rules known to the control region adjunct ( CRA ) .

  5. 最后提出了根据区域总调节功率而不是ACE来划分AGC控制区域的方法。

    Finally , a method to define AGC control region according to the total regulation power , not ACE , is provided .

  6. 完成工作负载分类以后,控制区域将请求插入到由IBMWorkloadManager(WLM)forz/OS管理的队列。

    After the workload classification , the control region will insert the requests into the queues managed by IBM Workload Manager ( WLM ) for z / OS .

  7. 就本文而言,控制区域Adjunct并不重要,因此将不再做进一步的讨论。

    For the purpose of this article , the control region adjunct is not significant will not be discussed further .

  8. 以具有两个独立控制区域的小型家用VAV空调系统为对象,利用所建立的系统仿真模型,对两种不同的送风机控制方法进行比较研究。

    Comparatively studies two control methods for the supply fan , using the dynamic model for a residential VAV system with two conditioned spaces .

  9. 控制区域用于接受客户端请求(HTTP、IIOP),并根据预定义的规则将请求划分为不同的服务类别。

    The control region is used to accept the client requests ( HTTP , IIOP ), and classify the requests into different service classes according to predefined rules .

  10. 最后证明了当控制区域U是有界闭集时,系统的等时区域与控制区域是U的凸包时的等时区域相同,推广了有限维的结论。

    At last , it is proved that when the control domain U is a bounded , closed set , the reachable set is the same as that when the control domain is the convex of U.It is an advancement for original results .

  11. 在此基础上,结合上海电网控制区域的具体特点,研究了影响CPS的因素和相应的控制策略,并进行了CPS典型历史数据分析。

    On this basis and considering the practical features in Shanghai control area , the factors influencing the CPS and corresponding control strategy are researched and the analysis of typical historical data of the CPS is performed .

  12. 研究区域的基底断裂构造十分发育.EW、NEE和NE向基底大断裂宏观上构成和控制区域地质构造的基本格架;

    Fault structures of basement in the study area develop well . The large basement faults in EW , NEE and NE directions construct and control the principle frame of the regional geological structure on a grand scale .

  13. 然后在反应控制区域内,定量分析了紫外光源、入射光强和湿度对光催化反应的影响,得到了该TiO2薄膜的包含入射光强和湿度这两个关键影响因素在内的光催化反应速率方程。

    And then the effects of UV light sources , incident light intensity and humidity on photocatalytic removal of HCHO were analyzed quantitatively in the reaction control region to obtain the rate equation of photocatalytic reaction containing two key influencing factors : incident light intensity and humidity .

  14. 通过理论及历史数据,分析了频差系数K值的变化对控制区域偏离计划电力电量、控制性能标准(CPS1)指标及CPS罚款产生的影响。

    In accordance with theory and history data , the influence of variety of frequency deviation k on electricity out of plan in control area , control performance standard ( CPS1 ) index and CPS penalty is analyzed .

  15. 意义和创新1、掌握湖南省肺结核发病率的时空分布情况,应用ARIMA数学模型对湖南省肺结核发病率进行了预测,为湖南省确定重点预防和控制区域,合理分配卫生资源提供借鉴。

    Analyzed the spatial and temporal distribution of the TB incidence in Hunan province , predicted the TB incidence by ARIMA mathematical model . Found the focus region which needs to be controlled and prevented , so provide a reference to allocate the health resources rationally . 2 .

  16. 与策略控制区域分开单独提供修理/返工区。

    Provisions for repairs / rework separate from the containment area .

  17. 制定,控制区域投资及费用预算。

    Prepare , monitor and control regional investment and operating expense budget .

  18. 其交易适宜在较大的总量控制区域;

    And its trade should cover the area of total amount control ;

  19. 事务恢复由控制区域处理。

    Transaction recovery is handled by the control region .

  20. 在叛军控制区域每个人都成为了目标。

    Everyone has become a target in rebel-held areas .

  21. 控制区域网络总线物理故障及冗余方案

    Controller Area Network Bus Physical Faults and Redundancy

  22. 在VC++环境中对于控制区域算法进行模块编程。

    With VC + + environment , programming for region controlling algorithm is completed .

  23. 交通控制区域动态划分研究

    The Transportation Controlled Area Dynamic Division Research

  24. 系统中设置二个集中控制器(下称集控)来控制区域控制器(下称区控)。

    Every regional controller may be monitored by two centralized controllers installed in the system .

  25. A/F闭环控制区域基本点火提前角优化研究

    Research of Optimum of Basic Spark Advance Angle in A / F Closed Loop Control Field

  26. 射流边界层关系及健康通风控制区域的研究

    The Study of Relationship between the Jet Boundary Layers and the Health of the Ventilation Control Domain

  27. 一些人得以穿越泻湖逃离到政府控制区域。

    Some people have been able to escape across the waters of a to a government-controlled area .

  28. 在双极晶体管中,指控制区域或和控制区相连的导电连接。

    In a bipolar transistor , the control area or the electrical connection to the control area .

  29. 她说,利比亚政府将仅在政府控制区域内确保这个小组的安全。

    She said the Libyan government will ensure the team 's security only in areas under its control .

  30. 两极空间是为正向能量切割流动空间的控制区域。

    The space between is the region of domain that carves the space through which the positive energy flows .