
pái xiè kǒnɡ
  • Drainage hole;excretory opening
  1. 有纤毛的螺旋型,位于排泄孔周围;

    Ciliated spiral papillae on the body surface surrounding the excretory pore ;

  2. 排泄孔在虫体末端。

    The excretory pore was situated at the posterior end the body .

  3. 此外,于体之两侧第3排表皮板间各见1个排泄孔。

    Two excretory pores are observed , symmetrically located between the plates of the third tier .

  4. 而外侧支继续下行,与后侧神经汇合后发出许多细支,在排泄孔周围与内侧的分支连接形成环状神经网。

    The external ones , besides uniting each other , connect the branches of the postero-lateral nerves while they are descending and then form a circum network surrounding the excretory pore .

  5. 体棘属混生型,在头颈及排泄孔附近具少数单生棘,余均为丛生棘,每簇由2~10支组成。

    Most of the cuticular spines are groups , each which consists of 2-10 branches , apart from a few numbers which are singles on the head-neck and near the excretory pore , Sensory organs could be divided into 4 types .

  6. 地下水主要集中于中奥陶系石灰岩的岩溶裂隙中,在径流及排泄区,井孔单位涌水量一般大于1000m3/d。

    The groundwater mainly concentrates in Karstic fractures of limestone in middle Ordovician . At the runoff and drainage area , the specific well discharge of well hole is usually more than 1000 m3 / d.