
pái xiè qì ɡuān
  • excretory organs
  1. 生殖腺开口于近腹部基部,排泄器官通常为马氏管。

    The gonads open near the base of the abdomen and the excretory organs are usually Malpighian tubules .

  2. 这些排泄器官也叫绿腺,绿腺包括通过螺旋状管与膀胱连接的体腔囊。

    These excretory organs are called green glands and include a sac linked to a bladder by a coiled tube .

  3. 肌肤是人体最大的排泄器官,保持其通畅、使其能释放出毒素至关重要。

    As the body 's largest organ of elimination , it is vital that the skin be free to release toxins .

  4. 当百草枯中毒时,肾脏作为排泄器官,首先受到损伤,导致各种功能障碍。

    When paraquat poisoning , the kidneys as excretory organs , first of all damage , leading to all kinds of dysfunction .

  5. 肾脏是人体主要的排泄器官,它的发育经过原肾、中肾、后肾3个阶段。

    The development of the kidney , the major excretory organ after birth , consists of3 stages : the pronephros , mesonephros and metanephros .

  6. 作为排泄器官,肾脏也有较高的药物蓄积,但蓄积量低于淋巴系统。

    Kidney as main excretion organ , the accumulation was bigger than that of other tissues , but lower than that of the lymph nodes .

  7. 肾脏是人体极其重要的排泄与内分泌器官,正常的肾脏功能保证了机体内环境的稳定和新陈代谢的正常功能,肾脏的损坏严重影响人体的存活。

    The kidney is an important excretion and endocrine organs , its function is ensuring the homeostasis and the metabolic normal running .

  8. 肾脏作为铅分布和排泄的主要器官,也是铅中毒的靶器官之一[3]。

    The kidney , as the main organ of distribution and excretion of Lead , is one of the target organs of Lead damage .