
  • 网络drainage facilities;drainage system
  1. 路基设计CAD中排水设施的自动设置方法

    A Method for Designing the Drainage Facilities Automatically in Subgrade CAD

  2. 武汉市排水设施管理GIS项目实施经验

    Discussion on Experience of GIS Project for Wuhan Urban Drainage Facilities Management

  3. 大多数道路、桥梁、交通、排水设施、电力网络以及通信设施都是50年前甚至100年前配置的,它们理所当然会被用到不能使用。

    Most roads , bridges , transit , water systems , the electric grid , and communications networks were installed 50 to 100 years ago , and they are largely taken for granted until they fail .

  4. 将数字地形模型引入路基设计CAD中,可有效地解决路基排水设施的设置等关键问题;

    By introducing the Digital Terrain Model ( DTM ) to computer aided subgrade design ( subgrade CAD ) system , the problem about how to design the drainage facilities by computer automatically can ho solved effectively .

  5. 而为英国王室建造了极尽奢华的厕所的克拉普(ThomasCrapper)则在19世纪晚期帮助推广和完善了室内给排水设施。

    Thomas Crapper , who built ornate toilets for British royals , helped popularize and perfect indoor plumbing in the late1800s .

  6. 在路线所经过水系位置设置出水口,TOPAZ模型可确定路线局部汇水面积,可初步计算得出该段排水设施的设计流量;结合WMS的HY-8模型,对设施进行水力分析计算。

    Set the water outlet along the route pass by , the TOPAZ model can determine the catchment area of the line , so it is easy to calculate the preliminary design of drainage facilities , combined with the HY-8 models , complete hydraulic analysis of the facilities .

  7. 谈谈公路中央分隔带的排水设施

    Discussing the Drainage Equipment of the Central Mall in the Highway

  8. 宾馆、别墅游泳池给排水设施

    Water and sewer facilities of swimming pools for hotel and villa

  9. 公路排水设施中设计降雨重现期的研究

    Investigation on Design of Rainfall Reappearing Period in Highway Drainage Facilities

  10. 城市供排水设施的等级与发展水平研究

    The hierarchical classification and development level of urban water and wastewater

  11. 中国城市排水设施费用&效益分析

    Cost - benefit analysis of municipal sewage facilities in China

  12. 上海市内环线高架道路雨水排水设施分析研究

    On the Elevated Road Rainwater Drainage Facility in Shanghai

  13. 地理信息系统在我市道路排水设施管理应用初探

    Application of Geographical Information System to Road Drainage Establishment Management in Taiyuan City

  14. 深挖处理技术在市区排水设施改造工程中的应用

    Application of Deep Cut Treatment Technologies in Reconstruction Works of Urban Drainage Facility

  15. 浅谈混凝土衬砌渠道的排水设施

    Brief discussion on drainage installation of concrete lined ditch

  16. 设置有效的排水设施,将平时的雨水及时排走。

    Establish effective drainage facilities , in order to timely discharge normal rainwater .

  17. 但是政府称,他们已迅速在营地内安装了排水设施。

    But the government says it 's rapidly installing drainage systems in the camps .

  18. 上海市政排水设施管理系统

    The Management System in Shanghai Municipal Drainage Facilities

  19. 城市排水设施中恶臭源的产生及其治理对策的研究

    On Generation of Source of Foul Smell in Urban Drainage Facilities and the Control Measures

  20. 芜湖市现代化进程与排水设施发展的不均衡性浅析

    The the Non-equilibrium Between the Modernization Progress of Wuhu and the Development of the Drainage Works

  21. 商代城邑已具有较完备的给排水设施。

    There were fairly perfect supplies of water and drainages in the cities of Shang Dynasty .

  22. 建筑工地、小型积水和市政排水设施是广州市城区主要蚊虫孳生地。

    The construction sites , the small-scale ponding and the drainage systems are the main breeding places .

  23. (复合)土工合成材料在西部公路防排水设施中的应用研究

    Research on the Application of ( Composite ) Geosynthetics in the Road Drainage Facility of Western Part of China

  24. 对各种排水设施的设置与自然水系的调治恢复相结合做了初步探讨。

    Making the discussion on medical treatment of natural river system and underground river system of the slope recover .

  25. 儿童基金会说,缺乏安全饮用水和排水设施让成百上千万的人们很容易感染水传播的疾病。

    It says lack of safe water and sanitation is putting millions of people at risk from waterborne disease .

  26. 安装地域应设有排水设施,保证防污隔断阀不被水淹没。最好将试验球阀出口和排污口接排水管。

    The installation area should set drainage facilities , to guarantee the anti-pollution isolating valve will not be submerged in water .

  27. 本公司职员经验丰富,对于美国所有室内给排水设施、供暖系统和工业产品非常熟悉。

    The company has an experienced staff that has a good knowledge of all American plumbing , heating and industrial supplies .

  28. 本文提出了排水设施损坏的共性特征,并具体分析了路面排水存在的排水病害和发育机理。

    This paper presents the drainage facilities damaged common characteristics , and analyzes the existing defects of pavement drainage drainage and development mechanism .

  29. 它由路基本体、基床、排水设施、地基及附属建筑物五大部分组成。

    Subgrade include five parts , are subgrade body , foundation bed , water supply and drainage facilities , foundation and ancillary buildings .

  30. 充分条件主要是指具有暴雨气候条件,地表汇水条件,裂隙发育条件和排水设施失效等。

    Sufficient condition refers to a rainstorm weather conditions , the surface catchment conditions , fissures conditions and drainage facilities such as the failure .