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bǔ zhuō
  • catch;seize
捕捉 [bǔ zhuō]
  • (1) [catch]∶缉捕;捉拿

  • 捕捉逃犯

  • (2) [seize]∶迅速或急切地获取信息,抓住战机

  • 捕捉战机

  • 捕捉镜头

捕捉[bǔ zhuō]
  1. 他认真地注视着她的脸,捕捉每一丝细微的表情变化。

    He watched her face intently to catch every nuance of expression .

  2. 捕捉那阵阵的清风,

    To catch the breezy air ;

  3. 那只猫在墙上伺机捕捉鸟儿。

    The cat was on the wall , watching for birds .

  4. 这部电影恰如其分地捕捉到了两次世界大战中间这些年的氛围。

    The movie captures the mood of the interwar years perfectly .

  5. 她的油画捕捉住了秋天乡村的微妙色调。

    Her paintings capture the subtle hues of the countryside in autumn .

  6. 摄影师满街捕捉拍摄对象。

    The photographers pursued their quarry through the streets .

  7. 他捕捉瞬间画面的能力使他成为一名不同凡响的摄影师。

    What made him remarkable as a photographer was his skill in capturing the moment .

  8. 作为一名记者,她总是能够捕捉到好新闻。

    As a journalist , she has always had a nose for a good story .

  9. 当地居民过去被鼓励设捕捉器捕杀这种鸟。

    The locals were encouraged to trap and kill the birds .

  10. 全体演员的精彩表演捕捉到了那个半封建时代的声音和感觉。

    Excellent acting all down the line captures the sound and feeling of that semi-feudal age

  11. 有关捕捉大鱼的所有内容只是一点破格罢了。

    All that stuff about catching giant fish was just a bit of poetic licence .

  12. 亨利生活中过去一直难以捕捉的幸福仍旧与他无缘。

    Happiness , which had been so elusive in Henry 's life , still evaded him

  13. 画家理查德·斯通在她的眼神和面部表情中捕捉到了她的坚毅和决绝。

    Artist Richard Stone has captured in her eyes and the set of her face her steely determination .

  14. 要是她把相机的镜头一直对准河岸的话,可能就捕捉到重要的一幕了。

    Had she kept the camera focused on the river bank she might have captured a vital scene .

  15. 对准福雷斯特小屋的定向扩音器在几百码远的地方也能捕捉到里面的人所说的任何一句话。

    The directional microphone trained on Foresters Cottage could pick up every word uttered inside at several hundred yards .

  16. 需求环节的管理层会捕捉销售点顾客购物行为的信息,然后把信息再反馈给供应环节。

    Demand-chain management captures information on consumer behaviour at the point of sale and feeds it up the supply chain .

  17. 这一带可以捕捉到许多鱼。

    Good fishing may be obtained in this neighbourhood .

  18. 那只鸟捕捉到了一只昆虫并把它叼到了鸟巢里。

    The bird seized the insect and bore it off to its nest .

  19. 但统计学家并非完全不可能捕捉客观现实。

    But the idea that statisticians can then capture an objective reality isn 't just impossible .

  20. 有可能梅里安使用了放大镜来捕捉画中所描绘的斯芬克斯飞蛾的裂舌细节。

    It 's possible Merian used a magnifying glass to capture the detail of the split tongues of sphinx moths depicted in the painting .

  21. 碳价格将对碳捕捉及储存等技术提出需求,促进它们进一步发展。

    And   it   would   raise   the   demand   for   technologies   such   as   carbon capture   and   storage ,   spurring   their   further   development .

  22. 迪尔解释说:“我们发现,由于拍照者一直在寻找他们想要捕捉的瞬间,他们想要记录的事情,所以他们看待这个世界的角度可能会稍有不同。”

    " What we find is you actually look at the world slightly differently , because you 're looking for things you want to capture , that you may want to hang onto , " Diehl explains .

  23. 研究团队发现,锻炼大约降低了快速眼动速度的8%,从而妨碍了眼睛捕捉新的视觉信息的能力。

    The team found that exercise reduced the speed of rapid eye movements by about 8 % , preventing their ability to capture new visual information .

  24. 那张照片是一个提醒,是一个捕捉到的瞬间,是两个被一块薄薄的玻璃隔开的女人之间一段无声的对话。

    That photo is a reminder , a captured moment , an unspoken conversation between two women , separated only by a thin square of glass .

  25. 较大的盘面将能够捕捉到较弱的信号。

    The bigger dish will be able to pick up weaker signals .

  26. 这个网捕捉到垃圾,然后把它拉到地球大气层中燃烧。

    The net catches the junk and then pulls it into the earth 's atmosphere to burn up .

  27. 我曾常用罗网捕捉麻雀等小鸟。

    I used to snare small birds such as sparrows .

  28. 猎人设置了陷阱捕捉老虎。

    The hunter laid a trap for the tiger .

  29. 警察捕捉小偷。

    The policeman tackled the thief .

  30. 蜘蛛结网,用于捕捉各种昆虫

    A spider spins a web in which it catches insects and bugs for its food .