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xīn fáng
  • a new house;bridal chamber
新房 [xīn fáng]
  • [bridal chamber] 指新婚夫妇居住的房间

新房[xīn fáng]
  1. 我们奏乐把新娘新郎迎进新房。

    We played the bride and bridegroom into the bridal chamber .

  2. 他在新房里摆了许多红烛,显得十分喜庆。

    He placed many red candles in the bridal chamber , and it appeared very festive .

  3. 他们得到建200座新房的许可。

    They have permission to build 200 new houses .

  4. 他现在是一家新房地产公司的合伙人。

    He is now co-partner in a new property company .

  5. 王大妈盖新房,村民们自动来帮忙。

    When Aunt Wang was building a new house , many villagers came of their own accord to help her .

  6. 他为了购买新房,决定放弃旅行。

    He decided to sacrifice a trip for a new house .

  7. 我们住上了新房。

    We 've moved into a new house .

  8. 他吹嘘他的新房。

    He bragged about his new house .

  9. 建筑工人已经把这块地划出一个角落来盖新房。

    The builders have marked off a corner of field ready for the new building .

  10. 根据路透(Reuters)的计算,去年12月,中国70个大中城市的新房价格同比平均上涨1.6%。

    New home prices in 70 large cities rose by an average of 1.6 per cent year-on-year in December , according to calculations by Reuters .

  11. 这个应用名为DreamMover,可以帮助日本顾客选择要购买或租赁的新房,并帮助他们弄清不同情况下涉及的财务问题。

    Called , Dream Mover , it helped Japanese consumers choose new homes to purchase or rent and assisted them in understanding the financial implications of different decisions .

  12. 据NPR新闻的野口由纪报道,新房销售正在复苏,但是距正常水平仍相距甚远。

    NPR 's Yuki Noguchi reports new home sales are recovering , but still far off normal levels .

  13. 还有就是,在我的新房QQ群里发现我的同事居然和我买的是同一个小区。

    Still have being the same housing estate that the colleague who is to discover me within my bridal chamber QQ group , buys unexpectedly with me .

  14. 根据路透社(Reuters)的计算,上个月中国70个城市的新房价格平均同比下跌5.7%。

    New home prices in 70 cities fell by an average 5.7 per cent year-on-year last month , based on calculations by Reuters from official data published by China 's National Bureau of Statistics .

  15. 周三早间,路透社(Reuters)编纂的数据和中国国家统计局(NationalBureauofStatistics)的信息均显示,11月新房价格比一年前高出9.9%,而10月份的同比增幅为9.6%。

    New homes cost 9.9 per cent more in November then they did a year earlier . This followed a 9.6 per cent annual gain in October , data compiled by Reuters and taken from China 's National Bureau of Statistics showed early on Wednesday .

  16. 路透(Reuters)计算的加权平均值显示,6月至7月,政府跟踪的70个大中城市的新房均价环比下降0.9%,为三次连续下跌中的最大降幅。

    New home prices across 70 cities tracked by the government fell by an average 0.9 per cent between June and July , the sharpest tumble in three straight declines , according to a weighted average calculated by Reuters .

  17. 这些新房坐落在洛杉矶以南的奥兰治县,看起来跟当地的其他房屋没有太大差别,但它们都有一个附加特性:莱纳公司(LennarCorporation)给自己盖的每一栋房子都安装了太阳能面板。

    They looked like many others going up in Orange County , south of Los Angeles , but with an extra feature : Lennar Corporation was putting solar panels on every house it built .

  18. 中国房地产指数系统(CREIS)提供的数据显示,今年5月,新房平均售价较上月有所下降,为近两年来的首次下降。

    Average prices for new homes fell in May from the previous month – the first contraction in nearly two years – according to data provider China Real Estate Index System .

  19. 即使西班牙房价自2007年高峰以来下跌了38.9%(房地产咨询机构Tinsa提供的数据),待售新房仍有约75万套。

    Even with a 38.9 % drop in home prices since a 2007 peak , according to real estate consultancy tinsa , there are still about 750,000 unsold new housing units in Spain .

  20. 比如说在伦敦,如果购置价值300万美元(约合人民币1835万元)的新房,买家需支付将近8%的税费;而在香港,这一比例可能高达25%。这些数据来源于莱坊国际全球住宅研究部的主管利亚姆·巴莱(LiamBailey)。

    In London , for instance , a buyer of a new $ 3 million property would pay nearly 8 percent of the value in taxes and fees , while in Hong Kong , that number can rise to as much as 25 percent , according to Liam Bailey , the global head of research at Knight Frank .

  21. 北京千户新房迁居户问卷调查报告

    Report on The Survey of A Thousand Relocated Households in Beijing

  22. 镇上的人都对他们重新布置的新房感兴趣。

    Every one in town took an interest in their refurnishing .

  23. 我有可能下周末装修我们的新房。

    Perhaps we will be decorating our new house next weekend .

  24. 你打算什么时候搬入新房?

    When are you going to move into your new house ?

  25. 你还了购买新房的钱没有?

    Have you pay back the money for your new house ?

  26. 我们打算明天搬到新房。

    We are going to move to the new house tomorrow .

  27. 她交到了新朋友,住进了新房。

    She has great new friends , a great new house .

  28. 本,你喜欢你的新房吗?

    A : Do you like your new flat , Ben ?

  29. 为了装饰你的新房来这买东西吗?

    So looking for stuff to fill up that new house ?

  30. 目前已有一户建好新房入住。

    At present , one household has moved into newly-built house .