
gǒng shí
  • voussoir;arch stone
拱石[gǒng shí]
  1. 由多个同心拱石构成的拱。

    An arch that is formed with more than one concentric row of voussoirs .

  2. 我分辨出那些由天然石柱支架起来的、穹窿很宽大的形成轮廓的起拱石,这些石柱的宽大底座安在花岗岩的石基上,像托斯甘式建筑的笨重石柱那样。

    I distinguished the unpredictably contoured springings of a vault , supported by natural pillars firmly based on a granite foundation , like the weighty columns of Tuscan architecture .

  3. 该建筑的重量是被在拱门中央的拱石顶所吸收,并且均匀的被分布在拱门的全跨度上,于是再下到这两边的柱子里。

    The weight of the building is absorbed by the key stone in the centre of the arch , and distributed evenly over the entire span of the arch and then down into these two side pillars .

  4. 2012年拱心石艾滋病毒疫苗的专题讨论会会议将侧重于基本的免疫学和HIV-1病毒学方面的突出问题,挑战该领域。

    The2012 Keystone Symposia meeting on HIV Vaccines will focus on basic aspects of immunology and HIV-1 virology to highlight issues that challenge the field .

  5. 拱心石XL管道扩展延伸大约1200英里,其中大部分是在美国地区,从加拿大阿尔伯塔省到内布拉斯加州。

    The Keystone XL pipeline extension would stretch about 1200 miles , most of it in the United States , from Alberta , Canada down to Nebraska .

  6. 拱心石还没打开,我还能继续为主服务。

    The cryptex has yet to be opened . I can still serve .

  7. 把拱心石给我!

    Silas : Give me the keystone !

  8. 计划中的大号拱心石石油管道将用于运输产自加拿大油沙的重原油。

    The proposed Keystone XL pipeline would carry heavier crude oil produced from tar sands in Canada .

  9. 就如拱心石支撑起石拱一样,人们认为宾夕法尼亚支撑起了年轻的美利坚共和国。

    Just as a keystone holds together a stone arch , Pennsylvania was seen as holding together the young American republic .

  10. 共和党发表每周例行讲话时,来自北达科他州的参议员约翰·荷凡敦促总统通过“拱心石”石油管道项目。

    In the republican 's media response , senator John Hoevan of North Dakota urged the president to approve the key stone exile pipeline .

  11. 时代的贫乏就在于人文精神的缺席与不在场,而社会的进步恰恰是以人文精神的勃兴作为拱心石的。

    Spiritual poverty of a time is caused by the absence and non presence of humanistic spirit , which is the keystone that social progress depends on .

  12. 但人的真正意义在其实践领域,康德通过从知识逼出自由,从先验的自由逼出实践的自由,着重论述了在实践理性中自由概念是其整个哲学的拱心石。

    But human true meaning existed in its practical field . Kant pressed knowledge for freedom , pressed congentital freedom for practical freedom and mainly expounded that in practical reason , the concept of freedom was the arch stone of his complete philosophy .

  13. 为使设计的历史细节更精确,拉舍从17世纪和18世纪的法国历史建筑中吸取灵感,在French1710的住宅中运用了壁龛、阳台、拱心石和石板屋顶等石雕细节。

    To make the designs more historically accurate , Mr. Lasher drew inspiration from historic 17th - and 18th-century French buildings , giving the homes for French 1710 carved stone details such as niches , balconies , and keystones , along with slate roofs .

  14. 大跨径拱式拱上结构石拱桥极限承载力分析

    Ultimate Bearing Capacity Analysis of Long-Span Stone Arch Bridge with Arched Spandrel Structure

  15. 给定拱轴的石拱桥,对应于每个荷载工况,拱圈有一个最小极限厚度。

    For a stone arch bridge with a given arch centre line and a given loading condition , there exists a minimum thickness limit for the arch ring .

  16. 克吕尼附近,有座罗马式宫殿,开着几道别致的圆顶拱门,那就是朱利安所建的温泉浴室。大跨径拱式拱上结构石拱桥极限承载力分析

    Close to Cluny , that Roman palace , with fine round arches , were once the hot baths of Julian . Ultimate Bearing Capacity Analysis of Long-Span Stone Arch Bridge with Arched Spandrel Structure

  17. 有水平拱背和水平的内弧面的互相支撑的拱石的拱。

    An arch with mutually supporting voussoirs that has a straight horizontal extrados and intrados .

  18. 这条名为拱心石油管道系统的管道总长约3800英里,而且还有一部分名为拱心石XL的管道尚未建造完成。

    It 's called the Keystone pipeline system . It stretches about 3800 miles in all , and there 's one piece of the project that hasn 't been completed .