
tuō lā jī
  • tractor
拖拉机 [tuō lā jī]
  • [tractor] 进行耕地、播种、收割等各种农活的动力机器,种类甚多,小型的用橡胶轮胎,大型的用履带

拖拉机[tuō lā jī]
  1. 农场雇用了一名拖拉机手和两名杂工。

    The farm employed a tractor driver and two general labourers .

  2. 用拖拉机牵引的喷雾器可以将5加仑药水喷洒在10英亩田地上。

    A sprayer hooked to a tractor can spray five gallons onto ten acres

  3. 拖拉机和集装箱货车已经将这条路完全堵死了。

    Tractors and container lorries have completely obstructed the road .

  4. 我们生产的拖拉机的数量是美国的10倍。

    We produced ten times as many tractors as the United States .

  5. 一列拖拉机突破了警戒线,隆隆响着驶上了高速公路。

    A line of tractors rumbled onto the motorway through a cordon of police

  6. 显然,我们如今用拖拉机的地方,他们以前用的是役马。

    Where we use tractors , obviously they used carthorses in those days .

  7. 保罗把自己的拖拉机挂在汽车上,然后把它拉到了安全的地方。

    Paul hooked his tractor to the car and pulled it to safety .

  8. 饥饿的难民聚集到拖拉机周围。

    The hungry refugees crowded around the tractors

  9. 他教我开拖拉机/卡车。

    He taught me how to drive a tractor / truck .

  10. 除了这台拖拉机,所有其他的拖拉机质量都很好。

    All the tractors except this are good in quality .

  11. 现在连偏僻的山区也用上了拖拉机。

    Nowadays tractors are used even in remote mountainous regions .

  12. 这种拖拉机很容易发动。

    This kind of tractor is easy to start .

  13. 除了拖拉机,我们又添了一台插秧机。

    In addition to the tractor , we have acquired a new rice transplanter .

  14. 铁牛是拖拉机的别名。

    Iron-ox is another name for tractor .

  15. 拖拉机把肥料拉走了。

    The tractor hauled the fertilizer away .

  16. 拖拉机走在路上铿铿地响。

    Tractors clattered along the road .

  17. 大小拖拉机计20台。

    The tractors , light and heavy , numbered twenty in all . ; There were twenty light and heavy tractors in all .

  18. 一只鸟在废弃的拖拉机上做了个窝。

    A bird made a nest in the disused tractor .

  19. 犁由拖拉机牵引,在一些国家则用牛来拉。

    Ploughs are pulled by tractors , or in some countries by oxen .

  20. 拖拉机用柴油开动。

    The tractor operates on diesel oil .

  21. 他们用拖拉机耕地。

    They cultivate their land with tractors .

  22. 经过一个月的训练后,他能胜任拖拉机驾驶员的工作了。

    After a month of training , he became equal to the work as a tractor driver .

  23. 拖拉机陷入了泥沼

    The tractor is bogged down in the mud .

  24. 你必须每天给拖拉机加油。

    You must oil the tractor every day .

  25. 我的那台拖拉机用柴油开动。

    My tractor operates on diesel oil .

  26. 水田拖拉机驱动轮CAD浅析

    A Preliminary Discussion to the Drive Wheel CAD of Paddy Tractor

  27. 拖拉机机组系统性能CAD软件系统平台设计

    Software Platform Design on Performance CAD System for Tractor Combination

  28. 轮式拖拉机CAD系统支撑软件一体化的研究

    Research on Integration of Support Softwares for the Wheel Tractor CAD Sysem

  29. 基于GPS/GIS的大型农用拖拉机自动导航系统设计

    Design of Large Tractor Automatic Guidance System Base on GPS / GIS

  30. 拖拉机机组性能CAD系统结构与功能设计

    Structure and Function Design of CAD System for Tractor Implement Combination ′ s Performance