
  • 网络default on construction cost
  1. 施工企业防范被拖欠工程款的策略&事前防范

    Strategies for Construction Company to Prevent Outstanding Payment & Precaution

  2. 债权贴现管理在偿还拖欠工程款中的应用

    The application of credit discounting management in paying construction payments in arrears

  3. 拖欠工程款、拖欠农民工工资等问题甚至威胁到社会稳定。

    Arrears on projects and workers and so on even threaten social stability .

  4. 拖欠工程款法律问题研究

    Law Study of Problem of Engineering Payment in Arrears

  5. 利用业主保证解决拖欠工程款问题

    On Taking Advantage of Guarantee by Proprietor in Solving Default of Engineering Cost

  6. 水利基建项目拖欠工程款的原因及对策

    Reasons and countermeasures for payment in arrears of water conservancy capital construction projects

  7. 施工企业处理被拖欠工程款的策略&事后索赔和激励约束机制

    Strategies for Construction Company to Handle Outstanding Payment Claims System of Encouragement and Restriction

  8. 江西省建设领域拖欠工程款情况调研及对策研究

    Research of the Reason Solve Method of Construction Payment in Arrears in JiangXi Province China

  9. 这标志着我国开始通过全方位的手段解决拖欠工程款问题。

    This marks the beginning of the adoption of our comprehensive solution , in engineering .

  10. 历年全国拖欠工程款的数额都居高不下,给施工企业的发展带来了严重危害。

    High percentage of payment in arrears has done serious harm to the development of construction industry .

  11. 一半以上的建筑业企业都存在被拖欠工程款的现象。

    More than half of the construction projects , enterprises are in arrears of the existence of the phenomenon .

  12. 拖欠工程款是一个现实、普遍、长期困扰施工企业而又始终得不到彻底解决的问题。

    It is a practical and common existent problem that arrears in contribution have disturbance to the construction enterprises for a long time .

  13. 国务院发出通知要用三年时间解决建筑领域拖欠工程款及施工民工工资问题。

    The State Council declared that the problems of outstanding payment and builders ' wages in construction field will be solved within three years .

  14. 建设领域拖欠工程款的问题已成为建筑业的“顽症”,严重制约着我国建筑业和市场经济的进一步发展。

    The default of project payment has become the fatal disease of building trade , which prevents the development of our building trade and market economy .

  15. 自2000年以来我国建筑行业工程分包市场问题不断凸现,拖欠工程款和农民工工资、违法分包、转包等问题引起了国家有关部门和业内人士的密切关注。

    There are so many problems in project subcontract of construction industry in our country since 2000 . It causes great attention of government and professionals .

  16. 私下交易、围标串标、弄虚作假、拖欠工程款现象层出不穷,严重扰乱了社会秩序,加大了社会交易成本。

    Private transactions , together-conspired bidding , using deception in project and owes project funds which seriously disrupting the social order and increasing society transaction costs .

  17. 银行不愿向企业借款人提供信贷,尤其是那些遭到政府机构拖欠工程款的基建公司。

    Lenders are reluctant to extend credit to corporate borrowers , especially the infrastructure companies that have not been paid by government entities for their earlier work .

  18. 业主大量拖欠工程款的行为加大了承包商的经营风险,威胁了承包商的生存与发展,阻碍了建筑市场健康有序的发展。

    The owner 's non-payment behavior increases the contractor 's business risk , threats the contractor 's subsistence and holds back the successful development of construction market .

  19. 市场经济是法治经济,对拖欠工程款问题不能仅仅停留在表面上就事论事,而应当上升到法律层面加以分析解决。

    The market economy was law economy , we should not just consider the problem as it stood from the teeth outwards , whereas should analyze and solve it up from the law angle .

  20. 状告地方政府拖欠工程款的一位中国基建巨头周一表示,他已达成总额约7亿元人民币(合1.13亿美元)的和解协议。

    A Chinese infrastructure tycoon who is suing local governments for allegedly failing to pay their construction bills said on Monday that he had reached settlement agreements totalling about Rmb700m ( $ 113m ) .

  21. 第一章从概念入手,对拖欠工程款问题进行法律界定,并对拖欠工程款在我国的历史和现况进行考察,为后面问题的展开作必要的铺垫。

    Starting with the concept , the 1st section had a law definition of the problem , and investigated the history and status of engineering payment in arrears in China , which foreshadowed the latter writing necessarily .

  22. 从根本上解决政府投资项目拖欠工程款问题,是一个长期、艰巨、复杂的系统工程,但必须首先搞清问题的现状,深刻分析其成因,以便采取有针对性的综合措施。

    Although solving the problem radically is a long - term , hard and complicated systematic task , we must figure out the status quo of the problem and analyze the causes deeply in order to take pertinent and comprehensive measures .

  23. 然而,目前建筑市场秩序混乱却也是不争的事实,其中一个普遍存在且不容忽视的问题即为建设领域中严重的拖欠工程款现象,其危害性显而易见。

    But , the present construction market was in a confusion order , which was a definite fact , one wide-existing problem should not be ignored was the serious engineering payment in arrears in construction area , whose damage degree was obvious .

  24. 论文从江西省建设领域拖欠工程款的现状、危害以及产生的原因等方面进行了深入调查分析,认为拖欠工程款主要有六大危害:①严重影响建筑企业发展。

    The paper dose further research on the harmfulness , the reasons and the present conditions of construction payment in arrears . The author considers that construction payment in arrears has mostly six disadvantages as follows :① It badly influences the construction development .

  25. 摘要当前建设领域拖欠工程款问题十分严重,已影响到国民经济健康发展、人民群众和企业单位切身利益、维护市场秩序和社会稳定。

    At present , the problem of delaying project payment is very severe in the field of construction , which has affected the healthy development of national economy , the benefit of the people and enterprises , the maintenance of market order and social stability .

  26. 论文首先对我国建设领域拖欠工程款问题的现状、危害以及解决工程款拖欠问题的研究现状进行了深入的社会调研和分析,并考察了国外预防工程款拖欠的先进经验;

    Paying Attention to Government Project Fund Arrears Issue Firstly , the paper investigated deeply the reason of the phenomenon of construction payment in arrears and jeopardize of its , summing up the research actuality on settle the question and collecting the overseas advanced experience .

  27. 2006年3月号的《建筑》下半月刊法律板块刊发了题为《零利润工程还是陷阱工程》的新闻调查,首次披露了吴忠市民居工程拖欠工程款的真相。

    He news investigation titled Zero Profit Project or Trap Project published in the law board of Construction in the latter half of March of the year 2006 , revealing the truth of default of construction payment for Resident Project of Wuzhong City for the first time .

  28. 通过对广西水利基建工程项目进行专项检查,分析了水利基建项目拖欠工程款的原因,并就我区今后如何解决水利基建项目拖欠工程款问题提出了建议。

    Based on the results of the special inspection made on the water conservancy capital construction projects in Guangxi , the author analyzed the reasons for payment in arrears of water conservancy capital construction projects , and put forward his suggestions to settle this problem in Guangxi .

  29. 政府项目拖欠工程款、建设单位建设资金不足、施工单位恶意拖欠再加上农民工打工行为不规范、法律保障意识不强以及法律体制的不完善等都是导致农民工工资被拖欠的因素。

    Government 's project is in arrears with the project fund , the construction unit lacks funds , unit in charge of construction malicious default , in addition peasant workers seek work irregularly and their lack in the law ensure consciousness , the imperfection legal system are all the factors .

  30. 四是进一步做好纠正拖欠建设工程款和农民工工资问题。

    Fourth , do a better job in correcting the construction workers , and farmers pay .