
tuō qiàn
  • in arrears with;be in arrears;default;owing;behind;be back;be behind in payment;behindhand;fail to pay up;tardy
拖欠 [tuō qiàn]
  • [default;be behind in payment;fail to pay up;be in arrears] 欠钱而拖延不还

  • 拖欠税款

拖欠[tuō qiàn]
  1. 这个工作在遵守制度的情况下珠宝公司是不会拖欠员的工资。

    Workers'wages can 't be in arrears in the context of obeying the rule .

  2. 尹蔚民称,随着春节临近,各级政府应全面排查任何可能遭拖欠的工资,为公司和用人单位设定解决欠薪问题的最后期限。

    Yin Weimin , the minister , said that governments at all levels should " thoroughly check " on any wages that may be in arrears as Chinese New Year approaches , and set a deadline for companies and employers to clear up the situation .

  3. 我们拖欠了两个月的租金。

    We 're two months in arrears with the rent .

  4. 该事务所被拖欠了约30万英镑。

    The firm was owed around £ 300,000 by late payers .

  5. 有数千客户拖欠其贷款和抵押贷款还款。

    Thousands of its customers are in arrears with loans and mortgage payments

  6. 教师加入了旨在迫使政府支付拖欠薪水和津贴的罢工。

    Teachers have joined a strike aimed at forcing the government to pay overdue salaries and allowances .

  7. 这家公司拖欠借款。

    The company is in default on the loan .

  8. 他已拖欠房租6周。

    He is six weeks in arrear with his rent .

  9. 购车贷款的偿付被拖欠了三个月。

    The payments on that car loan are in arrears by three months .

  10. 他拖欠房租。

    He is delinquent in paying his rent .

  11. 那商人因拖欠税金而被罚款。

    The businessman was billed for delinquent taxes .

  12. 另外,根据美国银行家协会(AmericanBankersAssociation)的数据,多种贷款的拖欠率在去年第三季度均有所下降。

    In addition , delinquencies for many types of loan fell in the third quarter , according to the American Bankers Association .

  13. 根据瑞信(creditsuisse)的资料,从1300年到1800年,共有6个欧洲国家拖欠过外债(其中一些国家不止一次)。

    Six European countries defaulted on external debt between 1300 and 1800 some of them several times according to Credit Suisse .

  14. 而最为显著的是,北太平洋铁路(NorthernPacificRailway)因拖欠投资银行的债务而导致银行破产,引发了1873年的金融恐慌(FinancialPanic)。

    Most notably , when the great Northern Pacific Railway defaulted on debts owed to its investment bank , the bank closed its doors , precipitating the Financial Panic of1873 .

  15. 金钟学曾向24集的《信义》(Faith)投入数百万美元,最终遭遇商业失败,而愤怒的剧组人员向他追讨被拖欠的薪酬。该剧讲述的是一位整形外科医生穿越时空回到过去的故事。

    Mr Kim had invested millions of dollars in Faith – a 24-part drama about a plastic surgeon who travels back in time – only to find himself facing a commercial flop and an angry cast pursuing him for unpaid wages .

  16. 一澳大利亚法庭准许一位律师通过社交网站Facebook,向一对拖欠房屋贷款的夫妇送达法律文书。该网站认为,这是第一次出现这种案例。

    An Australian court has allowed a solicitor to use Facebook to serve legal documents on a couple who defaulted on a housing loan in what the social networking site believes is the first case of its kind .

  17. 因为这实际上使通用汽车得以将拖欠UAW退休工人的510亿美元医疗债务转到一个名为自愿员工受益人协会(VoluntaryEmployeesBeneficiaryAssociation)的基金名下,并将这笔债务从自己的帐上抹去。

    It effectively enables GM to cap $ 51 billion owed to the UAW for retiree health care by setting up a fund , known as a Voluntary Employees Beneficiary Association , and move it off its books .

  18. IMF则无需这样做:它是危机贷款人,不是向拖欠债务的富有国家提供资金的慈善大叔;同时,IMF必须确保会有足够的欧元区资金注入,使自己能够收回贷款。

    The IMF will not : it is a crisis lender , not a benevolent uncle for delinquent rich countries , and it needs to be clear that there will be enough eurozone cash coming in that it can get its money back .

  19. RAB未能加快此案的审理,但仍继续推动诉讼程序。被雷曼拖欠资金的许多其它基金正密切关注此案。

    RAB failed to accelerate the hearing of the case , which is being closely followed by many other funds owed money by Lehman , but is continuing with the action .

  20. 接着,当这些债券被划分进入债务抵押债券或CDOS时:债务拖欠的风险影响这些产品的高级以及低级部分时,问题出现了。

    That in turn was a problem when those bonds were carved upinto collateralised-debt obligations , or CDOs : the risk of default affected thesenior tranches of those products as well as the most junior .

  21. 相反,百仕通的史蒂夫施瓦茨曼(steveschwarzman)和凯雷的鲁宾斯坦在电话会议上恳求投资者不要拖欠承诺资金,并且正在为投资者建立了一个非正式的退出市场。

    Instead , at conference calls Steve Schwarzman at Blackstone and Mr Rubenstein of Carlyle are begging their investors not to default on commitments - and are informally making a market for investors to opt out .

  22. 这些最新发展减少了世行面临的风险,避免由于一个最大IBRD借款国出现拖欠而有损于世行在全世界履行减贫使命的能力的情形。

    These developments have reduced the risk that a default by one of IBRD 's largest borrowers would impair the Bank 's ability to carry on with its mission of reducing poverty around the world .

  23. 债券基金管理公司DoubleLineCapital的负责人杰弗里•岗德拉什非常担心,拖欠不可能持续走低,那些购买了垃圾债券、大宗商品以及银行贷款等风险较高的资产的投资者会被套牢。

    Jeffrey gundlach , head of bond fund manager doubleline capital , worries that defaults are unlikely to remain low and that investors in riskier assets like junk bonds , commodities , and bank loans are in for nasty surprises .

  24. 欠款人一般都拖欠至少1000美元。

    The delinquent borrowers often owe at least a thousand dollars .

  25. 论工程款和民工工资拖欠问题产生的原因及对策

    Factors and Strategies of Delaying Project Fund and Workers ' Salary

  26. 我们租子[款子]又交不上拖欠下来了。

    Again we fell behind with our rent [ payments ] .

  27. 因为拖欠按月应付的分期付款,他的汽车被收回了。

    His car was repossessed because of default of monthly installment .

  28. 拖欠租金的房客有被逐出的危险。

    Tenants who fall behind in their rent risk being evicted .

  29. 索款信的一种形式是拖欠债务催告信。

    One form of collection letter is a letter of delinquency .

  30. 估计拖欠费用总计已经超过了200万美元。

    The estimated total tab : more than $ 2 million .