
tuō ba
  • mop
拖把 [tuō bǎ]
  • [mop]带长木把的擦地器具

拖把[tuō ba]
  1. 我用拖把把泼出的水擦干。

    I used a mop to sop up the spilled water .

  2. 她买了一个白色的新拖把。

    She bought a new white mop .

  3. 锅、盘、壶及拖把是厨房用具。

    Pots , pans , kettles and mops are kitchen utensils .

  4. 今天早晨一个工人用拖把擦洗了地板。

    A worker mopped the floor this morning .

  5. DJ在收工前,让我与我的拖把共舞了一曲慢歌。

    The DJ let me dance one slow song with my mop before he shut down .

  6. 吸引vi.拉;拖把你的椅子拉到桌子旁边来。

    draw Draw your chair nearer to the table .

  7. 旅馆清洁工拿着水桶和拖把进来。

    The hotel cleaner entered carrying a bucket and a mop .

  8. 他用拖把把地板上的水拖干。

    He sopped up the water on the floor with mop .

  9. 用海绵作吸水剂的湿拖把。

    A wet mop with a sponge as the absorbent .

  10. 去吧,不然我用拖把赶你出去。

    Go , or I 'll have the mob go after you .

  11. 我们可以用海绵、毛巾或者是拖把来打扫。

    We could use a sponge , a towel or a mop .

  12. 她迅速地转动拖把,以便把水弄掉。

    She twirled the mop to get the water out of it .

  13. 神龙大侠的拖把,他拖过每一块地板!

    The Dragon Warrior 's mop . He mopped these very floors !

  14. 我们的拖把和扫把采用1.2米手柄。

    We use1.2 meter handle for our mops & besoms .

  15. 没有什么会比一个拿着拖把的人更无形了。

    Nothing as invisible as a man with a mop .

  16. 清洁用品也很重要,比如扫把和拖把。

    Cleaning items are also important , such as brooms and mops .

  17. 小安用拖把将地板上的水吸乾。

    Ann soaked up the water on the floor with a mop .

  18. 她用拖把把泼在地上的水拖干净。

    She mopped up the water which had spilled on the floor .

  19. 他手拖把了,但没戴头盔。

    He went over his handlebars , wasn 't wearing a helmet .

  20. 擦洗地板的拖把有一个长柄。

    Mops for cleaning the floor have a long handle .

  21. 还算凑巧,墙角有一个拖把。

    Luckily , there is a mop in the corner .

  22. 请您每次洗完澡后,用拖把把卫生间的地擦干净。

    After using the bathroom , please clean the floor with a mop .

  23. 我们通常用拖把擦地板。

    We usually wipe the floor with a mop .

  24. 我整个上午都在用拖把擦地板。

    I 've spent all morning mopping the floots .

  25. 这是我们放拖把的地方。

    This is where we keep the mops .

  26. 本实用新型提供一种日常生活用的新结构的拖把夹头。

    The utility model provides a new mop clamp used in the daily life .

  27. 拖把可以清扫地板上的灰尘。

    Mops can remove dust on the floor .

  28. 相信我,蒸汽拖把,我还活着。

    And believe me I am still alive .

  29. 再把拖把拿过来。

    And pass me a mop , please .

  30. 用拖把把泼出的牛奶吸干净

    Sponge up the spilled milk with a mop