
  1. 在此对拓展培训基地功能及改进培训效果进行了探讨。

    How to expand the functions of the training base and how to improve the training effect are also discussed in this paper .

  2. 今年军训期间,新生将以学院为单位集中到民族村素质拓展训练基地接受为期3天的训练。

    During the military training in this year , the freshmen will receive the3 days training in National Village in organization of colleges to expand their innate quality .

  3. 进一步拓展东北老工业基地的发展空间;

    Broaden the development room further for the Northeast traditional industrial base ;

  4. 结合社会需求拓展高校教育&高校建设拓展训练基地必要性研究

    Combine Social Demand and Expand Universities Education & Research on Necessity of Universities Building the Outward Development Training Base