
  1. 罗马尼亚拥有一个小型的美国基地和训练设施。

    Romania hosts a small American base and training facilities .

  2. 他们的训练设施远比我们的先进。

    Their training facilities are far in advance of anything we have .

  3. 气象和运用水文学训练设施简编;

    Compendium of training facilities for meteorological and operational hydrology ;

  4. 虚拟赛事允许世界各地的电子竞技爱好者从家里或其他训练设施进行比赛。

    It allows e-sports fans around the world to compete from home or their training facilities .

  5. 教学训练设施正朝模拟化、电教化方向发展。

    The teaching and training facilities are developing towards a direction of simulating and electronic education .

  6. 墨尔本我有自己的训练设施,真叫人兴奋。

    I 'm building my own ( training ) facility in Melbourne , which is exciting .

  7. 这所学校拥有两个标准足球场地,还有教室、训练设施、更衣室以及餐厅。

    The academy has two full-size pitches plus classrooms , training facilities , changing rooms and restaurants .

  8. 埃尔文早前就去了美国踩点,他检查了训练设施并与当地媒体接触。

    Irwin travelled to America ahead of the tour , to assess facilities and promote the matches to local media .

  9. 由于没有集中训练设施,选手们只好到海外训练,否则只能在全国260家乒乓球俱乐部里训练。

    Because there is no central training facility , players are left to practice overseas or at one of the nation's260 table tennis clubs .

  10. 兄弟连目前拥有完善的拓展训练设施,一流的教练团队,能满足不同客户不同的拓展训练要求。

    Brother link have the consummation development training facilities at present , the first-class training team , can satisfy the different customer different development training request .

  11. 前曼联边后卫访问了堪萨斯、费城和多伦多会见当地球迷,检查训练设施并宣传球队。

    The former Reds full-back visited Kansas , Philadelphia and Toronto to meet local supporters , check out training facilities and spread the Manchester United gospel .

  12. 长白山滑雪场是滑雪、滑冰爱好者的理想运动场所,因为这里有设计精良的雪道,齐全的冬季运动训练设施以及惊险壮观的自然环境。

    The ski resort is an ideal place for skiing and ice-skating because of its well-constructed ski tracks , comprehensive winter sports training facilities and breathtaking environment .

  13. 他们选择这所学校的一个原因是,这里靠近一个拥有世界级训练设施的皮划艇激流赛中心,他们一开始就向学校解释了自己的体育梦想。

    The athletes chose the school partly because of its proximity to a white-water centre with world-class training facilities , and explained their sporting ambitions to the school at the outset .

  14. 一方面由于会所内各类刺客训练设施匪夷所思,器械库中满架杀人利器更令人触目惊心。

    On one hand there 's the disturbing sight of the advanced training facilities made available to assassins training here – a vast arsenal of weapons most sinister and painful adorn the racks .

  15. 周二,中国航天科技集团公司举行了公司历史上首次新闻发布会,邀请中国媒体及一家西方新闻机构的记者听取了其首席工程师的情况简报并参观了一处训练设施。

    On Tuesday CASC held the first press conference in its history , inviting Chinese journalists and one western publication to a briefing by its chief engineer and a tour of a training facility .

  16. 还有另一次高调的自杀,一年前的这个月,堪萨斯城酋长队球员约文·贝尔彻在开车前往球队的训练设施前射杀他的女朋友,随后把枪口对准了自己。

    And another high profile suicide , one year ago this month , Kansas City Chiefs player Jovan Belcher shot his girlfriend before driving to the team 's practice facility and turning the gun on himself .

  17. 随着建设环球影城主题公园和国家大剧院的训练设施的落成,文化工程将会提供更多的就业机会。

    Cultural projects will be carried out to provide more employment opportunities , as the construction proceeds on a Universal Studios theme park and a training facility for the National Center for Performing Arts , Lu said .

  18. 体育场配备了各种体育训练设施,有乒乓球、拳击、壁球、武术、举重、篮球、排球和游泳,也能够举办国际运动会。

    The stadium is equipped for a wide range of sporting disciplines , including table tennis , boxing , squash , martial arts , weight-lifting , basketball , volleyball and swimming , and also hosts international athletics competitions .

  19. 一座种马场和训练设施正在兴建当中,如果出问题,吴先生将损失惨重(93名在地方大学学习赛马专业的学生也同命相连)。

    With a stud farm and a training facility under construction , Mr Wu has a lot to lose ( as do the93 students who are studying for a degree in horse racing at a local university ) .

  20. 在中国,高军和队友们则回到了乒乓球运动的天堂:很多训练设施都宽敞明亮,像是一座座乒乓球的圣殿。所有这些场地里都有高水平的陪练,能和她们奋力拼杀很多回合。

    In China , Gao and her teammates returned to a table tennis haven : palatial facilities that double as shrines to the sport , all filled with training partners capable of making them sweat through an extended volley .

  21. 2利用多种途径,提高教练员队伍的知识水平,建立完善的教练员人才队伍。3改进和完善高校空手道场地、服装、护具等训练设施。

    Using a variety of ways to improve the level of knowledge coaches team to establish a better trainer personnel.3.Colleges and universities to improve and perfect the karate venue , clothing , protective gear and other training facilities . 4 .

  22. 加大科研投入、优化训练场地设施、医疗恢复与后勤保障条件、拓宽运动队经费来源。

    Scientific investment , optimize training facilities , medical restoration and logistics conditions , broaden the teams sources of funds .

  23. 前项紧急应变计划,应包含分工、通报系统、监测系统、训练、设施、处理措施及其它相关事项。

    The emergency response plans in the foregoing paragraph shall provide for a division of tasks , a notification system , a monitoring system , training , facilities , handling measures and other related matters .

  24. 加强专项技术素质的训练与辅助设施的跟进是发展该项目的前提。

    Strengthen expert ability training and assistant establishment is precondition of this item .

  25. 活动维持费主要用于部队训练、工程设施建设及维护和日常消耗性支出;

    Costs for maintenance of activities mainly cover training , construction and maintenance of facilities and running expenses .

  26. 调查显示,广西篮球传统学校训练场地和设施基本能满足学生训练的需要;

    According to the investigation , training field and apparatus of TBS can meet the needs of training on the whole ;

  27. 加大体育设施的投入,缩小项目间的投入差距,改善训练的硬件设施,提高运动员训练兴趣。

    Strengthen sports facilities , reducing the project investment gap between training , improve the hardware facilities , improve training interest . 4 .

  28. 两省排球训练的场馆设施需要维护与修缮;训练器材略显缺乏,较原始,教练员需借它物助训。

    The two provinces ' volleyball venue and facilities need maintaining and repairing ; train apparatus are scarce and relatively primitive , so coaches need lend other things to help training .

  29. 笔者分析了全国高校试办高水平运动队的规模、生源、训练、场地设施及经费等问题,提出了海南省高校试办高水平运动队的对策和建议。

    Based on the analysis of colleges and some suggestions and methods of colleges and university operating high level sports team , the author discussed the size , the sourse of athletes , the training , the equipment and the fund about universities operating hign level sports team .

  30. 训练场馆和辅助设施无法满足训练的需求。

    Training venues and auxiliary facilities can not meet the training needs .