
  1. 这对优化Internet性能、提高其服务质量以及拓宽网络服务业务从而推动Internet的发展者具有重要的意义。

    It is benefit to optimize the internet , to improve the quality of service and to widen the use of network business , and to spur the internet development in the future .

  2. 开展研究性学习,拓宽网络化教学

    Develop Researching Study , Expand Networking Instruction

  3. 微软(Microsoft)和业内其它公司认为,有一种更好的方法可以实现这个目标,拓宽通过网络获取图书的渠道。

    Microsoft and others in the industry believe there is a better approach to achieving that goal and broadening online access to books .

  4. 近年来,随着Internet的普及、应用范围的拓宽,网络已成为人们日常学习、生活不可缺少的一部分。

    In recent years , along with the popularization of the Internet and increasing the scope of application of the Internet , network has been the indispensable part of the people 's study and life .

  5. 互联网协议的开放性极大地方便了各种计算机连网,拓宽了网络共享资源。

    The openness of the Internet Protocols provides great convenience to the networking of various computers , extending the network sharing resources .

  6. 对网络分析仪进行非标准校正,可以解决被测件接头多样性且各种接头形式的标准件造价昂贵的问题,拓宽了网络分析仪的应用范围,提高了测量速度。

    The nonstandard calibration of network analyzer can solve the problems that the port types of devices under test are various and standard kits are expensive in the measurement of S-parameter .

  7. 网络环境的改变、信息技术的广泛应用,使图书馆的采购工作受到重大影响,图书馆的采购工作将拓宽到网络环境中去。

    Network change of environment , wide application of the information technology , make the interview work of the library receive great influence , The interview work of the library will widen to the environment of the network .

  8. 房地产业的崛起大大拓宽了网络广告的市场,网络广告的全面繁荣也为房地产的发展提供了更加充分的空间。房地产和网络广告相互依存的的格局已经形成。

    The rise of the realty business expends the market of the network advertisement , while the flourishing network ads provide adequate space for the business to make a full development , which means the mutually-dependent pattern has taken shape .

  9. 针对手段不断变化且更为狡猾的走私犯罪,缉私部门应从加强宣传预防、拓宽情报网络、切断走私犯罪资金链条等几个方面制定新形势下的走私犯罪整体防控机制。

    The anti-smuggling department should take appropriate measures to crack down on smuggling and build the social credit system by developing anti-smuggling information web , strengthening publicity and prevention , using anti-money laundering web to cut off the fund chain of smuggling and exploring the investigate model of smuggling .

  10. 提出了同时支持路由和网桥两种模式的VPN处理框架,拓宽了VPN网络的应用模式;

    Put forward vpn process which can sustain route and network bridge mode , which can broaden the network application mode .

  11. 而SOM神经网络实现轴流风机的故障诊断,则大大拓宽了神经网络在模式识别与分类方面的应用,因此具有深刻地理论研究意义。

    While the SOM neural network achieved axial fan fault diagnosis , which greatly expands the application of neural network in pattern recognition and classification .

  12. 而卫星通信技术的发展尤其是宽带卫星网络的逐渐成熟,又把我们研究的视野拓宽到卫星网络。

    While the development of broadband satellite based IP networks broaden our horizons then .

  13. 拓宽有线电视网络信息业务

    Opening Up the CATV Network Information Business

  14. 这是拓宽社交媒体网络和吸引粉丝的关键。

    It is the key to expanding a social media network and attracting a bigger audience .

  15. 文章以推进城市社区道德建设为目标,指出加强文明社区创建、拓宽社区教育网络、开展社区公德实践活动、建立社区公德监管制度、营造社区道德建设氛围是提升社区道德建设水平的有效途径。

    The paper is to develop community moral construction in city . And then analyses strengthening civil community moral construction , widening community education networks , taking community moral practice , constructing community supervision system .

  16. 自组网在不便利用现有的网络设施或现有网络设施被破坏的情况下提供一种通信支撑环境,拓宽了移动通信网络的应用环境,是生存性极强的网络。

    Because it can provide a communication environment when we can not use existing network facilities conveniently or the network facilities have been destroyed . MANET can broaden the appropriate environment of mobile communication .