
  1. 抵押效力范围的若干问题探讨

    On the Scope of Enforcement of Mortgage Claims

  2. 论抵押登记效力及其制度的完善

    On the Validity of Mortgage Registration and the Perfection of Its System

  3. 论光船租赁登记下的船舶抵押权效力

    Exhibition Spot Leases ( 1 ) Study on the effects of ships mortgage under the registration for bareboat chartered

  4. 所以如何保证抵押权效力的稳定与安全是抵押权制度设计的关键。

    Therefore , how guarantee the stability and security of the mortgage potency is the key to the mortgage system design .

  5. 我国现行立法和司法均不承认重复抵押的效力,学说上对该问题也多持否定的态度。

    Our country 's current legislation and administration of justice do not acknowledge the effect of repeated mortgage , hold more attitudes denied to this question on the theory .

  6. 指出浮动抵押的效力以及与其他担保物权效力的优先顺序,浮动抵押权实现的方式和程序。

    Point out that the effect of the floating charge , its ' priorities compared to other real rights granted by way of security as well as the way and procedure of its realization .

  7. 浅析在建工程抵押权的效力

    Simple Analysis on the Mortgage Right Effect of the Constructing Projects

  8. 如何确定其上的船舶抵押权的效力的准据法?

    How to define the applicable law on the ships mortgage ?

  9. 论重复抵押的法律效力

    The Simple Theory on the Legal Effect of Repeated Mortgage

  10. 抵押物转让效力之比较研究&兼评我国担保法第49条

    Validity of Transferring the Mortgage : a Comparative Study

  11. 我国动产抵押权优先效力研究

    A Study of Priority Validity of Chattels Mortgage

  12. 第三章阐述建造中船舶抵押权的效力。

    The third chapter elaborates the effectiveness of the mortgage on vessel under construction .

  13. 首先,笔者阐述了动产抵押权优先效力及其价值。

    Firstly , the priority validity of chattels mortgage and its value are discussed .

  14. 抵押登记行为效力的立法体例选择与物权变动的立法模式密切相关。

    Legislature system is closely connected with legislature model of the alteration of right in rem.

  15. 论最高额抵押权的效力

    On effect of ceiling amount of mortgage

  16. 论动产抵押公示的效力

    The Effort of Chattel Mortgage Demonstration

  17. 论未登记抵押权的效力

    On Effect of Unregistered Mortgage Right

  18. 试论无权抵押行为的效力

    On validity of unauthorized mortgage

  19. 抵押权的效力原则上及于抵押物的附合物、从权利,对从物则宜区分情形。在采取抵押权次序升进原则的情况下,应当承认所有人抵押。

    Distinguish the differen condition for the accessory thing , admit owner mortgage under the principle of order updating .

  20. 抵押权的效力是抵押制度的核心,也是实现抵押权功能的重要环节。

    The effect of mortgage is the core of system of mortgage , it is also the important sector for materialization of the mortgage .

  21. 因此,应肯定重复抵押的法律效力,允许当事人超出抵押物的价值部分再次设定抵押权。

    So , should affirm the legal effect of the repeated mortgage and allow the party goes beyond the mortgage 's value to establish the hypothec again .

  22. 建筑工程承包人优先受偿权的性质不明,且与在建房屋抵押权的效力冲突未规定;

    The character of the underlying indemnity right of a building-project constructor remains uncertain , and also there is no regulation on a possible effect collision between real estate mortgage guarantee and in-building housemortgage ;

  23. 本文针对动产抵押权优先效力问题,归纳为动产抵押权对抵押人的优先效力和动产抵押权对第三人的优先效力两种类型进行论述。

    Concerning the priority validity of chattels mortgage , this thesis categorizes it into two types - " the priority validity to the mortgagor " and " the priority validity to the third party " .

  24. 建议立法者在考虑如何赋于动产抵押权优先效力的时候,必须对动产抵押权人、动产抵押人和对该动产享有利益的第三人三方的利益部给予均衡的关照。

    It is suggested when the legislative body thinks about how to give priority validity to chattels mortgage , the mortgager , the mortgagor and the third party who enjoys the benefits must be given balanced attention .

  25. 而抵押权的效力是抵押制度的核心,也是理论上争议较大,立法上漏洞较多,实践中认识不一的环节。

    And the effect of the hypothec is the core of the system of the mortgage , dispute on bigger in theory too , legislate to have more loophole , does not know the link of one in practice .

  26. 而要完善动产抵押权的效力就必须制定明确与全面的优先权原则,明确规定在同一担保物上全部竞存权利持有人的优先受偿顺序。

    All these should be used as reference in China law . 4 ), Validity rule of chattel mortgage right should be perfected : ( 1 ) The principle of complete priority must be clearly formulated and prior compensation sequence of all right owners competing for the same guaranty .

  27. 本文就光船承租人设定船舶抵押权的效力,及光租合同下承租人的租货权与出租人设立的抵押权的关系等方面,论述了光租情况下,船舶抵押权设立。

    This paper expounds the establishment of mortgage of ships under bareboat charter party concerning the validity of the establishment of mortgage of bareboat charterers ' and the relationship between the shipowner 's mortgage of the ship and the charterer 's possession , employment and operation of the ship .

  28. 第二章对最高额抵押的设立和效力进行了研究。

    Chapter two researched the establishment and effect of the Maximum Mortgage .

  29. 房地产抵押权的对外效力研究

    Explore on the External Force of the Real Estate Mortgage

  30. 抵押权追及效力的立法证成

    A Study On The Trace Effect Of Real Right