
  1. 我国物权抵押实现制度的探讨

    On the Institutional Realization of Holding Property Right in Pledge in China

  2. 澳门房产抵押权实现的法律问题研究

    Research for the implementation of house property hypothecary Regulation of Macau

  3. 第二部分为抵押权实现的比较考察。

    The second part is about the comparative review of realization of hypothec .

  4. 所以笔者建议对抵押权实现的相关法律进行制定和修改。

    So I propose to formulate and revise relevant laws of hypothec fulfillment .

  5. 房地产抵押权实现中的权利冲突与衡平

    The Conflicts and Equity of Rights in the Realization of Real Estate Mortgage Right

  6. 本部分从立法层面、行政管理、司法程序、银行自身四个方面进行探讨,提出了对商业银行抵押权实现的诸多建议。

    This part analyze the legislative , administrative and judicial procedures , the bank itself suggestions .

  7. 抵押权实现的根本条件就是主债权已届清偿期而未受偿。

    The fundamental condition to realize the hypothec is the debt is due but not cleared .

  8. 第一部分为我国抵押权实现的现状分析。

    The first part is about the analysis of present situation of realization of hypothec in China .

  9. 行政包括,高度分散的登记体系和登记公示查询困难及租赁权对抵押权实现的影响三方面。

    The three aspects of administration , including the decentralized registration system , difficult registration and leasehold hinder .

  10. 接下来论述通过发展农村保险,拓展农村信贷抵押物实现农村金融供求协调。

    Constructing a rural insurance system could expand collateral to realize the coordination of rural finance supply and demand .

  11. 重点对抵押权实现的条件、方式和途径等关于抵押权实现方面的基本理论进行了分析。

    This part is selective analysis the conditions , the ways and the means of realization of the hypothec .

  12. 船舶抵押权实现中的诉讼程序适用法院地法。

    The law of the court is applied for the judicial proceeding in the enforcement of the ship 's mortgage .

  13. 立法因素包括,立法主体过多,追及力制度欠缺和抵押权实现保护途径的规定比较模糊三方面。

    Legislative factors include legislative body are too much , system lacks and the way to the provisions is blurred .

  14. 本文试从动产抵押的实现角度对此种担保制度作出阐明与论述。

    This article tries from the chattel mortgage to realize the angle to make the exposition and the elaboration to this kind of guarantee system .

  15. 第二部分,浮动抵押的实现,阐述浮动抵押的确定,包括结晶的事由、结晶的效力等。

    The second part , floating mortgage realization , the floating charge is determined , including crystallization , crystallization of the effectiveness of such matters .

  16. 第四章讲述了浮动抵押的实现规则,其内容包括浮动抵押的结晶、实现方式和实现的优先权顺位这几个问题。

    Chapter four describes the implementation of the floating charge , which includes the crystallization of the floating charge , implementation and realization of the priority pick these issues .

  17. 在市场经济发达的国家和地区,抵押权实现的立法和理论研究都已达到相当高的水平。

    The legislation and theory research on the realization of hypothec have been developed to a relative high level in the countries and districts where market economy has been highly developed .

  18. 本部分旨在突出《物权法》对抵押权实现程序的改进,抵押权人只要依据抵押合同和抵押权登记证书即可直接向法院申请拍卖、变卖抵押财产。

    This section is designed to highlight the jus rerum to improvement of the realizable process . The mortgagee can be directly to the court for auction or liquidate the mortgaged property according to a mortgage contract .

  19. 然而目前在我国,对抵押权实现问题的研究还不够成熟,现行立法和司法实践也存在许多问题,这给抵押权的顺利实现带来了许多困难。

    However , in China , the current study on the achievement of the mortgage right has not been mature enough , and also , the existing legislation and judicial practice also exist many problems , this phenomenon chokes off mortgages 's smoothly achieving .

  20. 房产抵押权的实现对促进这一目标的实现大有裨益。

    The implementation of house property hypothecation is beneficial to the realization of promoting these goals .

  21. 第四部分,房地产抵押权的实现和救济。

    Part four , the realization and relievation of real estate mortgage .

  22. 论抵押权的实现

    Discussion on The System of Joint Mortgage On the Realization of Mortgage

  23. 抵押权的实现是抵押权制度的重要环节,是债权人实现债权的保障。

    The realization of mortgage is a important tache of hypothecation and it ensure creditor to realize claim .

  24. 抵押权的实现,既是抵押权的最主要的效力,也是抵押权人的最主要的权利。

    It 's not only the uppermost effect of hypothec , but also the uppermost right of the hypnotherapy person .

  25. 《中华人民共和国物权法》背景下在建船舶抵押权的实现

    Realization of mortgage on ship under construction in the background of the Property Code of the People 's Republic of China

  26. 结合我国民法和担保法的有关规定,提出了我国船舶抵押权制度实现途径和方法。

    Unifies our country civil law and the guarantee method related stipulation , proposed our country ships mortgage system realization way and the method .

  27. 并进一步分析了以注册会计师的私人财富为抵押,是实现有效惩罚强有力的物质保障机制。

    And it further analysis that take CPA ′ s surplus wealth as the mortgage is the powerful material safeguard mechanism to realize the effective punishment .

  28. 关于抵押权的实现方式,物权法应增设强制管理方式、借用督促程序和赋予已登记抵押权以直接执行力;

    As the means of realizing mortgages , property law should include forced management and make immediate enforcement possible by means of proceedings of supervision on registered mortgages .

  29. 因此,笔者在探讨建设工程价款优先受偿权问题的同时,也分析了银行如何合理保护抵押债权的实现。

    Therefore , the author on the priority of claim in construction project issues at the same time , also analyzed the bank how to protect the realization of the right of mortgage .

  30. 而市场经济发达的国家通过住房反向抵押贷款,实现了以房养老,既提高了老年人的生活质量,又减轻了国家社会保障压力。

    In market economy developed countries , housing reverse mortgage loan is extended for realization of living out life in retirement with house , which not only raises life quality of the aged , but mitigates social safeguard stress of the state .