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qiǎnɡ mào zi
  • scalping;profit taking
  1. 摘要如何界定“抢帽子交易”的法律性质,在各国证券界一直存在争议。

    How to define the legal nature of scalping remains a disputable issue in the world securities industry .

  2. 2003年德国联邦最离法院对斯图加特“抢帽子交易上诉案”作出判决,裁定“抢帽子交易”不是内幕交易,而是市场操纵。

    In2003 , German Federal Supreme Court made a ruling on the scalping case that they were guilty of market manipulation rather than insider trading .

  3. 低买高卖被称为抢帽子,而在亏损时卖出以避免亏损扩大则属于割肉。

    Buying cheap to sell high later is known as fighting for the hat , while selling at a loss to avoid further losses is meat slicing .

  4. 男孩抢了他的帽子跑了。

    The boy grabbed his hat and ran .