
qiǎng jié
  • robbery;rob;loot;plunder;pillage;raid;despoil
抢劫 [qiǎng jié]
  • [rob;loot;plunder] 以暴力掠夺

  • 抢劫银行

抢劫[qiǎng jié]
  1. 她的父亲被企图抢劫他那间小零售店的人开枪打死了。

    Her father was shot by someone trying to rob his small retail store

  2. 他辩解说自己是“为了供养妻子和猫儿被迫去抢劫的”。

    He excused himself by saying he was ' forced to rob to maintain my wife and cat '

  3. 你未遭暴力抢劫,可以算是万幸了。

    You can think yourself lucky you didn 't get mugged .

  4. 一名男子因与这桩抢劫案有关已被逮捕。

    A man has been arrested in connection with the robbery .

  5. 光天化日之下,她在街上遭到抢劫。

    She had been mugged in the street in broad daylight .

  6. 抢劫就发生在光天化日之下的一条熙熙攘攘的街道上。

    The robbery occurred in broad daylight , in a crowded street .

  7. 他描述了抢劫案发生前的一系列有关情况。

    He described the sequence of events leading up to the robbery .

  8. 飙车抢劫者驾着偷来的汽车撞破商店橱窗。

    Ramraiders smashed a stolen car through the shop window .

  9. 行凶抢劫确实令许多老人心神不安。

    Mugging is a real worry for many old people .

  10. 我不会一个人去那儿,说不准会碰上抢劫的。

    I wouldn 't go there alone ; you might get mugged .

  11. 嫌疑人均有证据证明抢劫当天不在犯罪现场。

    The suspects all had alibis for the day of the robbery .

  12. 最近这一地区接连发生了多起抢劫案。

    There has been a spate of robberies in the area recently .

  13. 在银行抢劫案中有三名儿童被扣为人质。

    Three children were taken hostage during the bank robbery .

  14. 抢劫案中使用的武器是一件仿制品。

    The weapon used in the raid was a replica .

  15. 部队经过乡村,一路抢劫掳掠。

    The troops crossed the country , plundering and looting as they went .

  16. 抢劫过程中有三人被开枪打死。

    Three people were shot dead during the robbery .

  17. 购物的人把抢劫者摔倒在地上。

    Shoppers wrestled the raider to the ground .

  18. 我在来这里的路上遭到了拦路抢劫。

    I got waylaid on my way here .

  19. 凯特拼命去夺抢劫者的枪。

    Kate grabbed for the robber 's gun .

  20. 警方拘留了两名与上星期四的银行抢劫案有关的男子。

    Police are holding two men in connection with last Thursday 's bank raid .

  21. 他因持枪抢劫被判刑十年。

    He got ten years for armed robbery .

  22. 最近这里发生了几起行凶抢劫案。

    There have been several muggings here recently .

  23. 这起抢劫是一个四人团伙所为。

    A four-man gang carried out the robbery .

  24. 在这个地区行凶抢劫事件相对少见。

    Muggings are relatively infrequent in this area .

  25. 她步行回家时,他偷偷地接近然后下手袭击,并且抢劫了她。

    He stalked his victim as she walked home , before attacking and robbing her .

  26. 他将被遣返回英格兰面临持械抢劫罪的指控。

    He will be sent back to England to face a charge of armed robbery .

  27. 警察追踪抢劫犯到了机场,但是后来却失去了他们的踪迹。

    The police followed the robbers to the airport but then the trail went cold .

  28. 司机遭持枪抢劫。

    The driver was robbed at gunpoint .

  29. 有20多家商店遭到了抢劫。

    More than 20 shops were looted .

  30. 抢劫犯罪呈上升趋势。

    Mugging is on the increase .