- 网络naked short selling

Germany has announced a ban on naked short selling in German stocks , eurozone government bonds and credit default swaps linked to these bonds .
Naked short selling is often a speculative trade .
Last year Germany introduced a limited yet controversial ban on naked short-selling .
Non-transparent over-the-counter trades and naked short-selling reduced the stability of the system .
But naked shorting was strictly forbidden .
A naked short seller has not arranged to borrow the stock at the time of sale .
In potentially abusive naked ' ' short sales , shares are sold without being borrowed first .
The unilateral ban on naked short selling was described by one British official as " crackers " .
Chinese rules banning naked short selling – selling shares without owning them first – are also causing problems .
There is a case for restricting it in illiquid securities , where shorting may manipulate or distort prices .
Naked short selling is where an investors sells shares that they are yet to borrow as opposed to already borrowing .
In Germany and France , where so-called naked short selling was banned on all stocks , shares have also slumped .
Co-ordination is now lacking : Germany is banning naked short selling unilaterally and the US is pursuing its own financial sector reform .
That was because its existing regulatory regime already contained some of the measures imposed overseas , including a ban on " naked " short-selling .
Bans on so-called naked shorting selling shares that an investor neither owns nor has borrowed are already in place in Italy , Germany and Spain .
Japan was one of the many countries to impose a raft of trading rules during the financial crisis , which included a ban on naked short selling .
Asian regional indexes are well in the green , as market confidence seems to be creeping back into trading and Japan 's Finance Minister Nakagawa announcing a ban on naked shorts of Japanese stocks .
A decade ago , after the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis , Hong Kong outlawed naked shorting or selling shares and bonds that are neither owned nor borrowed and the ban has remained in force ever since .
But officials in Brussels , Paris and other EU capitals made little effort to disguise their surprise and irritation at the German move against naked shorting – selling securities such as shares and bonds that are not owned or are borrowed .
According to a person familiar with the matter , the planned Chinese pilot scheme would not allow " naked " CDs sales , when traders buy insurance on bonds they do not own .
Others , including Japan and France , have banned " naked " shorting , the practice of selling shares without first borrowing them , in the hope of buying them back before the first trade settles , while Taiwan has eased its ban in stages .