
wēi xié
  • threaten;terrorize;menace;intimidate;endanger;blackmail;imperil;cow;beat up on;beset;shake down
威胁 [wēi xié]
  • (1) [threaten]∶用武力、权势胁迫

  • 他们经常威胁弱者

  • (2) [endanger]∶使面临危险

  • 1991年,大水一度威胁这座建筑物

威胁[wēi xié]
  1. 新来的工人直接威胁到老工人的饭碗。

    The newcomers directly threaten the livelihood of the established workers

  2. 即使在离婚后他仍继续纠缠和威胁她。

    Even after their divorce he continued to stalk and threaten her .

  3. 他们威胁要一下子砍掉整个项目。

    They threatened to cancel the whole project at a stroke .

  4. 她在使自己和子女的健康遭受威胁。

    She was risking her own and her children 's health .

  5. 他们威胁说,如果不完成工作,就要提起诉讼。

    They threatened to sue if the work was not completed .

  6. 他威胁要解雇我,好像我多在乎似的。

    He threatened to fire me , as if I cared !

  7. 种族间紧张状态的升级是对我们社会的一种威胁。

    The increase in racial tension constitutes a threat to our society .

  8. 这伙人被认为是威胁国家安全的危险分子。

    The group was considered to be a risk to national security .

  9. 实施制裁的威胁是我们争取和平最有力的施压手段。

    The threat of sanctions is our most powerful lever for peace .

  10. 惩罚的威胁益发坚定了他们的决心。

    The threat of punishment has only stiffened their resolve .

  11. 老板威胁要削减更多的员工,令情况更加恶化。

    Bosses piled on the agony with threats of more job losses .

  12. 她最近具有的能力对他的男子汉气概是个威胁。

    Her new-found power was a threat to his manhood .

  13. 他觉得这对他的男子气概是一种威胁。

    He felt it was a threat to his masculinity .

  14. 数百条性命在大楼垮塌时受到了威胁。

    Hundreds of lives were threatened when the building collapsed .

  15. 活动家们为这家受关闭威胁的医院赢得了喘息的机会。

    Campaigners have won a reprieve for the hospital threatened with closure .

  16. 这是威胁社会基本结构的趋势。

    This is a trend which threatens the very fabric of society .

  17. 她以很有分寸的语气回答了他的威胁。

    She replied in a measured tone to his threat .

  18. 这份最后通牒含有武力威胁。

    The ultimatum contained the threat of military force .

  19. 毒品成为对社会的一大威胁。

    Drugs pose a major threat to our society .

  20. 她对这些威胁毫不在乎而不予理会,似乎很不负责任。

    Her casual dismissal of the threats seemed irresponsible .

  21. 我们对这类威胁非常重视。

    We take threats of this kind very seriously .

  22. 恐怖袭击威胁着政府的稳定。

    Terrorist attacks were threatening to destabilize the government .

  23. 由于受到失去工作的威胁,她感到很难再坚持下去。

    She felt constrained from continuing by the threat of losing her job .

  24. 由于炸弹的威胁,警方奉命将人撤离这栋大楼。

    Police had instructions to empty the building because of a bomb threat .

  25. 她没有被他们的威胁吓倒。

    She refused to be intimidated by their threats .

  26. 由于发生旱灾,明年将有数百万人面临饥饿的威胁。

    Millions will face starvation next year as a result of the drought .

  27. 这些威胁可不能等闲视之。

    These threats are not to be taken lightly .

  28. 他们对安全构成严重威胁。

    They pose a serious threat to security .

  29. 假如她威胁着要走,说不定他会清醒过来。

    If she threatens to leave , it should bring him to his senses .

  30. 袭击者用枪威胁他们。

    The attacker threatened them with a gun .