
  • 网络INVESTMENT;Investment Field;real investment
  1. 依据WTO规则,扩大外商的投资领域,取消对外资的不合理的限制,增加法律的透明度,加强对外资的管理,是今后我国外资立法要解决的主要问题。

    According as rules of WTO , extending foreign investment field , revocation of restrict for foreign investors , enhancement transparence of law and reinforcement management are mostly question , for foreign investment legislation of China in the future .

  2. 该理论是在结合中国大国经济特征的基础上,综合了西方主流和非主流FDI理论成果,为中国不同企业进入跨国投资领域提供了一个新的解释框架。

    On the basis of combining with the characteristics of Chinese great nation economy , the theory synthesizes western mainstream and no prevailing theories about FDI and supplies a new explanatory frame for different Chinese enterprises to enter transnational investment field .

  3. 和其他领域一样,投资领域获得成功的途径也是买进最佳商品。

    Buying the best is as sure a route to success in investment as in any other field .

  4. 回味投资领域的智慧时,我马上想到了近来苹果(Apple)股票令投资者连连亏损的情况。

    Spinning through this field of wisdom , I immediately thought of the travails surrounding apple ( AAPL ) .

  5. PPP在基础设施投资领域中运用的生态承载力分析

    Analysis of Ecological Carrying Capacity When PPP Applied in Infrastructure

  6. 特别是在国际直接投资领域,国民待遇问题实际上还没有被WTO提上议程。

    Actually , in the field of international direct investment , the principle of national treatment has not been placed on the agenda of WTO .

  7. 西方学者根据金融期权在实物投资领域的拓展,提出了实物期权(RealOption)理论,并结合博弈理论对技术创新的投资进行分析。

    Based on the finance option , western scholars put forward the real option theory , and together with the game theory , they analyze the investment for Technology innovation .

  8. 结果使得SWFs的投资领域和途径大大受到限制。

    As a result , the areas of investment and means of SWFs greatly restricted .

  9. 与风险投资领域的情况类似,IPO的标准也提高了,我们认为这是一件好事情。

    As it has on the VC side , the bar has been raised for IPOs , and we think that is a good thing .

  10. 但是,在现实生活中,特别是随着金融成为经济的中心,许多专业人士发现金融投资领域出现了大量的有悖于经典金融理论的现象&异常现象(Anomalies)。

    However , in reality , especially with financial activity becoming the economic center , many experts find some phenomena that deviate from the classic finance theory-Anomalies .

  11. 最后,本文结合VaR方法自身的局限性,对其应用于中国保险资金投资领域的制约因素作了尝试性的分析,并相应地提出了几点参考性的对策。

    Finally , combining the limitations of VaR , the paper analyses constrains that the application of VaR in field of insurance-funds investment in china , and put forward reference advice .

  12. 但是他说,跨国公司(TNC)担心海外投资领域会出现保护主义,这不是没有根据的。

    But , he says the TNC 's concerns about the risk of protectionism in foreign investments is not ungrounded .

  13. 组合管理思想由美国经济学家哈里·马科维茨(Markowitz)于1952年提出,它最初应用于风险投资领域。

    Portfolio management theory is applied to the field of venture capital at first , which was proposed by American economist Harry Markowitz in 1952 .

  14. 新一轮跨区域自贸区谈判在石油进出口国间的展开,包括中国与海合会自贸区谈判,在释放贸易创造效应的同时,无疑较WTO体制更有利于推进投资领域的正式甚至非正式合作。

    Another round of trans-regional FTA negotiations are ongoing between oil importing and exporting countries , including the China-GCC FTA talks . They could promote the trade expansion effects and encourage official and non-official cooperations in investment areas in which WTO are incompetent .

  15. 阿萨巴斯卡董事长比尔加拉切尔(BillGallacher)昨日表示:油砂项目是资本密集性很强的长期投资领域,很难在传统的股权市场上获得全额融资。

    Oil sands projects are very capital-intensive , long-term investments and difficult to fully finance in the traditional equity market , Bill Gallacher , Athabasca 's chairman said on Monday .

  16. 但面对矿业投资领域投资额大、周期长、技术工艺复杂、风险高等特点,DCF经常低估矿业投资项目的真实价值。

    But mining industry has characteristics such as large-scale investment , long period to recover , complicated technology and high-level risks . Method of DCF often underestimates the real values of mining investment project .

  17. 公私合作(Public-Private-Partnership,PPP)作为一种能够有效缓解政府部门在公共基础设施投资领域资金不足的融资模式,近年来越来越受到政府部门和私人投资者的青睐。

    As a form of project financing , Public-private partnership ( abbreviated as PPP ) which can effectively alleviate the shortage of funds of the government department has become more and more popular by both the government and the private investors in recent years .

  18. 在外商投资领域也一样。

    This is also true in the field of foreign investment .

  19. 在另项投资领域,纽约也保持着无可争议的领先地位。

    New York also remains the undisputed leader for alternative investments .

  20. 财务或投资领域需运用分析技巧的职务。

    A position requiring analytical skills in the financial or investment field .

  21. 民间资本进入风险投资领域的研究

    Research on Folk Capital Entering the Venture Capital Field

  22. 这一点在另类投资领域尤其明显。

    This is particularly evident in the alternatives areas .

  23. 在风险投资领域,战略联盟主要通过辛迪加方式来实现;

    The strategy alliance is realized through Sydicate pattern in venture capital field .

  24. 贸易和投资领域中,中外企业找到了一些大漏洞。

    Trade and investment offers a big loophole for Chinese and foreign firms .

  25. 最近,它们又涉足对冲基金投资领域。

    More recently , they have moved on to investing in hedge funds .

  26. 在金融投资领域,风险是个永恒并且倍受关注的主题。

    In the financial investment area , risk is an eternal and attention-attracting topic .

  27. 期货市场属典型的高收益,高风险投资领域。

    The futures market is a typical area of high profit and high risks .

  28. 二是拓宽投资领域。

    Second , expanding the area of investment .

  29. 两层委托代理关系中突显了风险投资领域的逆向选择与道德风险问题。

    Then adverse selection and moral hazard have become the key problems of venture investment .

  30. 这在国际投资领域来得更为突然。

    This comes suddenly to international investment .