
  • 网络Investment Technique;Inves Tech
  1. 但他的投资技巧是名副其实的世界一流,一名前员工说道。

    But his investment skills are authentic and world class , says one former employee .

  2. 21世纪投资技巧

    21 Century Investing Technique

  3. 最后,介绍广大中小投资者的自我保护,包括增强风险意识、灵活掌握投资技巧等。

    Then it discusses self-protection from medium and small investors themselves , including strengthening risk consciousness and grasping flexible investment skills .

  4. 对于基金经理而言,这使他们有机会不受限制地运用自己的投资技巧,找出最具投资价值的股票。

    For fund managers , this gives them the opportunity to use their skills to search out the best stocks without restriction .

  5. 创业板市场的较高风险性质及其他特点,意味著这个市场较适合专业及其他熟悉投资技巧的投资者。

    The greater risk profile and other characteristics of GEM mean that it is a market more suited to professional and other sophisticated investors .

  6. “如果价格完全反应既有的资讯,则这类的投资技巧将不存在。”一位现今教科书的作者如此与写道。

    " If prices fully reflect available information , this sort of investment adeptness is ruled out ," writes one of today 's textbook authors .

  7. 而将市场看作投票机的人则对一切投资技巧都持怀疑态度:他们相信,持续全民投票的结果反映的是集体智慧。

    Those who think of the market as opinion poll take a sceptical view of all investment skill : they believe that the result of the continuous referendum reflects collective wisdom .

  8. 但是当韦德默兄弟以此书的观点来炫耀自己独到的经济眼光和投资技巧时,他们其实更多地在证明营销的威力。

    But while the Wiedemers use the claims of their first book as proof of their economic and investing prowess , it 's really more correctly proof of the power of marketing .

  9. 对于那些将市场看作人的投资者来说,投资技巧就是了解市场先生的心理,比别人稍微快一些预见到他情绪的变化。

    For those who think of the market as a person , investment skill is understanding Mr Market 's psychology and anticipating , a little faster than others , his changing moods .

  10. 投资关键技巧。

    Investing in critical skills .

  11. 投资的技巧也是必要的,但是值得尝试。

    An investment in skills and enablement is also necessary , but it is well worth it .

  12. 我国房地产投资者投资决策技巧和风险防范能力较弱,本文主要分析了房地产投资性购买决策方法和风险及其防范,目的在于提高投资者投资技巧。

    In order to improve the skill of the investor in investment-oriented real estate purchase , the thesis analysis decision and risk in Investment-oriented real estate purchase mostly .

  13. 高科技风险投资&融资技巧

    VC Investment of High Technology & Financing Sleight

  14. 但是从互联网上可以获得越来越多的信息,不仅是年轻人,成年人也是如此。此举的目标是传授预算,节约,投资和消费的技巧。

    But more and more information is The goal is to teach about budgeting , saving , investing and using money .

  15. 所得出的基本结论是,将投资动机和合作技巧两个重要因素结合起来可以影响背景文化因素,中欧管理文化之间的某些相似性是中欧合资企业组织协同的原因;

    This article concludes that putting the two important factors of investment motives and cooperative skills together can have an effect on the cultural background . The similarities are the exact reason for the organization to achieve synergy in Sino-European JVs .

  16. 但撇开这些问题不论,许多人认为,为多个家族提供服务的家族事务公司能提供最佳资产管理途径,因为它投资的资产类别和投资技巧更多,同时又能与其他客户分摊成本。

    But these problems aside , many individuals conclude that a multi-family office provides the best means of managing their wealth because it can offer a range of investment skills across asset classes while sharing costs across a number of clients .

  17. 很多私人股本公司都是在行业基础上组建的,他们招募了资深的商界领袖,帮助其投资组合形成合适的投资与商业技巧搭配。

    Many firms are organised on a sector basis and have recruited senior business leaders to help bring the right blend of investment and commercial skills to each company in their portfolio .

  18. 弱市环境下的投资策略&从高送转公司的市场表现谈投资技巧

    Investment Strategies in Weak Market Environment & To Talk about Investment Strategies from the Performance of highly sending turn and generation company

  19. 本文在归类整理投资期投资收益计算公式基础上,主要阐述成本法下长期股权投资的核算技巧。

    This essay discusses the skills in long-term stock ownership investment accounting under the cost method as well as giving an account of the formulae for calculation of the investment income .