
  • 网络Standard & Poor's;S&P;Standard and Poor's;Standard and Poor's Rating;Standard & Poor's Ratings Services
  1. 标准普尔评级服务公司(Standard&Poor'sRatingsServices)说,由于一批短期房地产贷款将在今年到期,中国超过8万家房地产开发商可能面临一场生死存亡的考验。

    Standard & Poor 's Ratings Services says China 's more than 80000 developers could face a battle for survival as a wave of short-term property loans fall due this year .

  2. 本文作者NeerajSahai是标准普尔评级服务公司总裁。

    Neeraj Sahai is president of Standard & Poor 's Ratings Services .

  3. 约翰·钱伯斯是标准普尔评级委员会的主席。

    John Chambers is chairman of S & P 's sovereign ratings committee 。

  4. 经济上的疲态加上可能面临的更多制裁威胁足以促使标准普尔评级机构将俄罗斯的评级前景从“稳定”改成“负面”。

    The economic weakness combined with the threat of more sanctions was enough to prompt the Standard and Poor 's ratings agency to revise its outlook from " stable " to " negative . "

  5. 30家开发商由评级机构标准普尔给予评级,在今年的前5个月里便募集到了约80亿美元的5年期资金,而在2010年里则募集到了88亿美元(次数目被认为是创了纪录)。

    The 30 developers rated by Standard & Poor 's , a rating agency , raised about $ 8 billion of mostly five-year money in the first five months of this year , compared with $ 8.8 billion in the whole of 2010 , itself a record year .

  6. 标准普尔和其它评级机构所做的,不过是就主权债券得到偿付的可能性发表自己的意见,这是一种合法的行为。

    All that S & P and others do is to offer an opinion on the likelihood of sovereign bonds being repaid , which is a legitimate activity .

  7. 标准普尔如何进行主权评级

    How S & P makes sovereign ratings

  8. 标准普尔就贷款市场评级进行了长期咨询,该公司表示,在咨询过程中,回应者认为增加市场流动性至关重要。

    S & P said respondents to its long consultation process on loan market ratings had said that improving liquidity in the market was crucial .