
  1. 在信息和技术相对过剩的信息时代,智能化尤其重要而且应该存在于网络的每一个环节。

    In the information age with relatively excessive information and technology , intelligence is especially important and it should exist in every segment of the network .

  2. 和印度一样,菲律宾现在也存在技术工人过剩并且希望把他们派往国外,但这只是一种短期情形。

    Like India , the Philippines has an excess of skilled labour , and currently sees advantages in sending them abroad – but on a temporary basis .

  3. 目前的技术能力大规模过剩。

    There is massive excess capacity in technology today .

  4. 因此,需要利用储能技术吸收电网过剩的功率并在缺额时及时补偿,从而保证电力系统运行的稳定和用户的供电质量。

    Therefore , energy storage equipments must to be installed to absorb excess power and release when needed , so as to ensure power system stability and quality of supply .

  5. 根据蒙特利尔公约,四氯化碳作为化工原料是可以继续使用的,因此,开发它的原料用途和技术对于平衡过剩的四氯化碳产品,保护臭氧层具有重要的现实意义。

    However , its feedstock application in manufacturing non-ODS substances remains open , hence development of CTC conversion technology is of great significance both in balancing the excessive CTC product and in protecting the ozone layer of the earth .

  6. 在美国,各种新技术导致能源供应过剩。

    In the U.S. , new technologies have led to an energy glut .