
  1. 数字集群技术发展政策研究

    Development Policy for Digital Trunking Technologies

  2. 尽管坦桑尼亚的技术发展政策初现成效,但在技术收购、同化和改进上需要采取进一步的战略措施。

    Tanzania despite having well drafted technology development policies , strategic actions are needed in technology acquisition and assimilation and improvement .

  3. 文章继而深入探讨了政府促进就业的经济政策、人力资源开发政策、技术发展政策及失业保险政策等政策的就业效应。

    The thesis explores the effects of economy policy , human resource development policy , technology development policy and unemployment insurance policy which can promote employment .

  4. 文章围绕如何在新形势下搞好交通战备通信保障工作进行了较详细论述,并提出了九五交通战备通信的设想、技术发展政策和奋斗目标以及跨行业间的协调配合。

    The paper discusses communication ′ s guarantee work of traffic combat readiness under new situation , and proposes communication ′ s tentative plan , technical development policy and the objective etc.

  5. 铁路运输装备高新技术发展的政策建设

    Suggestions on the Development Policy for High-tech of Railway Transportation Equipment

  6. 实现高新技术产业发展政策的制度创新。

    Innovating the system of development of hi-tech industry policies .

  7. 我国生物技术产业发展政策建议

    Suggestions of Measures for the Development of the Biotechnology Industry in China

  8. 并以湖南省为例,选择深圳等10个城市与湖南进行高新技术产业发展政策体系比较,提出湖南政策体系建设的建议。

    Several suggestions are presented in the construction of Hunan provincial policy system of high-technology industry .

  9. 对于科学技术促进发展政策担任着重要角色应该没有什么政治分歧。

    There should be little political disagreement on the vital role of science and technology for development policy .

  10. 现在已经是把农业劳动者放在技术和发展政策的中心地位的时候了。

    The time has come to put the farm labourer at the heart of technology and development policies .

  11. 文章就此提出了四条途径:1.进行高新技术产业发展政策的思路创新;

    The thesis puts forward four paths : 1 . Innovating the way of thinking of the development in hi-tech industry policies ;

  12. 从金融深化、投资观念转变、信息技术发展以及政策支持等角度分析其在我国产生的根本原因。

    In addition , it analyzes the fundamental causes of financial disintermediation in the view of financial deepening , investment concept change , information technology development and the policy support .

  13. 面对这些严峻的现实,我国从政府到企业,均出台了一系列的支持技术发展的政策,营造了鼓励技术创新的良好环境。

    Facing to the severe reality , both Chinese government and corporations have created a good environment to encourage the development of technology and made a series of policies to support such a development .

  14. 本研究的目标就在于分析我国消费者对转基因食品的态度及其影响因素,并在此基础上探讨其现实意义,为我国农业生物技术发展的政策决策提供科学依据。

    This research aims at analyzing the attitude of Chinese consumers towards genetically modified foods and factors influencing such attitude , on which foundation actual implication of such attitudes will be explored to provide a scientific basis for policy decision-making on China 's development of agricultural biotechnology .

  15. 伴随科学技术的发展,政策理论的推进,DCD逐步分化成为可控型DCD和不可控型DCD。

    With the development of science and policy theory propulsion , DCD gradually became two types , controllable DCD and uncontrollable DCD .

  16. 我国现代农业生物技术的发展和政策取向研究

    Study on Development and Policy Choice of Modern Agricultural Biotechnology in China

  17. 中国高新技术创业与发展政策研究

    The Exploration on the Policies Practices of Chinese New and High-Technology Pioneering Business

  18. 对21世纪生物技术发展规划和政策的制定提出了建议。

    Some advice for developing plan and policy-making in biotechnology in21th century was given .

  19. 中国高技术医用设备发展政策与市场前景分析

    Analysis of development policies on and market prospects for high-tech medical devices in China

  20. 湖南省高新技术产业发展的政策环境研究

    A Research to the Policy Enviroment of High Technology Industry Development of Hunan Province

  21. 完善我国高新技术产业发展税收政策的基本思路

    Basic thought on perfecting the revenue-supporting policy about developing the new-high technical industries in China

  22. 中国危险废物污染防治技术发展趋势与政策分析

    Development Trend and Policy Analysis on Prevention and Control Technology of Hazardous Waste Pollution in China

  23. 保障高新技术产业发展的政策、法律法规不健全,提出建立符合市场经济的经济运行机制,这些机制包括:建立以企业为主体的技术创新运行机制;

    These mechanism are including : Establish economic operation mechanism that enterprise is technology innovation corpus ;

  24. 作者认为,建立高新技术产业发展的政策特区是推动我国高新技术产业发展的重要举措。

    Establishing the special policy zone is the important act to promote the development of high-tech industry .

  25. 这种状况的出现与北京促进高新技术产业发展的政策不完善有很大的关系。

    The appearing of this situation is mainly related to the faultiness of the promoting policies of Beijing .

  26. 文章第三部分重点探讨了完善我国公共财政支持高新技术产业发展的政策建议。

    The third part of the paper puts forth public finance policy suggestions in the development of new high-tech industry of China .

  27. 对不同的技术发展时期,政策制定应该关注不同的因素影响作用,引导积极因素,削弱消极因素。

    So the policy implication is that we should focus on different factors in different technology life circle , developing positive factors and weaken negative factors .

  28. 接着,分析中兴通讯增长环境,包括:快速增长的广阔市场,适宜高新技术企业发展的政策环境。

    And the economic growth environment of ZTE is analyzed , including the rapid growth of the broad market and the appropriate policy environment for the development of high-tech enterprises .

  29. 系统研究高新技术产业发展公共政策选择问题是一个关系我国高新技术产业发展、关系整个经济结构调整和经济增长方式转变的重要课题。

    Nowadays , the research on the Choice of High-and-New Technology Industries Developing Public Policy is widely discussed , for it concerns the development of high-and-new technology industries , economic structure , and the way the economy grows .

  30. 在上周(9月22日)于美国纽约举行的77国集团(G-77)131个成员国外长的年会上通过了这个决定。这项提案的目的是让科学技术更加接近经济发展政策的核心。

    The move is intended to put science and technology closer to the heart of economic-development policy .