
  • 网络skill tree;Plague Skill Tree
  1. 请问我们能否重置技能树?

    Will we be able to reset the skill tree ?

  2. 技能树窗口调整。

    Improved the skill tree window usage .

  3. 现在,她的技能树上又多了个烘焙。

    Now , she 's added cake-making to the mix .

  4. 我们游戏的缔造者草拟技能和天赋树的气壮山河的语句时,曾向每一个人许下了诺言。

    When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence , they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir .

  5. 我们看到正在兴起的一些关键技能包括理解语义树以及能够使用不同的工具。

    One of the key skill set that we see emerging is to understand the semantic tree and be able to use the different tools .