- scanning line;trace;scanning strip

Using scanning line method , calculates the field value of image element on dam section and relative color value , draws out the color contour which colors change continually .
Study on improving image quality with transmission attenuation correction [ OBJECTIVE ] A ~ ( 153 ) Gd scanning line source transmission attenuation correction system ( TAC ) of SPECT was evaluated with phantoms and patients .
Data Organization Method Discussion Based on LED Screen of Multi-scanning-beam
This paper puts forward two pattern filling methods based on scan line and graphics clipping .
Improvement of obtaining Z coordination in the scan - hidden algorithm
Reconstruction of freeform surface in AutoCAD based on scanning beam data
Scanning beam based block division algorithm for AutoCAD drawings
A new design rule checking approach based on scan line algorithm for IC layout was proposed .
Z-buffer Scan Line in 3D Clipping
Presents an improved algorithm of obtaining Z coordination in the scan - hidden in the literatur [ 1 ] .
The process of surface reconstruction of " cloud " data by UG NX 2 software is explored .
As an improvement to z-buffer method , scan-line method decreases the demand for systemic resources and improves the efficiency at the same time .
In 1994 , Gordon and his group developed a fast polygon scan conversion ( CP ) based on object space .
Therefore , making a thorough study on the epipolar rectification technology involved in 3D video programs shooting and post-process , which addresseses the misalignment of scan lines , is of great significance .
A new visible algorithm for constructive solid geometry ( CSG ) modeling was given .
New DRC Approach Based on Scan Line Algorithm
Firstly , after comparing the results of non-uniform and quasi-uniform B-spline curve reconstruction for data points , which are free distributed in a line , the non-uniform B-spline is used for its adaptive characteristic to general situation as the basis function .
More complex regions can be stored internally in GDI as a series of scan lines derived from the original definition of the region .
After positioning the lamps coordinates of testing unit board , we use the Scan Line Seed Fill Algorithm to collect the gray value of the connected domain of each light , and calculate the average of that as the light grey value .
Introduced the scan line algorithm for polygon filling and realized it using VC + + . The program can process any polygon including self-intersectant ones .
The scanning beam way was used to creating the bitmap data . Combined with the character of the layered contour of slicing the CAD model in rapid prototyping system , a new algorithm of creating bitmap based on the contour edge was proposed .
Even when processing high resolution footage at32-bit floating point precision on modest hardware , NUKE 's multi-threaded , scanline-based rendering engine gives rapid feedback .
In this paper , two algorithms of exhaustive search and substitution based on the constant length and neighborhood correlation of scan lines are proposed to improve image quality , at the same time , the details of realization by using digital signal processor is discussed .
To design and implement radar raster display system in terms of Visual C + + and OpenGL , this paper proposes a new scheme that the afterglow of scanning lines and radar target simulation can be realized by drawing lines in a fixed sector .
Combined the cotton socks manufacturing process requirements with computer graphics technology , this system has achieved the management of dynamic palette , the management of the color index , re-design common graphics API function and improved the scan line seed fill algorithm . 4 .
Using scan line algorithm and improved Delaunay algorithm to generate triangulation meshes . Mesh generation of 2D area is the first step of finite element calculation . The validity of the triangulation guarantees the correctness of the result of the finite element calculation .
Based on the Z - Buffer algorithm , scanning line algorithm , and depth prior algorithm , a new speedy hidden algorithm for network curved surface is suggested in this paper .
The paper gives out a method to combine non-convex figures into a convex one , a method to get bumping region by using NFP , and a scanning-line method to search the gaps among adjacent figures ;
Area Filling Scan Line Algorithm with Pushing New Area into Stack
The scan-line is better than the seed fill in efficiency .