
sǎo miáo chénɡ xù
  • Scanning program;scanner program
  1. 软件设计主要包括AD转换、软件校零、报警、LED动态扫描程序和按键程序的设计等等。

    Software design mainly includes AD conversation , Zero , Alarm , LED dynamic scanning and key-press program design .

  2. 执行词法分析的程序称为词法分析程序或扫描程序(Scanner)。

    Perform lexical analysis program called lexical analyzer or scanner ( Scanner ) .

  3. 尽管扫描程序是找到Web站点中可能存在的漏洞的很好方式,但是由于存在误报,最好的安全公司还总是要手动测试可能的漏洞。

    Although scanners are a good way to find possible vulnerabilities in a Web site , the best security companies always test possible vulnerabilities by hand for false positives .

  4. 简单来说,Eclipse扫描程序将Document范围中的字符转换为一系列存有任意数据Object的Token。

    Put simply , Eclipse scanners convert characters in a Document range into a series of Tokens that hold arbitrary data Objects .

  5. 修复程序首先让扫描程序分析遭到破坏的区域并生成一些Token。

    The repairer starts by telling its scanner to analyze the damaged region and produce Tokens .

  6. 如果是,扫描程序返回一个针对该分区的Token,并报告其偏移量及长度。

    If so , the scanner returns a Token for that partition and reports its offset and length .

  7. 与简单的扫描程序不同,AST理解语言元素(它们不再只是“标记”)之间的关系。

    Unlike the simple scanner , an AST understands the relationships between language elements ( they are no longer simply " tokens ") .

  8. 例如,当C扫描程序读取到c、o、n、s、和t时,它会返回一个代表关键字const的单个标记对象。

    For example , when a C scanner reads in the characters c , o , n , s , and t , it returns a single token object representing the keyword const .

  9. 结果发现:随着心房负扫描程序刺激,6例AH间期逐渐延长,1例间歇性延长,6例有AH间期跳跃现象;

    Results showed that with atrial S 1S 2 stimulus , A _ H interval lengthened in 6 cases , prolonged intermittently in 1 case , and jump phenomenon of A _ H interval was detected in 6 cases ;

  10. 【方法】分别用OCT和AC-OCT的高分辨单线扫描程序(HighResolutionCorneal)、角膜地形图程序(PachymetryMap)测量30例(30只眼)正常受试者的CCT。

    [ Methods ] The CCT of 30 eyes of 30 normal persons were measured by OCT and AC-OCT with the high resolution corneal and pachymetry map procedure , respectively .

  11. 例如,一个实现了使用IPSEC的VPN系统的公司,如果其病毒扫描程序只审查防火墙边界的电子邮件,就不能对蠕虫或病毒免疫。

    For example , a company that implements a VPN system using IPSEC isn 't immune from a worm or virus if its virus scanner only inspects email at the firewall border .

  12. 注:ITerminalSymbols定义了扫描程序可以返回的标记名称,它们对应于Java语法的标准标记。

    NOTE : ITerminalSymbols defines the token names that a scanner can return , corresponding to the standard tokens of the Java grammar .

  13. 方法利用全身CT扫描机,采用动态系列扫描程序对22例肝转移瘤患者进行CTSP检查,并与B超、CT平扫及CT增强扫描作对照。

    Materials and Methods CTSP was performed in 22 cases of hepatic metastatic tumor with dynamic sequence contrast scanning , and the results were compared with those of B ultrasound , precontrast CT and contrast-enhanced CT scans .

  14. Wikipedia关于伊拉克战争和关塔那摩的话题已经被个人编辑过了,经过扫描程序猜测,这可能是FBI和CIA干的。

    Entries in Wikipedia involving subjects such as the Iraq War and Guantanamo Bay have been edited by individuals using FBI and CIA computers , a scanning program indicates .

  15. 磁共振检查:使用磁共振仪器,选择已经确立的最佳扫描程序对A1、A2与B组在牙尖交错位时的双侧颞下颌关节进行扫描成像。

    MR examination : Using MR machine , both TMJ sides of group A1 、 A2 and B were scanned and imaged in the intercuspal contact position ( ICP ), with the established optimum scanning method . 3 .

  16. 例如,如果RepeatableRead(RR)扫描程序已经读取了分区但还没有提交,分离会等到RR扫描程序完成操作后,再使分区不可见。

    For instance , if a Repeatable Read ( RR ) scanner has read the partition but not committed yet , detach will wait for the RR scanner to complete before it can make the partition invisible .

  17. 本文介绍将(PASCAL)(PAS1)编译程序前端程序中的扫描程序,改造成能够使用汉字标识符扫描程序的一种方法。

    This paper introduces how to change the scanner inside the PASCAL Compiler 's Leading End Program ( PAS1 ) into the scanner available the Chinese identifier .

  18. 两种扫描程序测量RNFL厚度的ROC曲线下面积在全周平均及下方最大,为0.959-0.973。

    The areas under ROC curve of mean value in circle and inferior RNFL thickness measurements of the two different scanning protocols were 0.959-0.973 , which were more than that of in the other three quadrants .

  19. 而且中国的移动手机内部已经自带二维码扫描程序。

    And mobile phones there already have scanners embedded in them .

  20. 磁盘扫描程序会还恢复上一层文件夹,修复错误。

    ScanDisk repairs this error by restoring the correct top-level folder .

  21. 病毒扫描程序在扫描邮件时检测到一个或多个病毒。

    Virus scanner detected one or more viruses while scanning a message .

  22. 病毒扫描程序放入隔离区的独立文件总数。

    Total number of separate files put into quarantine by virus scanner .

  23. 伺服控制系统键盘扫描程序的处理

    The Development of the Key-scan Method of the Servocontrol System

  24. 地震频度、地震能量密度扫描程序在熊岳&盖县地区的应用

    An applicationof scan programme of seismological frequency and energy density

  25. 磁盘扫描程序在此驱动器没有找到任何错误。

    ScanDisk did not find any errors on this drive .

  26. 因为有文件正打开,所以“磁盘扫描程序”无法继续。

    ScanDisk could not continue because of open files .

  27. Xerces-C++的主要组件之一是扫描程序。

    One of the major components in Xerces-C + + is the scanner .

  28. 因为系统出现严重错误,所以继续磁盘扫描程序。

    ScanDisk continue because a serious system error occured .

  29. 对于病毒扫描程序之类的工具,不应将其配置为可修改站点地图文件。

    Tools like virus scanners should not be configured to modify site-map files .

  30. “磁盘扫描程序”无法继续,因为软盘已经从驱动器取出来了。

    ScanDisk could not continue because the disk was removed from the drive .